Anyone going into a downward spiral of nihilism? Does anything even matter? Why get caught up in so many things...

Anyone going into a downward spiral of nihilism? Does anything even matter? Why get caught up in so many things? Why have passion? Why fight for stuff? Who made morals and why does it matter? What was i before being born/sperm? Why was i born? Did it have any meaning at all? Why is so many people many being born?

idk bros feels like nothing actually has meaning and were just specks of dust swirling in the air.

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Late to the game son

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nigger gay


Mount and blade bannerlord online helps keep the bad thoughts away

Nothing matters unless you go out of your way to make it matter.

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friendly reminder the despair never goes away

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we'll be old before we know it, so relax and enjoy the show

i felt all of this and then i realized i haven't exercised in over 3 weeks cause gyms closed down.

started lifting again and my mental health was gooder again.

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It sounds like your suffering from depression.

Nothing new here.
I still wish we could've weaponized black holes.

I don't really believe in anything at all aside from nuking China. I just don't like them.

>nothing actually has meaning

Nothing makes sense in clown world because (((((people))))) fell out of grace with God. The natural order was destroyed by hedonistic degenerate morons, and now we live with the repercussions.

Nothing really matters.
Anyone can see.



You’re 100% correct. Nothing has meaning unless you apply meaning to it.
For example the number 5
It’s a round bit with a hat, a symbol. It has no meaning except what you apply to it.
I listened to this again recently and it really made me realize we are just floating round on this rock to suffer.

No, because I didn't hang all my hopes on an Orange Casino Jew.

>Does anything even matter?

My kids matter. I was heading into a downward spiral but realized I need to protect them. They're my future. They represent THE future. Even if I think our civilization, our world wasn't meant to last, I think that life in general was meant to continue onward. Besides all that, I love my children and want to see them grow, succeed. I want to protect them from the hardships that are coming. If their only complaint is that they don't get their favorite chicken tendies then I've done my job as a parent.

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It matters, user, YOU matter.
Think of the WWW as a diary.

Our parents have read it.

Well, I had these feels once.
And then I found some thing I wanted to do with my life, and then it all made a little more sense.
I can't explain it, it was just this "I get it" moment.
We were born to do shit, so just find some thing to do, go on an adventure, it's better then moping around about it.

okay, Boomer


yes well you have a future user some of us don't and it is to late.

No disrespect, but, I mean, does it say that in your Bible? In literature?

Because I'm looking through all the rulebooks and trying to reconcile.


Nooooooooooooooooooooo, please I don't want to look at the other posts this morning, I like THIS one.

muh go on adventure have some fun! yeah but it only satisfies for a short while. And then you looking up in ceiling one day and asking yourself "what is it all for" and that's when it hits you.

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Are (you) faggots paging attention, at all?

“Life presents itself first and foremost as a task: the task of maintaining itself, the task of earning one's living. If this task is accomplished, what has been gained is a burden, and there then appears a second task: that of doing something with it so as to ward off boredom, which hovers over every secure life like a bird of prey. Thus the first task is to gain something and the second to become unconscious of what has been gained, which is otherwise a burden.” Arthur Based Schopenhauer

>I don't know bros why do anything it doesn't matter anyway just let the Jews do their thing amirite bros?
nice try hershel bergblatt

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Hey man chill out, don't wanna spoil that realization

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even if you were religious or found meaning through it... why should you and me suffer in this plane of existence for the sin of a single man???

Sorry if being too blackpilled.

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bump for matter

bump for anti-matter

No way to prevent this

Very sad, very sad

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bumping for (OP)


"Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun."

Have fun while it lasts. Stop accessing this stupid autist tranny board. Every single ideology here doesn't matter. This place will be forgotten in 20 years.

Life has no meaning and i am totally ok with that.



All will be dust.

>This place will be forgotten in 20 years.
I won’t forget where I grew up


Pick your class:

The Bard, a clown who juggles comedy and tragedy.
The Paladin: a crusader who has devoted himself to a cause.
The Thief: a cunning bandit driven by selfish desire
The warrior: a mercenary who only cares about doing the job

But Not Today.

You are responsible for this world, where you want it to move?

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Smoke weed and play bannerlord fag

the first three, only

Daily reminder that Albert Pike's plan for 3 world wars included using Nihilists
OP is being gay again

It's all so tiresome.

>Who made morals and why does it matter?
Morals is a way to live together in a way that is acceptable.

Ok, grown-up.

>Does anything even matter?
Never was and never will be
Deal with it
Beware though getting fooled by religions, they don’t know it better, they just want to use you

Now who's being the ..... ?

