‘Deeply shocked.’ French embassy in SA on proposal to test vaccine on poor Africans


The French embassy in South Africa has expressed shock about a proposal by two top French doctors that Africa should become a giant laboratory for coronavirus vaccines testing because the continent lacks the resources to defend against the infections.

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He isn't wrong.

>He isn't wrong.

we are not your guinea pigs.

So what are we going to do, test the vaccines on humans and potentially risking their life ?

It's more ethical to test it on animals or africans

>So what are we going to do, test the vaccines on humans and potentially risking their life ?

french aren't humans

Africa has very low infection rates.They should test the vaccines on Americans with its 300,000 plus positive cases.

Kek. Niggaz be afraid of AIDS 2 - kung flu buggaloo.

You're closer to tapeworms.

Unlike white Americans and Europeans,Africans aren’t the ones concerned about ‘low birth rates’.Potentially losing 10 - 20 million because of a virus in a continent with a population with over 1,2 billion is nothing.You may as well say goodbye to you Granpapa,Grandma and parents as they die waiting on vaccines to be (maybe) one day be tested on Africans.French citizens dying in large scale will just mean more Africans replacing them.

Uhhh, hello? Is this the based department?

get over it nigger contribute more to humanity and progress beyond the stone age if you want to be treated with more respect

You are a guinea-nigger.

>I bet you’re wondering how I got these scars

Sounds like shit logic, Unga Bunga. It's faster if tested on you.

>Sounds like shit logic, Unga Bunga. It's faster if tested on you.

what are you prepared to pay? how much is your dwindling race worth?

I'm racist as fuck but I was speechless. The even double down on twitter then made his account private. Like, it's too dangerous to test on patients, so we should test it on african first, like they always do.

Just because they're not tested doesn't mean they're not infected.

No payment from you required, it's free. You just have to take the vaccine and maybe you'll be spared an agonizing, pneumonia death if it works.

Deal? Deal.

>Deal? Deal.

We will need to check with China & Russia first, they are our greatest allies & have our interest at heart.

Haaaahahahahahahahahahah. They sure do, don't they? ;)

this is a big nothingburger and nothing is really happening. Just rebranded influenza painted with mass hysteria.

>he thinks he isn't a guinea pig right now

Based frog bro is based.

Fuck Africans.

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>Just because they're not tested doesn't mean they're not infected.
Infection rates are low because most African countries went into early lockdowns.

Dr's names - Pierre le Kikel, Jean Moshe Juboi

Lmao, you literally are. South Africa was the test subject of what happens when you let niggers try to run a country with white people in it.

Protip: The results did not come out looking good.

>Infection rates are low because most African countries went into early lockdowns.

and enforce it will brutal force. was pulled over 2 days ago by a military blockade in durban

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>Lmao, you literally are. South Africa was the test subject of what happens when you let niggers try to run a country with white people in it.

did you know just about every country on planet earth has a white minority in it? from taiwan to maldives to china to just about everywhere. Big brain.

Imagine niggers being useful to thé humain race for once!

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Where are you from fellow saffa?
Are you white, black, Indian, coloured?
I'm from Capetown, it's really nice in Sydney.

>Where are you from fellow saffa?

Originally from Britian. couldn't take the police state and laws in place for just about everything.

I was arrested for FISHING without a permit. yeah, i was arrested for fucking fishing in a river. what a shit hole.

calm down boyega and go suck mickey mouse cock

Why does this fag pretend to have morals while he works for ZOG


Fake and gay

Can you Niggers do us a favor and start to kill all the Whites in Africa. We need to teach the Retards diversity is our weakness

No shit Sherlock?

Britbongs are so stupid it hurts...

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That's pretty shit, interesting that you moved TO South Africa though.
I've been to London, went around western Europe too, though there's nothing quite like home. Glad you're happy living in SA, I'm definitely coming back home when I earn enough money over here.

They should test it everywhere with various different populations to get the most robust result, not just in Africa.

what else are you?

>French doctors that Africa should become a giant laboratory for coronavirus vaccines testing because the continent lacks the resources to defend against the infections.

France had a heavy interest in the Wuhan lab that Lieber was involved in. Called the Thousand Talents. Interdasting. Wonder where they got that vaccine?

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>Locht agreed, saying: "You are right. We (Inserm) are actually thinking of a parallel study in Africa to use with the same kind of approach with BCG placebos,"

damnit. Finally you have the chance to do something useful in this world and you just let it go
You people are useless

Yes you are. This is literally one of the few reasons we even allow you to exist and support your sorry asses.

This is what happens when you fuck over the white man in your country; jews come over and try to infect you with bat AIDS. You have been warned. The Chinese want to dine on your childrens flesh.

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vaccines are safe.

Antivaxxers are right wing redneck inbred fat fuck ford truck driving cow fuckers.


w-wait.. they want to use them on africans and illegal mexicans!???


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>China & Russia first, they are our greatest allies & have our interest at heart.
This is why you wont make it, you dumb fucking nigger.

this post would have been funny if you were actually in Guinea.

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Keep sucking chang dick kikeniggers, thats all you seem to know how to do.


I'm fine with them testing it in africa, but then they have to start with the most northen african country first, France.

Then die

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>t. Dutch "African"
Come home, white man. Africa isn't your home anymore. The farm murders and the brutal murder of TerreBlanche should've made that very clear to you. Just come home. We need more of our people to repatriate.

Kek, you are right the French are pale niggers

Just shoot the mutts up with the vaccine. They already take 70 or something.

i'm from guinea

Extermimate China and give it back to the Taiwanese.

Said the lab monkey

They can also try Venezuela. Its common for pharma companies to do cheap human trials in the jungle before the "official" USA human trials.

In recent years I'd say the fresh are more like actual black niggers but sure the whites there are pretty niggery as well.

this virus is going to wipe out africa isnt it.

Only the blacks ;)

Why don't we let each individual decide that for themselves

Yeah because nothing has really changed in Africa. You still have white messiahs like Bill Gates playing games with people's lives there acting like they are doing good. In 50 years we will hear abou their atrocities in Africa and be told to feel guilty again. For right now though, we will praise them and act moral about all of it.

In time of crisis , people reveal their true faces.

I'm surprised these people aren't already taking you as such

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a bullet in the head for all the people thinking this is based or funny in any way.