Vitamin C WORKS

A month ago I came down with regular cold symptoms: Stuffy nose, congestion, mucus. Developed into a severe cough and chest pains which lasted a week and was giving me headaches. My gf developed same symptoms but about a week after. It subsided for me the day before Italy locked down. Felt slightly run down for a few days but must've had an adrenaline kick from the happening because then I woke up one morning with flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, aches and pains, migraines, even worse fatigue and a really fucking sore throat. 2 days later it's gone and I feel great.

But here's the thing - I've been taking 1000mg Vitamin C almost every day for last few weeks or so after I heard rumours it works. And by God I think it did. My gf eventually developed the flu-like symptoms when I started feeling better but hers are a lot more severe and have lasted a lot longer. Again fever, dry cough, headaches and body pain, sore throat, but breathing normal. Says she's never felt this sick before. She wasnt taking vitamin C everyday though, only once when I asked her too. Situation improved slightly but still worried about her.


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>I got a flu and took vitamins and it went away as it does anyway
>therefor it helps against corona

hehe Berocca go fizzzz

I hope you remember me someday

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Tastes nice too. Like a cheap version of Fanta

I am immune to this shit, I never get ill or get a flu. The whole world dies before me

Then you've never developed some level of tolerance to the pain you feel when you do get the flu. It ain't like your non-standard cold, you don't want to move for a week. And Corona is already killing more than 20 times the amount. All I'm saying is you've been warned.

Bog-standard *


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I don‘t need tolerance for getting a flu. It‘s the dumbest shill theory it would be good somehow if you get ill once a year like all the weak peasants with no immune system.

taking C always prevents major illness and hospitalization
it has worked for decades
drug companies hate it like its the devil

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A cold can be a sign of a healthy immune system. Common cold virus does no harm to your body, the symptoms is your immune system working to fight it off. Stronger symptoms could mean stronger immune system. To me you sound like a morbidly obese 40 something who smokes 60 a day.

this big time. Druggies need the rope. Just eat normal meals and stop falling for (((drugs))). These people probably would think eating grass helped them if they ate some before their immune system got rid of the germs.

Imagine taking shit your body is supposed to take doesn't work. Cant overdose on C because you will piss out any extra you don't need but then need to top up every day. Other vitamins get stored in your body.

>A cold can be a sign of a healthy immune system
Sure thing, ill people are more healthy than people without illnesses. Makes sense. Guess I‘m gonna weaken my health to get a cold then.

>Vitamins are drugs
I'm saying you don't need to take drugs.

I went to buy that stuff in Aldi and it was all sold out by Friday the 13th, and also in a different one I went to yesterday. Motherfuckers hoarding that aint really on. Each one can last a month.

Its your immune system that gives you fever, stuffy nose and cough in an effort to curb the virus. Read a book retard.

Honestly you need to get your hands on it. I'm seeing it work for my own eyes. Doctors are already using C here.

Imagine shilling kikepills on pol

Says the country whose children are addicted to Oxycontin.

kek, this. And doing it for free

fixt. fucking yanks.

Obviously you don't do education. Whatever, thought I was doing good coming here to give people advice.

I've been taking one-a-day multivitamins for years but bought a couple of bottles of vitamin C and B 12 (1000mg each) a few weeks ago. If I had time I'd schedule to get a B 12 shot - when they kick in you feel fucking great. Stay healthy faggots

I have a friend who weighs 400 pounds and tells everyone he's in perfect health. People are delusional.

Vitamins are the opposite of drugs Finnbro. Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D should be in everyone's regiment right now.

my sister has the coronavirus and i've been giving her airborne tablets. She is doing okayish.

Some are. He is probably ill al the time anyway. I do a lot of sport and eat healthy, hence I have a better immune system than anyone I know. If you have a healthy diet you don‘t need any additional vitamins anyway, only people who eat unbalanced need this

Good lad. Also keep eating healthy and stay fit. But never underestimate the power of C in situations like this.

Also take vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium AND selenium
Read up on selenium and its role in protecting cells against viral infections

Get OP pic related if you can. Your body only needs some of it so will piss bright yellow later on but ensures your body receives the maximum dose.

