Germany: 100k infected, 1.5k deaths
UK: 40k infected, 4.3k deaths
Germany: 100k infected, 1.5k deaths
UK: 40k infected, 4.3k deaths
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Why hasn't anyone recovered in over a week
Fewer people tested. The majority is always going to have a mild form of the illness, and not even bother getting tested. The UK in particular is avoiding testing so that they can pretend the case number is still low, because the media reports on confirmed case numbers.
>Why hasn't anyone recovered in over a week
Because they die?
Why do you test so few people? We test 140k people per day, you test... how many?
only people tested are hospital admissions
you think you have it but not sick enough to go into hospital? isolate as if you have it is the advice
I think most of the UK deaths are in London, but who can say what goes on there anymore.
>Germany underestimating the number of dead
No surprise there
not enough corona recover loiscences
Non whites
We've all been told to stay the fuck away from hospitals unless you're coughing up blood or struggling to breath.
The authorities won't even know if you had it unless you're on deaths door.
Germany is doing fantastic. When Spain and Italy were at their number, they’re like 10k dead. Wtf is Germany doing that other nations aren’t? Any kraut here to explain German healthcare system and it’s so based ?
The method of recording deaths to CV.
Germany did millions of tests, how much did the UK do?
I thought Germany were discounting deaths in those with underlying health issues?
Almost all our testing is done on hospitalised cases.
We are lazy cunts who haven't updated the recoveries for about a month.
If it wasnt for Russia you would all be speaking British.
Herd immunity.
Because nobody is immune
The CFR is much lower than initially proposed, as is the case with almost every virus outbreak. The people who tend to be tested are the ones who are already very sick, and so you wind up with absurd 10% death rates.
Only by implementing widespread population-wide testing do you get a true figure of the number of cases, and you have to do it early because a lot of people will get it, recover, and then not even show up on later tests.
Current realistic mortality rates put this thing as about as deadly as the flu. The real problem is panic. Panic buying, panicked people rushing to the hospitals because they have a cough, panicked staff quitting their jobs due to perceived risk.
The first country to leave lockdown will be vilified for putting its population at risk, but the reality is that we don't need lockdown.
Millions of tests. They test the most out of Europe. So either they get all the cases, or they can use these tests to quarantine more effectively and curb the spread.
25% of deaths are Muslim. Birmingham and London, especially inner city London, are some of the hardest hit
Overall the death rates of Germany and UK as a % of population will be statistically the same.
Neither health services have been overloaded.
That would mean the UK has 200,000 cases already??
>to explain German healthcare system and it’s so based
People who get hospitalized still die if they are old.
But we test a lot, so it’s the non-risk groups which we test positive
I so live in fucking hope that this is true.
It's pointing that way from some of the stats
Based MI5 poster. Thank you Jonathan.
According to Imperial College 2.7% of the country was infected on 28th March which is about 1.8 million.
probably more, I think we have had it around York since early December 2019.
we have a lot of Chinks here visiting.
How do they calculate 2.7%? Link?
I feel sorry for my German bros, you are going to have to carry the whole of the EU on your backs economically for many years after this is over.
They only count severe cases that has recovered
Same in Norway. Unless you end up on the hospital your are dismissed after testing positive while exhibiting mild symptoms
germany is counting deaths differently to not scare people
we are talking about a country thet hide immigrant crimes for the same reason
Translations - Not for Germans! Kek!
Your government is lying to you about the number of infected and also the mortality rate.
This virus has been around since November of last year. You mean to tell me only 10s or 100s of thousands were infected in this time frame with only March bringing any action?
cope, on a sidenote: how does it feel that your loved ones will die from incompetence, will you remember your shitposting when it's time to say bye bye?
They are already doing this with Sweden and Brazil
>I feel sorry for my German bros, you are going to have to carry the whole of the EU on your backs economically for many years after this is over.
We have worked long hours and paid high taxes for a long time now... so we can bail out the rest of Europe now.
>looking at closed cases
holy shit, could you be anymore retarded?
That advice makes sense, on the clinician in charge of the case really needs to make the judgement.
Not entirely true. Our death rate from corona among old people is 15%... similar to you. But young people have a 1 in 20,000 death chance and we test them too and 35 to 60yr olds have a 1 in 1000 death chance... and those are the large majority of our positive tested people.
And you will!
Good bye new roads and fast internet in the rural areas.
Germany only counts those who died exclusively from COVID-19.
If they had a heart attack while suffering heavily from COVID-19 then they would label the cause of death as heart attack.
They're being sneaky and riding the meme-wave in the media created by their deceit.
It doesn’t matter anyway. If we don’t kill the virus and still have it everywhere this summer, the EU is over and Europe is bankrupt and collapsed.
>Germany only counts those who died exclusively from COVID-19.
> If they had a heart attack while suffering heavily from COVID-19 then they would label the cause of death as heart attack.
