Why so many russians larp as jews in Israel?

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girl needs a fucking meal

For gibs. Do you not know russian women lel.

Correct. So does the left version of pic related. The right version makes me think how many pretty blue-eyed daughters and sons she could give me.

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Think about it this way: would you rather live in a pozzed, and I mean seriously aids infested COLD and DEPRESSING filled with soviet architecture Russia... or a sunny Israel where seething arabs get smacked by the police and it's always warm, cute women, beautiful architecture, gibs from the sole superpower on Earth (USA).

Your choice slavnigger!

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too many fucking meals there. there's a thing called moderation between extremes.

Pretty much this, though it's ironic coming from a Finn.

fatty detected

Beats living in Russia.

This. Think it's also true that after the fall of USSR , emigration of slavs from the former commie block was fast tracked if they had some minimal amount of heeb genes.

she needs a bbc

Both deformed Mongoloids, fucking gross Asians

They want to live in Tel Aviv

>Both deformed Mongoloids, fucking gross Asians

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Based sensible Brit

Yes? Can't you see her fucking body is completely out of proportions, it's like some fucking frankensteins monster sown together, this is what happens when you mix with Asiatics

That's correct and a large part of why USSR hated Zionism. Many Jews were abandoning their vision and left for Israel. I don't know if I would consider her white or not. You couldn't tell if she never mentioned she was Jewish, but she clearly prefers her Jewishness over Whiteness, so she's not white from that perspective.

She already has it

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90% of russians here look like ethnic russians. They fucked up our IQ as well, The average IQ of ashkenazi's in USA is 115. In Israel its 103. But fuck it, We love slavic pussy.

First time hearing about this

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cope mamzer scum

For the same reason thousands of ukranians come here to work and come back millionaires to ukraine - it's a better life and it's profitable.

Because Israel is importing a lot of former KGB/FSB agents into their fold. Only 60% of the Russians moving there are even Jewish. Russia, Israel, and China are making a new economic block to challenge us. Iran is also involved in trade with Russia and China, making me think that the stuff going on between Israel and Iran is a smoke screen, but I don't know what for. I expect our manufacturing to come back to NA/SA, a possible skirmish over Taiwan surrounding TSMC, and for the masks to be off sometime soon.

It's not just Russians moving for better weather. Bibi and Putin are the same kind of man.

Free money, better life, Russia sux. Need more?


Start here.

>The average IQ of ashkenazi's in USA is 115
Jews conducted IQ tests on themselves that show they're the most intelligent people. Amazing.

Most Jews are stupid as fuck. They're history's parasites.

All either shills or innocently wrong.

It's not the Russians who are dragging down your IQ it's the Mizrahi and Sephardi.

Non-Ashkenazi Jews are basically just shitskins.

Israel want it. As long as you're a white european they want you.

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Because Israel needed bodies to fill up the occupied west bank back in the day, so they let in a shitload of Russians who had a single grandparent who was Jewish.
They quite simply lowered the requirements from your mother being a jew in order to steal land. Very jewish.

For Russians, Israel is a way nicer place to live than shithole Russia.

For Israel, adding hundreds of thousands of Russians helped to dilute the power of the Arab population. As long as they are willing to serve in the military Israel couldn't care less that most of them are Christians LARPing as Jews.

Because it's bullshit. The only people that have anything to do with Russia in Israel are jewish refugees who fled from Soviet Union. But those are jews like any other. There is very little actual Russians in Israel.

Is coffee good for you?

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are most of the 60 million unrecognized people latinos and iberians? ive noticed mexicans always have some jewish blood when they post their dna results.

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They didn't fucked it that bad.
It's still better to have them than Arabs or some of the Moroccan Jews
It's all about Bell distribution

>tfw no russian accordion hobos in the US

Because they arent russians. Thats well known that jews from russia are russian-polish rapebabies with maybe 10% middle eastern genetics. Just look at them. They are mostly fair and blue Eyed unlike jews in western europe

They have lernt during 70 years of Soviet Union that Jews are always getting the best stuff and dissenters are being shot by Jewish KGB, so figure.

If you dig deep enough you could find similar articles about french and german speakers. This doesn't prove that some large numbers of them are living there.

ive seen posters with israeli flags claim they are 100% russian with no jewish blood but live in israel. are they lying about not being jewish?

>makes me think how many pretty blue-eyed daughters and sons she could give me.
lol that's not how it works mehmet


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Probably it's mostly your shitskins' and niggers' fault rather than Russians'.

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Jews fucking disgust me.

>Trap Queen.
Anons, how can you miss that its a Trap.

For gibz. Russia is a fucking shithole.

Who remembers the Kike who came on arguing that the Holohoax was real because of his Grandfather's concentration camp tatoo that Yas Forums identified as his SS blood group tattoo.
War over. In love with Jewish cutie in camp he is guard at. Pretend to be Jewish, emigrate to Israel imstead of live under communism.

No she doesn’t

Fat cunt

Degeneracy. Their crimes catch up with them in the end.

t. Fatty

Usually it's because kikes larped as Russians in Russia, took Russian lovers, had half Russian children, then fled to Israel when their shitty commie union fell apart. I wouldn't really call it a larp.

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Dumb niggers responding to this. She's way to skinny. But Yas Forums is full of mentally ill schizoprenics so they have to go the opposite way on all arguments.

Demographics are destiny. They needed more tax payers to pay for the Orthodox leaches.

Nah, this was land grab. It was back in the 90s or whatever. They needed to push out Palestinians in the west bank, so they lowered the requirements for being a jew for Russians to having a single grandparent. Plenty of evidence to be found for it if you care to go look.

Zionist. Fighting racism. Kek.


Bell distribution. I haven't heard it called that before.
What if I use a Sikorsky?

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Russian Jews are the true master race.

Ashkenazim are intelligent but easily swayed by leftist delusion.
Sfaradim are patriotic but dumb.
Russians have the strengths without the weaknesses.

There is the Romanian Israeli who claims he isn't a kike. Namefags in /cvg/.

I'll add it to my list. Thanks for the heads up.

Because they are at least part-Jewish.

Well, they call russians white niggers for a reason.

10/10 bongs would bang.

Russia is not a based white neetsoc utopia. It is a shithole much like most of eastern Europe, only bigger (in multiple ways)

Well they are ethnic Russians that converted to Judaism. They even kept their names and last names with them, but via aliyah, they moved to israel and now "are" jews. I guess not even they like cold weather

speak for yourself Maksims

>t. diasporafag