
Goys, what's going on with the fdesouche Disqus comments? They've been down for a couple of days and I feel lonely.

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> niggers
Just as I suspected!
(also, chckckxkhecked)

They shut it down because Frogs are upset and start to go hardcore.

Thanks matey. Then I guess it's good news. I haven't found any mention of the event anywhere. Was it preemptive (Sautarel's decision), or offensive (Disqus or red judge's or discord trannies' decision)?

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Imagine following juifdesouche in 2020.

Fdesouche is an honeypot retard

Hahaha! Well said, breh hahaha... Except where the fuck else do you go, zionbook? Nigtter?
I liked the talk. So what if my IP is logged by some incompetent functionary with barely enough manpower to keep the niggers from conquering the functionary neighborhood?

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I think it's Sautarel's decision, the lasts comments I see on it were really hardcore, call to murder etc

Clearly but what is not an Honeypot now ?

What did you like? I don't get it. People circlejerking about boogaloo and trolls trolling trolls

I liked talking with uncucked French people, even if there are trolls, and the wide iq distribution. I don't see *any* other forum that's not pozzed.

Excepts if they put Nigger and Snadnigger in charge to do it. I'm pretty that those who are monittoring us share the same right-wing ideology.

Some ppl share useful knowledge or info we don't get elsewhere. The only interesting things on Fdesouche it's his comment section.

> right wing ideology
I really don't think so, because they're extremely effective at silencing people, sowing fear, and preempting any nationalist movement. I think they're of the same whore as the red magistrates that'll rule against you for self defence against a group of bougnoules.
I'm just counting on their incompetence, not their decency.

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They were very well informed, and they had very subtle analysis sometimes.

I don't check DP for a while they wanted to open a comment section if I remember well.

I'm waiting for it! I think it's next week! But that's for the crimson-pilled. Fdesouche had actual farmers and normies talking freely, as before the results of pozzing l'éducation nationale.

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That's the only thing the French Communist State is good. Silencing right wing people and ideology. I cannot believe how cucked the ppl are here. Fucking retards.

By the way your English is smooth mate. Are? you a fucking English teacher

It breaks my heart matey. But don't worry. I don't know when, but the Gauls have historically been one of the most brutal people. And France is still 75% Gaul, and peoples tend to wake up when there's a great famine, and it looks more and more inevitable.

Naturalized murrkcan :/

Well Macron take 14points the last three weeks according to the polls. I hope, but honnestly I started to loose faith.

Yeah, no. There's a lot of reasons to be hopeless, but remember that 95% of people are npc. As soon as nationalist ideas emerge, and the leftist vise-hold of guilt-pandering becomes a little fragile... A lot of things can happen very quickly. Also, every president's popularity goes up when people are afraid. Also, 80% of the French (actual French) have polled as "against immigration" for the last ten years....

True. Now the leftist system is very very Resilient. I don't know one country on Earth probably except Sweden where they have so much power. Medias, Justice, School ... well it was nice to talk with a baguettebro. Have a nice Day.

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DP became low IQ garbage.
I miss Boris solo analysis, it was smarter than muh niggers bad muh Muslims bad muh French girls are coalburners.

You too matey! See you next time...

Your critique may be valid, but the question is: where do I go, then?

Oh and I forgot their new shtik :coronavirus is a hoax.
They went from top tier political commentators to retarded cringelords.

Oh, come on, you're being unfair. They're extremely nuanced about it, and they always admit: "things may change, but based on today's statistics..."

Well café du commerce is part of our traditions. And at some point what can you say more when same shit happen over and over.

There's no place left, even Yas Forums is full of kikes and retards now.
Last time I checked they were saying it's just a flu.

> there's no place left
Not with *that* attitude !

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Boris is smarter than that.
But he's cultivating that low brow mentality that make us look like braindead retards.

Just so you know, the global-capital-islamo-trannie left would love to put you in a mass grave even if no-one had made you look like a braindead retard by association.

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you're the retard, it is a hoax.

>global-capital-islamo-trannie left
>focusing on strawmen
Good goy.

It's a hoax by the Jews but Iran is in on it right? imbécile

> good goy
Fuck off

Well yeah, where's the exponential deathrate that we were promised three weeks ago? It should have hit by now, I guess everyone is just dead in their homes and no one noticed. Or it's a hoax. What else could it be at this point?

> o noes! this internet person didn't use my exact expression and his idea didn't explicitly name the jew! Better distract from the actual subject and insult him!

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The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Joseph Goebbels

Are you dumb or just retarded?

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I'm sorry, but your thought exhibits classic leftist rot. Look at what they do with population replacement: some asshole misrepresents Renaud Camus, and pulls out some half-assed, poorly worded conspiracy. The left latched on to that to call the *perfectly evident* population replacement a hoax.

Now you: some asshole pulls out some crazy numbers out of a hat. You latch on to those numbers and call the real epidemy itself a hoax.

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Les musulmans sont bien pires que les juifs, il vaut mieux avoir le cancer que de vivre avec ces rats de musulmans.