It’s the other way around, we even count people as corona deaths if they clearly weren’t (we had a suicide guy count as a corona death...)
UK is barely testing. We didn't test much before and now there's a lockdown. They don't even let you go to hospital for corona unless you're basically dying of it already. This means the majority of people tested and confirmed are more critical cases.
>That advice makes sense,
Not if it means shutting down the entire country on a hunch you dumb bitch
Not every positive case needs to be hospitalized. In fact I'm pretty sure 80% or more get sent home and told to get over it. Thus you won't get a recorded recovery stat.
Also BBC radio reported that the statistics do not include those who have passed away outside of hospital as of yet.
Interesting my daughter was discussing this with her German doctor colleague.
He wasn't sure which method was most correct way - died of COVID-19 or Heart Attack brought on during a SARS-Cov 2 infection or died of Heart Attack.
Not easy to answer.
I would murder all corona cucks if I could get away with it and not get caught. Not like corona believes wouldn't all take a dick up their ass if TV told them to.
UK doesn't test enough. Their real number of infected is probably much higher than in Germany.
errrh! bog trotters arn't !
I don't think the deaths from COVID are going to be much higher than flu deaths. The numbers just don't support it, we'd be looking at a million dead by now if the mortality held up. The sole concern at the moment is preventing hospital shutdown by dragging this out, but at some point the economic loss is going to be too great to shoulder.
At the end of the day UK and German numbers will be similar, rest of Europe's will be shite!
how metrics are created
no data set can be accurate or reliable
according to Walter Riccardi, special advisor to the italian ministry of health, they count anyone as dead to corona without testing if there is any single person with corona in the same hospital.
Then you need to consider the existence of certain insular cultures that just give a shit about what the state says and why they and their old are over represented in the cases of death.
Jew York suffers from a similar problem.
They were doing teh herd immunity meme for the first while
>At the end of the day UK and German numbers will be similar
How? I doubt we Germans ever hit 4k deaths.
When will this board learn that countries test at differently? -which leads to vastly different numbers of not only cases, but also recoveries. For example if you are only testing people who present with more severe symptoms, it results in less recoveries, if you don't count people who recover at home, then it's less, etc. Not only that, but how people die is counted differently in various countries, (e.g. some countries count anyone who had the virus and dies of any cause). Sometimes these differences are based on dishonesty (e.g. China), but not always. If you see something at a high or low end, or that looks wierd, do not first assume that the actual results of the virus are different for that country, rather first assume it's the test rate or counting methods.
Because we are very similar genetically.
some deaths in each country will escape recording correctly
there's drastic differences between people's phenotypes, while base line might be similar, the differences between any single group around a phenotypical expression of that gene line might be more or less resistant to it
anyone who has anything that increases ACE2 expression will be less resistant, anyone who has anything that reducses it will have increased resistance
while asthmatics are mentioned as risk group, they really shouldn't
while the risks to diabetics, fatso and people with high blood pressure are pretty substantial
for diabetics especially if they ingest ibuprofen or paracetamol, which only has a marginal negative effect on otherwise healthy people
there are many reasons why ACE2 might be drastically expressed, if there's more than one gene copy this means there is just more "machines" creating this, it might be feed back loops that upregulates it and so on
since viral particles utilize brown'sch molecular movement to get to the right places, it makes a big difference if you have 120 times the the "right" holes per cell than your neighbor
since your specific antibody reaction also utilizes brown'sch molecular movement and it's just a mass war of WMD flooded into the blood in hope of hitting the right spots
When did he shaved his head like that?
4-16% of all diagnosed and tested pulmonary and common cold infections are caused by corona strains, who according to data released by chinese, german and many other scientists, is functionally the same in it's ACE2 utilizing entry path (tho the Protein Binding Domain) has a 10 times stronger affinity compared to at least one other strain.
It's "exposed outside" still looks the same, just is 10 times more "gluey".
Antibody tests work because for some magical reason (or it has to do with probability, energy states and chemistry/physics) can be done on many humans to give a result, because those antibodies are so similar, crazy considering every single antibody is created through magic called
>Somatic Hypermutation
oh forgot
>in germany
for "of all diagnosed and tested"
this is a big nothingburger and nothing is really happening. Just rebranded influenza painted with mass hysteria.
Even 1% is 100X deadlier than the flu you fucking mongolian idiot.
Shit healthcare.
An entire hospital ran out of oxygen yesterday. If anything this crisis is exposing the absolute fraud that socialised healthcare is. Too bad normies are still in denial.
>who knows what goes on there anymore
big kek and underrated
UK is a testlet.
The numbers out of private Healthcare are already worse while just getting started.
Most of the deaths are pakis , I believe .
Many thing affect on the deth rate. Few things i can think of right now is
>How old is the population
>How many of old people smoke tobacco
In italy the population is near ancient and smoking is common among elder