Let’s start to implement what they have done. It worked.
Austria becomes the first Western country to defeat corona
meanwhile in sweden
what did they implement?
Hope they get reinfected
We all should have done it from day 1. Fuck this dumb globalist clown world.
Mass testing, mass quarantine.
Being white law abiding citizens.
Fuck you
Not based
Let’s implement it
That's not how you spell "Australia", mate.
Krautbro you need to stop shilling these retarded numbers. The only way coronovirus will be killed is through some sort of sure, proper quarantining and mitigation isn’t the solution
>Not even toothpicks.
Suprised niggers aren't already raping your bowl of cheese
t.herd tard country
Yet it works.
Those look excellent. Congrats.
Not for much longer
Austria hasn't defeated corona. They maybe won the first battle.
imagine being afraid of a COOF
Yet when people finally step outside and return to their daily lives this shit will spread all over again, rinse and repeat.
How come every woman in Ireland has small boobs?
The cure is worse than the disease for our modern interconnected globalist societies.
Sweden knows this.
Better to let the old whites die than impede the movement of millions of third world browns
The secret was having a society of arrogant, fucktards who hate each other almost as much as they hate themselves, and relish the chance to 'social distance'
So I'm expecting the deep south to be fine over in the USA.
This. Paid to stay at home with the doors locked and the curtains down.
>The secret was having a society of arrogant, fucktards who hate each other almost as much as they hate themselves, and relish the chance to 'social distance
That looks to be a viable strategy forward.
Oh JFC you didnt think we were Austria did you? Its Straya mate. Emus and boongs etc.
Every single Aussie had an emu dropped in their front yard so no cunt could leave the house
>Yet when people finally step outside and return to their daily lives this shit will spread all over again, rinse and repeat.
Austria is finalizing a randomized sample test study today. Then they know how many people in the population actually got corona.
Also, the downwards trend is significant and they have case numbers per district. They’ll keep the quarantine in heavy hit districts and open shops, schools, unis etc in districts with no new cases.
This, with mass testing and closed borders life can return to semi normal
If a district has 0 new cases in a while, why keep it closed. Also, public mask mandates are highly effective.
I don't understand these doomers crying that there will be a second wave the second we open things up again.
We have stopped outbreaks before when they have started by identifying and containing before it becomes widespread. If we reduce the number of active cases to the same numbers then it becomes the same exercise, but with the advantage that we already know everything about the virus we are containing. Should be easy.
being a tiny, rich country can work miracles in these circumstances.
And yet India.
It's just a bird, bro
Patrician cheese
Oh, India. This shit hasnt even begun there. Also, compare the amount of tests per capita they have done compared to the rest, it's a fucking joke, broheem.
This. We almost have the bastard where we want it. Soon the Emus will be herded off our front lawns
Southern hemisphere is cheating, mate.
>what is seasonality
>thinking that seasonal decline == defeated
Yeah, let's implemant 40+ C outside temperatures.
> low density population
> ocean borders
> low public transport usage
> universal healthcare
> metropolitan areas have high asian populations who already used face masks
> first cases appeared weeks after cases in Europe
Wadda ya MEAN we're cheating?
Arent you exxagerating? Are Aussies that angry at eachother?
Dude trust me. Australians are mostly sociopaths that actively enjoy seeing each other suffer.
Remember when we had bushfires earlier this year? Most people were sitting in front of their TVs, laughing at the dumb fucks having their shit ruined by the fires, right until they got a text telling them to evacuate and then suddenly they got all teary.
Australians are fucking terrible. The worst kind of parasites. National motto should be "well I got mine, cunt!"
I thought flattening the curve = impossible
>all that schadenfreude and bantz
no wonder australians fit into Yas Forums like a hand in glove
They didn’t flatten anything. They are getting new infections down to the dozens.
Once you have below 100 infections a day, you can trace these people to test others. Austria also does contact tracing.
Yea, Australia is basically like if Yas Forums was not just internet shitposting but peoples unironic, actual attitude that they publicly expressed and felt proud about.
What they did was be Australia? 1000 miles per person
The corona patients got stang to death before they could suffocate
Wow, dozens of replies and not a single actual useful comment giving information on what the fuck Austria did.
Daily reminder: Still no white deaths.
Nothing really. I still work in a workshop like normal, go to the same shops like normal. Just closed down any places that people mass congregate that aren't retail stores.
Mass quarantine? Not at all.
So global warming turns out being a good thing?
Greta BTFO.
Heyhey Sverige
Oh fuck Austria, they are directly responsible for thousands of cases around Europe. Read about Ischgl and how they basically kept their mouth shut to earn more skiing money.
Also very law abiding to start kicking your workers (both austrians and foreigners) on the street literally so they walked around infected and went to other hotels spreading it even more.
I love that country but they are be sociopaths sometimes.
Alright, let's get our nigger and Mexican level to that of Austria and see if that helps. We will adopt other similarities as needed.
>Wow, dozens of replies and not a single actual useful comment giving information on what the fuck Austria did.
A. Started social distancing early beginning of March
B. Strict lockdown since March 16
C. Very high and targeted testing (more testing per day than the UK)
D. People really follow the rules
E. Unique in Europe, Austria followed a “district by district” approach, locking down highly affected districts in the West (no travel in or out)
F. Now they top it all with a public mask mandate starting tomorrow
So I think it’s a combination. Also, doctors, nurses and carers for the elderly actually all care - so di their best to not spread the virus.