My grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy so America could become this

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Yeah and the generations before fought in WW1 "The war to end all wars". What a bunch of suckers..
>"OI I dont want me grandkids speaking german"

The Gayest Generation.

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And when everyone he knows is dying of it, they'll be crying "RACIST WHITE PIPO DELIBERATELY INFECT US WID IT!"

I see you've been trying to buy hand sanitizers. LEL

corona panic is a hoax and everyone gushing for a police state to save them from getting sick deserves to be executed publicly

It really is amazing. Whites killing whites so that low-iq savage minorities can live in the most prosperous country to ever exist.

Your grandfather was a good golem.

People used to fight and die for their way of life, let alone take the minor risks associated with this illness.

yeah, they didn't do it for those reason though did they, that's just what came to pass years after, they weren't fighting for those things

2 weeks from now
>why are minorities hit so hard by COVID-19?

>Niggers breaking quarantine
Good their infection rate needs to be higher, thin the herd.

ahahahha germany were so cucked they lost and had their women raped once after ww2 and twice as in now. What a bunch of autists.

Well, they willingly fought against a country that believed in white nationalism. So, yeah, they essential fought against the empowerment of the white race.

Fuck the right to freedom of movement

We soviet union now

Right to peaceful assembly

Are you joking? Everyone believed in white nationalism back then. They fought because Germany was threatening to control Europe and outpace the world. All that save the Jews shit came from Hollywood decades later.

ayy he wuz jus particpatin in his life. thas a essential activity feel me? free my nigger

Based American patriot who doesn't let the government take away his freedom.

Redpilled. Americans killed White ethno-nationalism back in the day. It was over back then. The current state and eventual full decay is the punishment for their betrayal. Partnering with the Jew never pays off. Same happened to the Aussies and all other allies in WW2. Really makes you think.

He's a hero for standing up to the state stomping on your freedoms
Freedom is more important than safety. You'd think atleast Americans would get this
Just like after 9/11, this virus is used as an excuse to expand the government and your pockets are turned to give your hard earned money to the banks
Once you give an inch, you won't get it back, ever

That is some lefty tier memeing.

Where was the lie?

If everyone believed in white nationalism why did burger have their niggers rape their way through Rhineland in ww1?

Do you have proof?

>what were the Rhineland bastards

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Those were French troops

It's exaggerated but not totally untrue.
America's upper echelons didn't begin to believe their own propaganda until the 80's. Everything else was excuses peddled in the name of whitewashing their pursuit of post Britain hegemony.

You're aware that Germany invaded their neighbors, and then agreed to give eastern Europe to the Soviets, right? Maybe that had something to do with it.

Rapine has been a part of every war since the dawn of man. Grow up you little baby-man.

>t-the french did it too tho
Lmao ok you're as cucked and jewed as a frenchman. Well done
Im fully aware of the lead up to ww1 and the idea that the german empire were these big evil aggressors is beyond retarded

Our grandparents were called to go fight in a war.
We're being called to sit on our couches.

You mutts also took Japanese women after beating Japan and had mutt babies with them, there is very little you can defend yourself with lmao.

Take solace in the fact that everyone in the world is laughing at you while everything goes to hell because of China. We need a comical relief in these hard times.

Nah it was only the French who did that. We didn’t let niggers in the war we were no only segregated but we knew niggers were incompetent. France has always sucked nigger dick and they infected us.


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for every valuable german life that was lost because of a*ericans, 10 of your children are going to turn out as mutts, the punishment fits the crime

America has become the joke of the globe. Race-mixing like there is no tommorow and they must assimilate all the races of the world into their golem monstrosity.

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He's unironically more of an American than you. Your grandpa would be proud.


Look at us real hard because THIS will be your future America. lmao.

wrong. in the 30's and 40's it was ethnic catholics vs anglo protestants

Still better than Romanians.

i love how both the white boomers are making "if you only knew how bad things really are" faces


It's more than exaggerated, it's completely stupid. Thise grunts were there because Germany had invaded western Europe, given eastern Europe to the Soviets, and their ally had just attacked us. Stormfags are so transparent it's painful when they act like Germany dindu nuffin and those mean old Allies attacked them for absolutely no reason at all.

America, Britain, and Germany were all majority protestant.

As stated earlier. Britain, America fought Germany in WW2 because they didn't want them having full control of continental Europe.

I have mixed feeling about this. On the one hand he's a dirty nigger and should be jailed. On the other hand fuck totalitarian communist rule by dictate.

They are already saying that.

Based. The virus is a hoax to implement your slavery via pozzed vaccines and tracking systems.

Nope. Romanians families are awesome to look at. But I'd understand why a nigger would find them problematic.

We all thank your grandfather for his service.

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Stop pretending America didn't got 50 plus years of pax Americana and monroe doctrine, nothing lost forever faggot whatever surplus was made in those decades your grand daddy boomer shove it up his rear.

If he's got bank he could very well get sued and lose if his nigger followers get sick and or die. The police did his community a favor in charging him as it becomes official documented proof of him encouraging the large gathering.

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with significant catholic minorities concentrated near the centers of political power. the sole purpose of the "good government" reform efforts prior to the world wars were solely to keep the irish political machines from seizing control city governments in elections. no one cared about the patronage system when it was just anglo-protestants in charge

Our grandfathers were sent to fight wars America should have NEVER been involved with that led to our present predicament. So yes, grandpa fought exactly for this.

>Those targeted ads

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So why would I want congress to emphasize these people as being “unfairly impacted more” by this virus if they’re willingly going out to potentially get it?

No. Fuckin spicnigger

>what was the new deal
Are you pretending to be retarded?

You are Lucky americans, your police can shoot these guys. In Spain It would be impossible.

Nogs did that on their own.

Daily reminder that the good guys lost

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he stormed the wrong bitches