For me it’s the opposite. I can’t stand how much things DO matter. I can’t stand how high stakes this game is. It’s fucking unreal. This is unreal

>Anyone going into a downward spiral of nihilism?
Yes. It became rally bad after Trudeau got re-elected.
> Does anything even matter?
> Why get caught up in so many things?
I'm not
> Why have passion?
The only thing I have a passion for is my job. And only because I like figuring things out. I like working my brain. Must be some biochemical reaction
> Why fight for stuff?
I don't anymore. I want to see things BURN
> Who made morals and why does it matter?
Morals are part of consciousness. You cannot be a conscious being and not have morals
> What was i before being born/sperm?
> Why was i born?
everybody that exists and has ever existed had an infinitesimal probability of ever existing.
> Did it have any meaning at all?
> Why is so many people many being born?
because food is not scarce
>idk bros feels like nothing actually has meaning and were just specks of dust swirling in the air.
it's worse. dust doesn't have feelings. i'd love to be a dust particle.

that's why i said this and everyone is ignoring it can someone answer?

feel you bro, same here
I used to wake up like 07:00-08:00, now my eyes open but I ask my self, why event get up, so I fall asleep 1h 30min more atleast. Locked down knowing that we will face the next gread depression and that we are sentenced to pooverty kills every dream I had
I work out to the break down everyday and shit does not get better, but hey atleast when Im tired I only feel muscle pain :)

that's just a biochemical reaction fucking with your brain. you didn't achieve shit. just distracted yourself with some hormones. others choose alcohol or drugs

i will sign up to kill chinks. no joke.

best flowchart ive ever seen in this shitty website. saved.


Well there you go.

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I don’t suffer from modern diseases like nihilism. Worshipping the gods of my ancestors prevents me from such nonsense

>why should you and me suffer in this plane of existence for the sin of a single man???

I think that's some religious bullshit. If you should suffer at all it's because life itself comes with the risk of suffering. There are good times and there are bad. Someone has to live through the bad times. Sorry it has to be you and me, but it is what it is. In the end, we'll either survive or die, and if we survive we'll still be glad we are alive.

If nothing matters then it doesnt matter that nothing matters, cheer up and make something matter to yourself you are a human, you have power, retard.

bump for anti-matter

Absurdism is the solution, user. Lift is a losing battle with an obvious end, and some people decide to cut to the chase and not waste their time if the fight is unwinnable.

The key is learning to enjoy an endless war of attrition that's designed to widdle you down until you're nothing. This is the human condition in its most basic form. And this is an instinct that has been systematically eliminated in the modern world. Anyone that can learn to enjoy inevitable failure becomes unpredictable and hard to control.

Young men need to rekindle their human spirit, or they'll shutdown completely. Life is entirely about fulfilling arbitrary and pointless agendas, regardless of what realists will try to tell you.

Just learn to laugh at how silly our struggle is and make sure you understand that it's the very ideology that you choose that will inevitable kill you

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you have to love New Posters.
Also, checked.

Just workout until you’re mega sole, have lots of meaningless sex and die.

>he didn't accept jesus christ as his savior

How many times do we have to make fun of you OP, for you to understand that you are the butt of the joke? come on, it's getting tiresome, pathetic and bordering on tragic.

Mega swole*

If we're being honest though Thanos was the real hero and Life's best bet.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok,
should we ...

do we tell him?

Woke up feeling empty inside.
Did some calisthenics and shadow boxing.
Feeling great now.

you are born to coom and nothing more.


>Have fun while it lasts. Stop accessing this stupid autist tranny board. Every single ideology here doesn't matter. This place will be forgotten in 20 years.

Agreed. Can't stop coming here until the end or my personal end is in sight, though.

of course not retarded toothpaste monkey. you are too primitive


I'm at the lowest point in my life and due to shitty life circumstances that i cannot fix, I've spiraled into a state of nihilistic self destruction.

what should I do?

He quarintine is really taking a toll on you huh normie?

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issues detected.
oh, no, sorry it's NOTHNG.

Based and father-pilled.

> I'm at the lowest point in my life and due to shitty life circumstances that i cannot fix
What’s the situation doc

Sorry, I am socially anxious and retarded; and intellectually autistic. I have perception issues and I'm very self-centered.

I have no idea what you're on about.

A select few go to heaven and the rest of mankind go to hell. Damned for the sin of a single man(adam) and damned again to be burnt to toast forever. It just doesn't make sense. Believe it or not i gave up everything for lent and came to the realization that were just floating on a cold rock with no real actual answers.

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