For real, what are the chances of it going boom amidst this pandemic? Also, these tremors are said to be normal. So what would be an actual warning if momma volcano is waking up?

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God i hope so

The warning would be pretty obvious IMO
The eruption itself would be far lighter than the carnage that followed.

this is a big nothingburger and nothing is really happening. Just rebranded influenza painted with mass hysteria.

are you just going to go spamming that on every thread you massive retard

You'd die too, pajeet. The sky would blacken and all crops would die. You'd starve to death 4 months later.

Nope, at worst Northeastern Eurasia would be affected and probably not even them, just North Am*rica.

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>sky would blacken
I can understand the ash scenario covering most of America but I don't get how the sun would be "blocked" leading to nuclear winter world wide. Any science anons?

I’m pretty sure if Yellowstone goes off we are all dead.

Just call it a bun.

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Journalists asking questions to readers. What a fucking world.

I saw a worst case estimate at 5 billion dead if it were to erupt.



If yellowstone goes up we're all fucked you dumb poo, not just the burgers.

ash covers most of USA. How the whole world is fucked up again?

cause it's a fatass volcano. but it's the pole reversal that you should be worried about guy. it will tear yellowstone a new asshole

Attached: PoleReversal.png (1229x820, 1.57M)

That event would require a lot of masks for thr volcanic ash.

If it actually does blow, just consider the US navy as law globally.

The commet coming April 20th will hit yellow stone

You fool, you need triple 7s to summon a volcanic eruption.

Yellowstone is nothingburger.

I've been hearing news about yellowstone earthquake and changing landscape in yellowstone.

Hopefully. It's about damn time north America gets rekt.

That would destroy all life on Earth.

Anyone know if it's possible to just dig really deep and blow shit up underground to make the volcano smaller/split up so it's less dangerous?

Wrong thread /ptg/

Its happening

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Anytime someone sneezes in Yellowstone some trash news rag will loudly claim that the supervolcano is going to blow.

He could have prevented this if only he actually ate all 40 pizzas

fuck off

It would kill most of middle and western us within a few days and lower the temperature to cause global crop failures and massive foot shortages instability and the such would probably lead to resource wars with the tropical zone remaining habitable after

oh shit.... I was comparing the parallels too the Bible today..... the plagues.... one of the final ones is "the sky darkens" and I was thinking how would that be possible... well..... ash from an eruption could do it...


Reminder than Florida and Maine are the best places to live if it goes boom

2020 - The year of man's reckoning
This caused a global famine and mini-ice age, Yellowstone is 10x its size.

Glad Ill be dead then


At that point out won't matter. All of the crop land will be covered in 1-3' of dust and the weather change will kill all the crops worldwide.


But he’s right

Fuck that stupid mountain. It will never wake up. v

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Probably, but in all truth, when you see news stories of animals fleeing the region, then it's time to panic.

Well, another thread confirmed the eruption date. It’s may 31st. Many, many digits

How does Yellowstone erupt when it has so many vents for pressure? Also, wouldn't we be able to detect high pressure areas and possibly drill to release it?

People think yellow stone would be a massive eruption by default, but it doesn’t work like that. Mega eruptions are rare, and they are not predictable, just like massive asteroid impacts.


Please god, let it blow.

Fuck it, I'll roll for that

if it does blow, it has a dramatically higher chance of being a 'small scale eruption' (read normal volcanic eruption) then it does being the super eruption that is discussed.

Yellownigger has up to 3000 quakes a year. This is a nothing salad.

There's geological evidence of periodic massive eruptions every 600,000-800,000 years and it's been over 600,000 years since the last one.

We all die by Monday.

rollerino for eruption

Just explode you retarded rock.

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yes posted a thread a few days back noone believed me thought i was larping, enjoy the blowout in the next 20 yrs

every 4-7 month they report about the yellow stone doomday.
until it happens it is a non happening

Remember when fifty or so years ago we could've started constructing colonies and a self supporting space economy? We got distracted.

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Geologist here. I've posted in these threads before, recently at that.

This is legitimately nothing new as earthquakes happen in the area ALL the time. Ask any Seismologist and they'll tell you the same thing in regards to earthquake activity near volcanoes (active or otherwise). If you want to look at historical figures, look up the USGS.

Now, if you want some legitimate fear to worry about, consider the tectonic plates NW of Washington, or the various faultlines in the US (namely the Southeast) that are VERY overdue for geological activity.

If Yellowstone erupts it is unironically the end times.