A deranged billionaire unleashes a virus on the go- I mean cattle thus decimating the entire global economy

>A deranged billionaire unleashes a virus on the go- I mean cattle thus decimating the entire global economy
>demands that everyone buys his test kits, vaccines and gets chip implants to prove they've purchased his vaccines
Isn't capitalism great?

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>A deranged billionaire unleashes a virus
What the fuck are the other billionaires doing? Eating ass? The fucking CIA exists to warn other billionaires of shitty plans like this. What were the CIA doing? Getting buttfucked?

Ergo, your premise is retarded (as are you).

He has a ‘doomsday seed bank’ under a glacier in Antarctica with all kinds of DNA stored for after the apocalypse. The preeminent prepper.


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>a m**t doesn't understand how his country functions
big surprise. Time to watch some urban americans chase handegg, my friend.

>Low IQ insults.
>Meme flag
Checks out.

anyone with that much money is 100% a sociopath

Hes developed a god complex and has to be stopped now

you dumb fucking bong cunt

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A god doesn't cower and tremble like a little girl just because they got hit with a pie in the face.

I just watched his Ted talk, the one where he verifies that there will be "digital" verification to be able to shop, travel, etc.

They edited that last part out before distribution but there are full versions out there

Fuck Bill Gates, he's been planning this for decades, he should be strung up high for all to see and then burn in hell

>“Governments will eventually come up with lots of money for these things, but they don’t know where to direct it, they can’t move as quickly," Bill Gates replied.
>He said that the biggest issue right now is the American health care system’s access to testing in order to pinpoint who has the disease and who does not. He added, however, that the money he has pledged can “help accelerate things” right now.
>“We did fund some things to be more prepared, like a vaccine effort,” Bill Gates said.
>"So for example there’s — of all the vaccine constructs, the seven most promising of those — even though we’ll end up picking at most two of them — we’re gonna fund factories for all seven," he said.
>“To get to the best case, that people like myself and Dr. [Anthony] Fauci are saying is about 18 months, we need to do safety and efficacy and build manufacturing. … And so we’ll abandon — you know, it will be a few billion dollars we’ll waste on manufacturing for the constructs that don’t get picked because something else is better,” Gates continued.
Sounds really weird. Like he knows something before anyone even realizes what the problem is. Why doesn't trump investigate this?

>Made fortune entirely on back of a country that religiously follows corporate socialism
> Oy vey capitalism bad
What a grand display of single digit iq

excellent concise summation

Damn shit, replied on wrong post

None of that is happening.
Bill Gates is just one fucking guy, there are tons of oligarchs, why don’t they get the blame?

I realized something: you know how you have to enter those gay serial numbers when you install windows on your pc? I think that's the same model he envisions with vaccines and chips as proof that you've purchased his vaccine. It's fucking hilarious in a way.

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>What the fuck are the other billionaires doing?
Meeting with Gates to discuss implementation.

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>Like he knows something before anyone even realizes what the problem is.
It sounds like he’s prepared. Being prepared and spending money to get a vaccine is a good thing. How are you imagining something nefarious when he’s literally willing to lose money to get a vaccine faster?

He's going to pocket that money because he's going to promise to develop 7 and 6 of them will be failures.

dude, he warned us like 10 years. we had sars and mers, we knew what was coming. this is on us and our goverments, stuff happens from time to time. notbelieving it, ignoring it, is not on the messengers, its on us.

this fuckup, with this culling virus, we deserve it to remember, what we fucking have to do. be prepared. any terrorism is a joke againts what nature can and will do.

The chink billionaires are donating shit and acting like they're doing the world a favor under cover of a massive money laundering operation.
>why did they have access to these products before government of their host nation

He’s promising to fund multiple attempts knowing that only one or two might work, theyre not going to fail on purpose, do you understand how this science works?

