We should probably all stop with the racism and hatred because if China decided to invade we would all be fucked. (Yes, including Americans.) Truth is most Western men are pushovers and wouldn't even sign up for the army to fight an invasion. Meanwhile Chinese men would gladly give their lifes to kill us and rape our wives. So yeah, might as well just accept they fucked us and get over it. Faggots.
China would beat us in a war
Ok Chang. How would the Chinese get to the us anyway if they have only have 1 carrier?
Slow day, hey Chang?
not my wifes son's hecking iphonarinooooooo
Doubt it very much. ;)
kiwi, papua new guinea would beat you in a war.
>1 post by this ID
go ahead gook, my life is shit, I'd love nothing more than to rape your irradiated women after we nuke you
In '44 we were able to build all the carriers we need at the drop of a fucking hat. After Pearl Harbor we had over 20 carriers in production immediately.
Do you think the country known for it's vast and effective labor force would have any problem pumping out ships, planes, guns, and ammo faster than the rest of the world combined? The only threat to China is a country known for it's falling test scores and obese population. It's citizens are so delusional they believe hiding with AR15's in their basement will mean anything against an artillery strike zeroed in with google maps.
They've been landed in America for many years and awaiting orders, retard.
China barely has the capacity to project even a fraction of it's force overseas.
I know theirs a lot of agents here, just the same game strategy as iran, north korea, syria, etc. The only thing is, most of us are armed as well. also
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I don't think they would, but it'd suck to try. Not an easy win for anyone.
That must be the face of an honest man.
slant eyed piss skin
Nice propaganda chang.
Here's the real truth:
>your entire army is 5" tall
>your navy's tonnage is 1/4 that of the USA
>you have no aircraft carriers
>your airforce is outdated and tiny compared to USA
>you have no real stealth, electronic warfare or battlefield co-ordination aircraft
>your drones are ripoffs
>your army is infantry heavy (this is a bad thing)
>your weapons are cheap and badly made
>your entire military have nearly zero veterancy and zero experience fighting a real war
On top of all this weakness
>you've pissed of the ENTIRE planet
>all of SE asia hates you
>America and the west hates you
>SEA + ANZ would probably beat you on it's own
>USA would crush you in a conventional war in a heartbeat
>USA would crush you in a nuclear war in a heartbeat
>USA would crush you in a space war in a heartbeat (LMAO GLONASS)
And the truth about the western forces
>The average western civilian is taller, larger and stronger than your soldiers
>The average western soldier would have at least a foot on average on top of your soliders
>Western Soldiers are hardened veterans from 20 years+ of constant modern warfare
>The West actually has force projection.
You're a joke chang, go rattle your sabre more you paper tiger turds. It's all COPE to deal with the fact that you've revealed to the world how much of a shitfight your overpopulated third world nation actually is. In spite of every bit of propaganda you've put out, some retarded gook in Wuhan eating bats and pangolins like a fucking medieval peasant who believes in magic has proved to the world you're still a bunch of ignorant fools just getting out of the dark ages.
Enjoy your financial collapse post coronavirus as the entire west reconsiders every deal it did with you over the last 10 years. Feel free to come attack too cunt, all of Asia is waiting to fuck your braindead nation to death.
Chinese got beaten up by mongols and manchurians 1 to 300. Manchurain slaves the entire China for many years. China also got beaten up by a fucking British company who wanted to bring opioid.
Chinese are mentally weak and fear in entangled through their gender because of rampant genocide and slavery they endured.
One missile from USA and Chinese gonna drop their guns and run away.
History already proven this fact too many times.
We can repeat it Ching
have you seen him in your dreams?
They’d have a problem pumping out shit that doesn’t sink on its own.
We're in 2020 warfare not Roman infantries clashing with 1v1 battles. Most battles would be at sea (China coastal cities, Okinawa, S.Korea, Shanghai, Guandong province, Senkaku islands, Taiwan) and US Navy has a huge advantage not only in technology but institutional knowledge. Its not just about pure technology but syncing aircraft with ships with land bases, satellites, hacking, etc. The only advantage Chinese have is 1. It'll be on their home turf, 2. They can handle a prolonged conflict better bc they can handle discontent of their population than America esp with treasonous anti-american sjw liberals.
Sup Chang, doing your daily rounds?
