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Then buy every potato in bulk and give it out to people.

imagine wanting a multiple farms to go bankrupt and have farmers (the people needed to grow the food) starve to death because people are too greedy to pay for the produce.

Socialists seem to always want to divide up someone else's peoperty, never their own.

Yeah. Capitalism is pretty dumb. Almost as dumb as Anarchy and Communism.

Why would they go bankrupt? Who is breathing down their necks to sell sell SELL? Is it perhaps jewish capitalists?

They won't starve they have loads of potatoes

>He forgets that farmers are subsidized by the government so that they never go bankrupt again like in the 1930's

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I am quite leftist, but this is dumb as fuck. These idiots learned nothing from the past, when they gave African countries food for free.

Do they want a real leftist idea? The state should buy all those potatoes for market prices and then sell it to the companies for a discount (thus subsidizing it) and force the companies per law to sell the end product cheaper.

You know you would be sent to hard labor camp in Siberia, for insulting your glorious jewish leaders.

>hurp de durpty
>industries that are dependent on state funds to exist without collapsing aren't actually state property because of this one neet loophole that I am to stupid to understand
>yes, please use my tax dollars to prop up billion dollar industries that outsource their high paying jobs and import 3rd world labor to do more menial tasks
>I'm a fruit cake capitalist cuck and I love the taste of jewish billionaires shitting violently down my throat as they continue to lower my standard of living and replace me with foreigners in my homeland

a true anarchist would torch that pile of spuds.

raw potatoes have no shelf life, urban idiot

if they give away all the produce then they have none for self and can no longer grow any more because they need the money to pay for the farm to stay functioning.
you can't have super farms without money.
you can't get that amount of money without loans.
if there were never banks in the first place we would never be able to have farms big enough to feed massive amounts of people because invasion, war, famine, and death would result.

you might be a nice enough person to want to work well with others for the greater good of humanity.
the others that aren't as altruistic as you would kill you and use your corpse as food.
you cannot erase humanity's evil.
basing you economic beliefs on such a foolish ideal that you could is non-beneficial.

this is why capitalism is the most compassionate.
it keeps everything checked and balanced.
your job pays you enough to buy some potatoes, buy them, don't expect them for free.
because it was somebody else's job to grow the potatoes, package them, ship them, store them, and present them for purchase.

when the greed kicks in, we're supposed to put it in check by refusing to buy it.
instead we just buy the bullshit and bitch about it later.
that's not a fault of capitalism, that's a fault of consumerism.

Or maybe we should just have a state education system that teaches people not to be lazy retarded useless eaters who can't grow crops and don't know how to cook and are entirely reliant on shitty fast food products like french fries.

>he didn't read the article that says they're dutch farmers
pretty sure the dutch aren't protected like that.

The #1 leading cause of Irish deaths

That's what you get when most of your population only eats vegetables or meat when it is packed in a cardboard and don't know how to cook basic food with farm produce

>Why would they go bankrupt?
It costs money to fertilize, grow and harvest the potatoes, you gigantic faggot.
If they just give it away they won't have money for the next harvest.

Trust a Commie to get upset over potatoes. Potatoes were used as hard currency during the Cold War. OPs picture could even be a Soviet-era bank.

Can you prove they aren't? I would imagine that anywhere there is profit to be made there is a jewish controlled government propping up that apparatus and milking it for all it's worth.

>prove a negative
Are you retarded?

My bad, I only saw your flag as the thing important to care about. They're European, who cares? No ideology would save them from sucking.

i have no idea about dutch farming laws and policies.

I support your idea

There wouldnt be a huge surplus if it wasnt for capitalism funding the potatoes production.

Enlighten me.

>Or maybe we should just have a state education system that teaches people not to be lazy retarded useless eaters who can't grow crops and don't know how to cook
we actually are taught these things here in holland as children

>Just pay out of your own pocket to ship all these potatoes to people, incurring devastating financial losses on your investment!

with things i don't know about?

The real problem are EU subsidies, which incentivizes dumping cheap agricultural goods onto the market.

Why would farmers agree to work their asses off for free making food to people who don't contribute anything themselves ? If you can't even afford potatoes you can't be contributing to society.

So who compensates the farmer?

That's good.

Sorry. I read your post wrong. My bad.

A lot of these potatoes are farmed for restaurants, but since these are all closed, there is now a surplus.

>capitalism produces vast surpluses
>socialism produces mass graves
sounds about right

You don't have shit anyway. Stop acting like you understand economics

Even capitalist philosophers advocate controlled economy they just differ on when

Just have the state buy these things, then have people come for it for distribution.

The moral precedents, Duke! The moral precedents! If you give it away once, you must give it away forever!

Oh yeah great idea, everyone can have a potato farm in their backyard. I support being independent from the system as much as possible by growing as much food on your own as possible. I don't think everyone has the resources to grow enough though, and farms are a necessary function of any civilized society.

The part I don't understand is this:
All those people who usually eat at restaurants still have to eat. So what the fuck are they eating now?

Even in the UK some secondary schools have a "food tech" lesson where kids cook basic shit and have to find some recipes and ingredients to cook with

Mine did at least.

Even then I only started cooking for myself when I was at university and decided I didn't want to subsist on potato shapes and frozen meals for 3 years like most around me did.

I'm gonna dump 50 tons of potatoes on OP's house.

I mean historically they were heeled into soil that way they can be dug up and used throughout the winter all through late spring or early summer depending on variety. They should probably donate them if they risk rotting or make alcohol out of them since that’s in demand right now.

The difference is that nothing is stopping a capitalist from giving it away to people in cases like this. In fact I've heard numerous stories of almost this exact thing happening and at least one story of a man who is making MORE money after creating a direct-to-market company selling meat.