Pour moi, les uns sont là cause, et les autres sont l'effet. Mais je suis attendri parce-que j'apprécie Zemmour, donc je suis coupable du padamalgam. Et ce sont les nègres et les bougnoules que je vois de mes yeux tous les jours.

>muh left
Marine Le Pen also said it was a conspiracy theory.
>Pour Marine Le Pen, la théorie du «grand remplacement» relève du «complotisme»
>«Le concept de grand remplacement suppose un plan établi. Je ne participe pas de cette vision complotiste», dit la patronne du FN.
Pas de plan pré établi, goy.

>Attendri par Zemmour
100% good goy
Ton cerveau sous opposition contrôlée juive.
Retourne sur fds le shabbos.

There is a plan, but the left uses the dialectic sparring of "conspiracy" to avoid talking about the actual phenomenon, conspiracy or not. Same as calling the covid a hoax because you disagree with certain projections.
Marine le Pen is a lukewarm tool, and the FN is a safety valve very useful to the pozzer left.

Talking to you, I'm reminded of a red ant, so angry that it's just clenching it's jaws on the spot it bit. Not a very interesting conversation.

>Marine Le Pen also said it was a conspiracy theory.
Of course she will deny it, it's for her public image not to say those words. Yet she is technically fighting the GR

>Les musulmans sont bien pires que les juifs
L'un colonise de manière horizontale, l'autre de manière verticale. Tout ca parce que l'Europe n'a plus de base subjective qu'était le catholicisme.

No she's not.
She's just a shabbos just like Salvini, Bolsonaro and all other right wing populist in the world.
Stop deluding yourself. People want to hear the old FN, not this globo homo pro faggot pro niggers controlled op garbage.
You're literally shilling the French Ben Shapiro lmfao.
Get a grip on yourself.

Zemmour ne fait que exposer aux yeux de tous une vérité qui dérange, cette fameuse vérité qui démontre par a+b que l'islam est une plaie pour notre mode de vie occidental et nos valeurs. Cette fameuse vérité dérange les gens car ils sont formatés, martelés, 7 jours sur 7 par les gouvernements et médias. Les musulmans sont les seuls à ne pas vouloir s'intégrer dans notre société contrairement aux autres ethnies qui ne posent aucun problème.

Intégration = silent genocide, dumb nigger.
As long as they have French sounding names, right? All praise Jean-François the based nigger.
Alt light faggot need to leave

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Il vaut mieux se faire voler par Cohen que de voir sa fille de 15 ans se faire démembrer par détonation de TATP au bataclan ou en pleine rue.

> les autres ne posent aucun problème
eeeh. N'oublions pas la nègrerie. Et tout remplacement de population est un acte de guerre, même si les remplacés pensent que tout va bien se passer s'ils l'appellent une "chance".

Je n'ai rien contre les noirs du moment qu'ils ne sont pas musulmans, selon moi c'est la religion qui pose problème et non la couleur de peau.


Lmao cuck

Why don't you people like arabs exactly ? I've never had any problems with them.

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La race va bien bien plus loin que la couleur de peau. Et j'ai un problème dès qu'ils ne sont pas un ou deux, mais une population entière, littéralement une espèce invasive. C'est nuisible, même si tu aimes bien un ou deux individus pour des raisons diverses.

t. white trash de la cité

>Zemmour ne fait que exposer aux yeux de tous une vérité qui dérange
Zemmour ne te dira jamais (((QUI))) a fait rentrer tout ces immigrés d'une civilisation hostile! Tu aurai très bien pu apporter de la main d'oeuvre d'Europe de l'Est si besoin, et pas d'Afrique.
Il ne fait que pointer la conséquence, mais jamais la cause.

Jesus fuckig Christ. I don't know how old you are, or how wealthy, or where you live. But you're either an Arab or you need 10 years if opening your eyes. If you haven't seen it, I can't explain it to you, and if you had already seen it, I would need no explanation.

Il vaut mieux voir Shlomo dans le four et Karim dans son désert.

Ce que tu reproche à l'islam c'est de pas être assez homo sidaique et libéral compatible en gros ?

>Je n'ai rien contre les noirs du moment qu'ils ne sont pas musulmans
Mais eu ont un problème avec toi et n'ont pas pardonné Leopold

You haven't been listening to him. He's named the jew, but he's not going to make a monkey show to impress the people who will never accept him anyway, just to get kicked out of the public discourse. His integrity has impressed me. Of course he has conflict of interest, etc...


>He's named the jew
X to doubt

>He's named the jew
Not really. If he was, he would have been excluded from the mass media and thrown to jail. I've never seen him criticise CRIF, BETAR, Israel, etc... He's just creating the polarisation that they need.

Imagine simping for Moïse Zemmour.

Est-ce vraiment utile que je récapitule les raisons pour lesquelles les musulmans sont nuisibles pour notre mode de vie ? Si à l'heure actuelle tu n'as pas encore compris je crains que aucun de mes arguments ne pourra être utile à cette discussion...

Nothing a quick purge ca t fix

Kys christcuck traitor

>notre mode de vie
raconte nous ton (((mode de vie))), les droits LGBT?

Where do you live ?