China is gearing up to lose again
massive cope
>as if their spies don't have stolen everything they ever needed and since they build everything for everyone, it still would have the same quality
shitlard, you are built for BBC
Fuck off, Bootlicker.
assuming they somehow engineer something that won't kill them, they don't have the underlying logistics or experience to get it all working
>the most selfish people in the world will gladly give their life
After the first sentence I knew your name was chang xij ding
Turn off the VPN you fucking bat eating insectoid fuck.
didnt the chinese lose to canada and australia? korean war right? i dont remember
2020 warfare will quickly degrade back into more traditional means. Most of our advanced technology is too expensive to sustain in long engagements. Once we burn through our current reserves it's back to conscription and whatever we can scrounge to throw at the enemy.
nah, China couldn't even do anything to shitty small HongKong, let alone any real country
>The only threat to China is a country known for it's falling test scores and obese population
Not true. Nuclear powers are all threats to chinks, especially those with nuclear powered submarines.
If china stepped one toe out of line right now the entire world would be gunning down chinks faster than you can say bat soup
>China would beat us in a war
oh boy here i go again
For every obese American we have, they have 4 or 5 capable bodies. It's not only a matter of logistics or experience, it's about manpower. Their military is 5 times the size of ours. They can force their citizens at gunpoint to operate, we can't. Even if we had PERFECT production, they can match or beat that output two or threefold even when accounting for quality. That's how the USSR beat Germany, it's not complicated.
Based division on line 2
>They can force their citizens at gunpoint to operate
you're a retard if you think logistics is so unimportant that a conscript can be trusted with it. unless you accept that china will be on the defense the whole time, being bombarded by us forces.
The USSR did the same thing to Germany. Hitler made the same assumptions about America and the USSR. It's about production capability and manpower.
So your only argument is we'll take them down with us? I like your enthusiasm, but it gets us nowhere.
china invades us.
us invades china.
result is we have bigger country now.
Hope they build carriers better than they build escalators :^)
you get a couple more chinks and those would be our building they would be collapsing.
>user forgot how Chinese got absolutely buttfucked by Manchurian even though their population were tiny compare to China.
Chinese is mentally weak. They will lose their shit as soon as the war starts.
Wrong you communist loving faggot traitor. They have nowhere near the force projection, command and control or intelligence capability. That's forgetting their deficiencies in critical materiel.
A conventional war between NATO and Chyna would look like Iraq on a massive and more drawn out scale.
We're already at war with them. Economic, information, psychological, ideological etc...
This aussie is shitposting at rates never before witnessed...can hardly keep up, my god
germany was getting reamed on two sides. america will be focused on china. there is no parallel there
If Americans are united against a singular enemy we usually do pretty damned well for ourselves.
Well no but those female Chinese soldiers can beat my meat if they want
China will be on the attack. They have enough people to fight America 2 or 3 times over. They can dedicate the population of our ENTIRE country to solving that logistics problem. We can't. I'm betting your skewed view of the world is causing you to underestimate the capability of our potential adversary.
Yep. On a side not average american civillians have more rangetime than a lot of actual enlisted military in gookland. Bet cheap ass china is no different.
Not true. Germany was out of steam after it took karkov. The following 4 years were last-ditch efforts and a slow beating back. Russia single-handedly defeated Germany before allied help even started rolling in.
they cant even invade taiwan. how are they going to invade the US or even Australia
The USSR was white men fighting, not manlet söÿboy chinks.
Also let's not forget that chinks have literally zero modern warfare experience.
Yeah, I'm sure as hell scared by their chinkcopters !
China's military is a paper tiger: Its equipment is all cheap, unreliable imitations of technology developed elsewhere. They would all die from faulty engineering before reaching a battlefield.
>They can dedicate the population of our ENTIRE country to solving that logistics problem
they are a country of cheaters. that doesn't translate into real world productivity, especially in the military logistics
You forget if they were on the attack, half would drown in the pacific and the other half would starve on the mainland.
A mainland invasion of my country would be impossible. Good luck with scaring them away with Hakas.
Are you tired of the trolling and the internet hate speech?
Based. Tick tock, chang. Tick tock
Looks almost as if the whole building was swallowed up by a giant sinkhole. A chinkhole, if you will.
We've never had to punch up this hard before. Vietnam was pretty close, and it failed miserably. It's going to be determined in the first few months. Who ever can strip the other of their reserves first.
It's a 1:5 split, and we're both expecting it.