It's amazing what people can do when given the FREEDOM to CHOOSE.

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Communists not understanding how farming works, big surprise there.

you really took the 15 seconds to make that.
almost impressive.

usually the farmers get fucked over by contracts from large buyers, they cut them down to such a low price its hardly worth picking the crop, while the customer gets ripped off by the same fuckers.
(what you pay per kg of spuds is more than they pay per ton, last i heard)
farmers need to start telling large supermarkets to shove it, but of course they can just go get spuds from some place else.
its a global economy problem.

>implying it's my oc

lol just give him money stupid like just hand it to him lol

i'm now even more impressed that you sought it out for a post.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't just ask me to do something myself, it has to be by goverment decree!!!!

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they eat at home, as they always shouldve done

This world will die, drown in its own stupidity

>socialism produces mass graves for white people
fixed it a little for you other than that spot on friend

farmers are leeches who live off tax payer funded subsidies

leeches don't produce, user.
farmers produce.

why cant farmers eat potatoes

Why is ok for the government to bail out useless airlines like we need hundreds of those companies but is not ok to bail out crop growers who will give this away to needed people?
Is it because of the promises of a future and by future i mean never, they will pay that money back but the grower will always be struggling to grow another crop because of the bull shit system that will always forever keep them in debt through different tier pay outs and meaningless competitions just to keep them struggling against one another just to keep the fucking farm with out every actually bringing a profit?

Shut the fuck up with your impotent boomer tier rants of socialism as if you understood how the fucking system actually works, so some research and you'll find out the flavor of pseudo capitalism you're being served to this day is a straight up fucking scam against your own interest.
Go back to fucking mcnuggets wage slave you'll never get out the rat wheel, not even you drop dead the irs will come to clean your bank count of whatever the fuck you had left

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> a potato producer can easily set up a completely new processing and delivery chain overnight.

> Getting potatoes from a field in the prairies to a shelf in your Los Angeles safeway is very easy

> potato producers are extremely malevolent and would rather their potatoes rot in storage than give them to the hungry

As someone who works in engineering in agricultural processing, I can assure you none of that is true

So how are the farmers going to pay to grow the next billion kg potatoe pile?
You seriously so stupid you think it's costs nothing to grow a billion kg of potatoes?

read the rest of the thread to find out.

Well they got a shelf life of like 6 months
Unless they are stacked in a billion kg pile, then I guess they won't last as long

Alright, now where are you going to get the money to hire the trucks to transport those potatoes, the money to hire the locations to store them, etc.

In reality the surplus probably will be sold at massively reduced prices to the third world or made into animal feed. Some food will be wasted but not having totally perfect elasticity in production is not a problem of capitalism, it's a problem of plants taking a fucking year to harvest.

Not quite, but there is a lot of subsidy flowing their way but less than others because you get subsidy per ha rather than yield, and the dutch do alot with a little.

opinion discarded.

How much do you think all that potato crop is in bulk price?
2 million
3 million
10 millions?

If we pitch that out the American airline bail out, they won't even notice and at the end of the day it was my tax money I made working 12 fucking hours a day 7 days a week that made that fucking crop possible

But user, in an actual capitalist system the airlines WOULD just go bust.

The only form of socialism we have in the US is socialism of losses.


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lol you should try comparing their dollar in dollar out ratio, especially in europe

Based Indian, at least your people know how to cook.

Boomer detected
Go get Corona faggot and drop dead, I'll buy your fucking farm for a discount

Sure. There is no reason not to have farms to compensate subsistence farming. But if a large farm requires substantial bailouts on a regular basis it should probably just be nationalized, and it is essential already, and it should have its production planed by the state. Either that or it should be allowed to fail.

Piles of potatoes will actually create a noxious gas.

This dumbass realizes how much work it is to move potatoes, right? I don't see him putting ANY elbow grease into it.

Damn, as a vegan, that pile is pure gold.

>you bought the land
>you bought the machines
>you bought the seeds
>you bought fertilizer
>you bought pesticides
>you bought labor
>you bought storage facilities

Carrying the risk of failure every step of the way. The moment when you experience difficulties, some mouth breathing commie demands you should give it away for free.
They won't even cover transport and distribution. They want YOU to make them a potato salad and drop it at their door, otherwise they proclaim capitalism failed.

Commies are ought to be clobbered to death, as shooting them with bullets is a waste.

You dont work 11 hours a day 7 days a week and you dont make enough that your taxes are a net benefit to the system. Stfu

Turns out restaurants waste a shitload of food.

>late capitalism

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money is not a product, user.

because industrial agribusiness is the crop equivalent of airlines. they deliberately manipulate the sentimental image of smiling family farm man in coveralls when in reality they're major corporate enterprises relying on on the finance sector for rolling liquidity. your average western "farmer" in 2020 is basically a middle manager who's employees are cows/potatoes

>There was no economic input to produce those potato's
>It's just food brah, give it to people
You're a fucking moron, please be the first occupant of the gulag they'll name after you.

opinion still discarded.

so let them keep some potatoes

Yup, the only family farms left are those belonging to retired old fuckers doing it for fun.

Food literally is a national security interest so making sure farmers are farming is important.

Any net importer of food or major large net importer of energy can be cucked.

I'm better off than ever.

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>Just feed the nigge--I mean--animals. I'm sure that it'll all work out, and not in any way, shape, or form backfire.

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without the ability to grow more the supply runs out.

Lmao at commies. I'm rich and inherited much of it.

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it is, though, that's why there's a warehouse full of potatoes that are going to rot. potatoes grown in large part on the taxpayer's dollar