Good guy

Ha. That should be his life, just dodging pies. It’s his afterlife for sure.
You should have known
The pies of evil
And it hurts to know
That you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your pie face fate is looking so clear, yeah
Oooooh, it’s your fuckin’ face pie!


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>theyre not going to fail on purpose
Because he said so? Or because you said so?

Because that’s how science works you fucking idiot.
If this was his nefarious plan to control people why would he waste his money pretending to try attempts that ultimately fail? For the fucking show of it?

He has already done the research, he knows which vaccines are going to fail and he has the vaccine that works. Which he plans to sell to you. He's not only planning to scam go- guys like you out of money, he's also going to scam governments out of money too. And you know what that means: higher taxes :^)


Do you understand how corporations work you fucking retard? Mainstream science is meant to serve and support the medical industry, not the people.

I’m asking you, if he knows which vaccine will work, why waste the money funding 7 failures and wasting time? Why not just “develop” the one and sell it to the governments?
You fucking schizos just need a fun story to tell and you don’t even care if it makes sense.

I know exactly how money grubbing parasite corporations work, that’s why it doesnt make any sense to waste all that goddamned money on cures they KNOW wont work instead of just developing and selling the ones they know will work.

He has stated this all openly.
Completely openly.

And humanity stares at him like a cow does it's farmer before the pneumatic gun shoots a bolt into it's brain

>why waste the money funding 7 failures and wasting time?
Why does the same stretch of the road gets repaved every year? Why can't it be done once without wasting time and money? Are you seriously retarded or just a zoomer?

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>completely openly
Tell me where he admits to developing and releasing the virus.

>Why can't it be done once without wasting time and money
Because it gets used you fucking moron, what the fuck kind of gotcha attempt was that?

>I know exactly how money grubbing parasite corporations work
>that’s why it doesnt make any sense to waste all that goddamned money on cures they KNOW wont work instead of just developing and selling the ones they know will work
So you don't know how corporations work?

Does he have an army of tranny shills too just like trump?

I thought the army of tranny shills was against Trump. Or is there one on both sides?

Where does he live.?

do you have a link? I've been looking around but can't find the unedited version anywhere

I've been looking into all his property locations as well recently. Let's just say I would love to meet him.

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>digital verification to able to shop and travel

Nigga, that’s already in place. Your passport and your credit card had them.

My passport does not have digital verification, what kind of shit country do you live in where your passport has digital ID?

And I can buy food and other goods with paper money. Once again what kind of shit tier country does not allow people to pay with paper money?

his head should be on a pike

No fucking way, scary coincidence.

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Bill Gates was a poor jewish underdog that comes from a poor jewish family. He struggled all his life.
He was smart enough to invent the computer. You are just jealous.

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>>A deranged billionaire unleashes a virus on the go- I mean cattle thus decimating the entire global economy
>>demands that everyone buys his test kits, vaccines and gets chip implants to prove they've purchased his vaccines
>Isn't capitalism great?
I wish Q would tell his faggots to gas themselves. Biggest group of cringe boomers I have ever seen.


I've never actually bothered to check. Is Bill seriously jewish?

>slandering the most altruistic billionaire in history
low iq

The USSR had a masive bioweapon program, one of the labs was in the middle of the Aral sea that recently dried out. It wouldn't be surprising of something leaked out or got stolen from there.

No and he wasn't an underdog or grew up poor either

He looks more and more like hillary clinton as time passes


Good. If a billionaire wants us dead then we should be. You think you're smarter than a billionaire? Tell me how to live or die after you make your first billion. Until then, shut the fuck up.


>mfw richard stallman was lowkey just trying to save the world

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>What the fuck are the other billionaires doing?
helping him

>nerd has a nerd name from a card game for his dream house
whoa, truly evil

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>dude, he warned us like 10 years.
Show me where he invested money into solving decade old problems like SARS, mers, dengue, Zika...
He does not want to cure a virus, he wants the goys chipped and vaxxed with his pozz

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all of my this

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