Theres far less vitamins in your fruit and veg than you know. We sacrificed quality for prettier products years ago. 5 a day is so outdated you need about 10 with current standards. May as well drink the fizzy.

Explain to me how you get iodine and vitamin K2 with your so-called balanced diet. It's impossible unless you eat seaweed and fermented basedbeans. Taking vitamins should be mandatory for everyone.

I take a multi too a couple of times a week and 99% will eat home cooked meals with fresh locally sourced ingredients.

Good thing you got locally sourced ingredients. Everyone knows that nutrition disappears if food is transported too far

My only downfall is that I've been a smoker for the last 10 years so I figured I'd be on my ass with this disease. Nope. I'm telling you now C works. Thought I'd let the white people know first.

Can confirm. I'm almost 100% convinced that taking vitamin C, D and zinc daily, along with garlic has been the main reason I haven't been properly sick for almost a decade now. I have had some minor ailments like the sniffles around the winter months maybe once an year that usually last a couple of days at most but nothing that has prevented me from going to work or being bed bound.

Yes garlic is great too. I cook with it almost every day. If you can find wild garlic growing near you then even better. Had some last year and I felt so mentally and physically positive after.

>I have a better immune system than anyone I know
two words: cytokine storm

What do you guys recommend for mental health. Already on an SSRI but these are hard times?

>Omega 3?


nicotine down regulates ACE2. keep punching darts bongbro

Astaxanthin works better

Interestingly frozen fruits and vegetables have more nutritional content because they're flash frozen at their peak ripeness. Most of the stuff in the grocery store is artificially ripened while it's in transit.

Having your shit together. People get depressed because something in their life is making them feel that way. Are you lonely, ugly, bad memories, no friends, no purpose, inadequate? Fat smokers can be the happiest people I've ever seen.

>I do a lot of sport
This can not be understated. A well exercised and maintained cardio and respitory system is better equipped to deal with infections. It also keeps your lymphatic system healthy.

Excess body fat reduces the lymphatic systems immune tasks.

You're probably Vitamin D deficient and don't realize it.

Makes sense. Never seen a problem with frozen veg.

the new version is awful so i stick to their pills now
vitamins work well for cold in the first 24h, perhaps for flu too

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Also where do you live and work? Are you always trapped between walls thinking the whole world revolves around you, or can you see the horizon and realise you are a tiny spec. Go outside, exercise and sweat. Someone picks on you or makes fun of fun then break their fucking jaw.

I'm telling you man I've had Corona and it was vitamin C that cured it so quickly. My gf doesn't get anywhere near as many colds and shit as me and shes been suffering all week.

100% experienced the same. I think I had Corona Chan. Fever for one day and I got 1000migs of Vit C and symptoms pretty much gone.

Of course it does. I've been doing it for years. Not only you don't get sick but if you do catch something nasty you're up and running again very quickly. The biggest thing for C is the potential for increased longevity.

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So this is why the noah lived 500 years.

Remember to use toothpaste that doesn't have fluoride. It's sold pretty much everywhere.

I think the same site had an article that at some point suggested this might be the origin of the extreme longevity some characters of ancient myths were claimed to achieve.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 The Amazing Health and Longevity Benefits of Vitamin C - LewRockwell LewRockwell com.png (696x540, 103.05K)

Yeah, People said this would cure a friends cancer.

Needless to say it didn't.

This was before 1991.

Humans never had the ability to synthesize vitamin C. The loss occurred before primates/apes even existed roughly 60 million years ago.

That can actually be quiet possible some people develop more "broadband" antibodies which attack common charateristics in for example flu viruses, hence they are immune to a much wider range than the normal person. this is also the base on which new flu vaccines are developped who could protect you against most of the flu strains.

how much vitamin c were they given?

No harm can be done by overdosing on vitamin c, you'll just piss out what you dont use, i've been taking mine the last few weeks and will continue to, if it makes no difference i've lost nothing, but dont pay too much now that people have started to horde it, its cheap as shit, and if you could just as easily source it from your diet rather than taking pills, ascobic acid is in all sorts of food.

Lack of Vitamin C is Gods curse. You have been warned.