Here is what would really happen. Chinese citizens would be deported from the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, Brasil and the UK. Probably a handful of other countries as well. Iran and Russia would annouce they are backing China but with no ability to project warfare that would remain a news headline and be quickly forgotten. Anyone remaining in western allied nations who makes any communication to China will be flagged on xkeyscore and sent back to China or if the communication is "interesting" sent to G bay where they have spent the last 30 years practicing torture as a means to extract information since we fucked Iraq out of Kuwait in the 90s. Anyone shifty with an accent the government misses will be killed by civilians before the government even gets to them. The American people are more trained and more armed than the entire Chinese army. Thats just the civilians. America has been at war for the last century. They have generarions of men right now with multiple tours of duty in shitholes that make China look like a fucking vacation. And they have the ability to project warfare. They have been projecting warfare for 100 years. Im not talking about 2000 years ago. Im talking about good old boys right now with weapons dialed in and kill counts with more zeros than the average chinks bank account ready to load up on to planes and fuck start just about anything in China. Believe me when I say that the Chink military and Chink government will avoid conventional warfare with The West at all costs. For too many reasons to list. But we wouldnt have to step foot in China. Because Chinas biggest weakness is comically pathetic. They import the majority of their food because they dont have enough airable land to feed all of their people. This "war" would end swiftly when the civilized world blockades all trade with China and sanctions them to death and China turns in to a the fuck child between North Korea and Venezuela
Causing the Chinese people to revolt and kill winnie the poo ushering a new era of democracy in China. Giving chinese people the freedoms they deserve. Freeing Taiwan and Hong Kong. However, if Winnie does want war, he will see his untrained army virgin to battle massacred by the American War Machine. Well oiled, battle hardened and ready to fight. It will be hilarious to see the arrogance believing that by simply infiltrating universities in America you can copy them squashed like Maos legacy. The real shit is deep, offline, classified. You cant even see it unless you were born American. The type of shit your ancestors will write books about for 500 years. Take Mattis advice. Do not under any circumstances fuck with America. Do not get it confused. Not all cultures are based on saving face and propaganda. America is not a paper tiger like China. America is a psychopathic murderous regieme that has perfected war for oil. War is their bread and butter. War is whats for dinner. War runs in their blood. America is War. Play a game you can win. Do not forget the horrors of war. Do not awaken this sleeping collosus or somebody else will raise your children. They are not fucking around. They will end you. You think we arent paying attention to your lies, deceit and propaganda. We are quantifying every inch you press forward. Every advance no matter how small. And we will strike back with unimaginable force. Our military is hundreds of years ahead of yours in technology. Unknown, classified and unknowable weaponry will rain down on China like the gates of Valhalla were thrust open and hell was collapsing in the vacuum created by Chinese naivete, arrogance and deceit that will make the rape of Nanjing massacre look like a fucking tea party. Technology that would appear Alien to everyone watching. Like the Japanese watching their cities turn to glass. We will delete you from history. Do not fuck with us.
we had most of the carriers we "needed" before pearl harbor, sir.
if china came at us militarily, they'd be swimming within hours in the pacific ocean.
I can't wait until all you bugs are glass, chang.
Turn off your Chinese media. Do not recieve the propaganda. Get a VPN and take a good look at your history as told by every other nation on earth aside from China. Realize Mao killed 80 million of your own people. The CCCP is responsible for killing more of its own people than the Japanese could ever have dreamed of. Realize your culture was destroyed, the educated were executed, your wealth is being systematically extracted at gunpoint by your communist dictators. Realize you are the current day USSR and force fed propaganda from every angle. Realize there are not enough bullets in China to stop a revolution. And realize you must give your progeny, your future generations, the gift of freedom. And the gift of knowledge. Free information, free speech, and freedom. You owe your children this and you must fight for it. Freedom is bought with blood. But fear not, the minute you let us know youre ready.. We are coming to fight shoulder to shoulder with you brother. And we will fight and die for your freedom too. Like we have done all over the world. So organize in the dark, offline, in secret, and hit them where it hurts. By spreading the truth about the CCCP and the revolutionary spirit. China is in 1989 Russia times right now. Dont be afriad. People will write about your sacrifice until the end of time.
Okay these are pretty funny to read. Assuming the Chinese are going to wheelchair into the war isn't going to help us win. Hitler make the same assumptions and it didn't work. Chinese nationalism will rise to meet the threat. I guarantee they wont just take it sitting down because they're 'cheaters', 'onions-based', or 'drowned'
>t. Retarded faggot
As long as we get mid-late 2000s ROEs it would be an absolute stomp
Naaah, user. Those chinks are dumb as fuck. Unlike the west, they rarely use their brains. It doesn't matter if they outnumber you, they're still fucked. A couple of Tsar bombs will obliterate them leave their upcoming generations mutated for decades.
always when you see pro-China threads they are made by either a canadian or an australian flag, countries that have accepted massive migrations of chinks. really makes you think were the chinks real loyalties are.
Loyalty to the white race is all that matters
Wtf do numbers of soldiers matter in modern warfare? You cant just throw 500 soldiers at an A-10 or a tank lol...
We didn't even have fucking close. We got VERY lucky in SEVERAL battles. The Pearl Harbor attack was almost an unmitigated disaster. They were after our carries, which weren't docked there at the time.
If they had been, the war could've doubled in length in the pacific.
ok david
Vietnam isn't a great comparison in my opinion though. We hadn't dealt with the guerilla tactics the Vietcong used before. A war against china would be much more "conventional".
That said there's no doubt that a war against china would be a helluva lot more trying that anything we've faced before. I mean look at how goddamned many of them there are. If all else fails they could just exhaust us of bullets by throwing waves of chinks at our boys.
lol. Chink shills are so shit, you need to go get some training in Israel/Russia or something LOL.
>Assuming the Chinese are going to wheelchair into the war isn't going to help us win
swallowing chinese propaganda won't help the chinese win. who is "us", slant eyes.
Based trips of truth
It's true our army is a total fucking joke. They let in psychopaths, retards, and sluts and they simp it out like it's boy scouts.
Our navy is good but at huge risk of corona virus.
Our air force is an over expensive joke.
000 trips of truth
Nice try, Ching
Emus beat you in a war, so yes, china could too
This is all bullshit.
A-10's are very expensive, we don't have enough, and we can't make enough. Also tanks are useless in the water. They're attacking mainland China behind a supply-line, or being attacked on our terrain. Either scenario isn't preferable given the balance of forces.
Numbers mean EVERYTHING. They could make the adult population of America start working in factories, start another population training, then have more than enough left over to invade whoever.
We could probably defeat you with like 300 infantry, krautcuck.
No way dude. Merika will get a swift W...EZ.
Merika wins everytime EZ...and if not...just say you did nobody can even say shit about it dude.
Kiwis like Aussies are already so emotionally beaten down by their feminized laws and institutions that they project their insecurities on the rest of the world (coming from a reluctant Aussie who never asked to be one).
You’d get gallipolied .
Blessed post.
Thank you.
Not propaganda, just observations. I want us to win, but we can't do it alone. They aren't going to roll over and take it. We'll have to shove the pill down 1.3 Billion throats.
China isn't self sufficient, cut their trade and they will completely collapse, they can't put out enough fast enough
>China fighting a ground war with the US
lol, China would get fucking rekt because all you dumb gooks know how to do is have micropenises and kill your own kin with no empathy, when it comes to tactical thinking and bravery you fall short. One hillbilly with a shitty lever action is worth a thousand of you fucking coward gooks and I’d put money on it. Stay on the other side of the sea where it is safe for you lest we come over and play football with your infants
Ok try to do a land invasion of the USA
I fucking dare you
A lot of people in the south alone are more armed than your pussy ass cops and even your soldiers
Doubt they could even get boots on our soil..and this notion that all Americans are fat or we'd rely on some incel army with they're ar15s and 2 mags is insane and frankly something I'd hope would be their expectation...but came as me saying they're short, weak and a high chance to get each sick on the boat ride over here but now that were done with stereotypes...as I said highly doubt they could even get feet on the ground..our forces vs theres...then let's say all basement dwelling gun fags ran and hide...for you to be aware of gun culture in the US and play it off as a non factor is transparent..obviously everyone isnt trained, there is no bigger, better, well equipped civilian army in the world..the amount of guns here doesnt even make since, could literally give every able body at least one...I'm not even some " invincibility America " fag..I just dont see a losing situation unless countries team up
The US has the worlds most well funded, well equipped, well trained, and battle tested volunteer force in the world. China has the largest army in the world, but it is nowhere near as capable as the US military. US production is not what it was 50 years ago but it is far from a paper tiger. We rely on china for consumer goods and pharmaceuticals. This isn't a war anyone should want but I would be surprised if we don't end up in one in the near future.
We can't hold assumptions about how the war will play out. Looking back we can filter out the noise of what worked and what didn't. In Vietnam we failed to recognize a few key elements to victory, and paid dearly for it. Vietnam is a perfect example.
They won't have to send waves at us even. If we can't land ships immediately it's already over.
Get back in your gutter you homeless s o iboi
The Us controls the pacific and has spy sattelites. Any carrier production would be bombed to hell before they manage to produce a single one.
Better dead than red! Go back to China Chang.
reverse psychology...i see you
Goddam, that was fucking amazing.
They have enough to conquer for what they need. They'll make the usual moves. They have reserves for such an occasion. This is warfare. You have to work on-top of the assumption they're going to do everything we do.
How's it bullshit? America sucks now, get used to it.
>muh chinese nationalism
you see their pride in everything they make; it's cheap and cuts every corner possible. no one trusts chinese construction. they've never fought a war in modern times, unless you count the war they win against themselves. these are real observations. you're just spouting nonsense. be specific, what are you scared of?
>needing to land on china in the first place
They 10000% wouldn't make it to NA. At all. They don't have anywhere near the Naval or aerial strength to do so
Post ERB