Idk about you guys...

Idk about you guys, but i'm getting a little tired of all these fucking rules and businesses being shut down and not able to go see a fucking movie or go the beach. Eventually people are going to cause a scene about this, how much longer can people sit in their houses and shit?

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why not lead the charge?

hopefully most of Yas Forums self deletes and I can acutally see maybe one good thread a day on here.

>going to movies

You can get Jew Propaganda at home if that’s your thing.

people are pussies and nothing is going to happen. It's going to take herd mentality and people getting angry about it. There is NO fucking way people are going to let it be like this till August, no way.

it was just an example, there is NO reason why movie theaters wont let in a select few people and have them sit far from one another.

Maybe one a week is a more realistic hope! This place is a joke.

>going to see kike movies
>going to nigger and spic infested beaches
I hope we stay locked up until people do cause a scene.
I hope supply lines fail so that unprepared niggers start looting.
I hope they all get gunned down because I have no sympathy to those mindless "people."

I'm not leaving the house until I get my Trump bucks. My wife and her boyfriend are quarantined in our bedroom but the couch is actually pretty comfy

One could hope.

>going to nigger and spic infested beaches
lmao you have never been to Nortwest Florida dude. And you sound like a really scared person, why do you even use this website?

Upto the 90s I would have agreed.
We had white people still capable of rioting then.
Ever since though they have become afraid to act .
Gen x was the last gen who would say NO

We're talking a quarantine christmas

yeah it just sucks. There's no restaurants open or bars and i'll admit it's kind of nice people are out spending time with their families and working out and getting hobbies and stuff. But damn, how much longer is this shit going to go on? it looks like it's never going to stop.

fuck off normalfag

Oh no the horror of being alone with your thoughts

the horror, the horror

get real guys.

Why are you afraid of yourselves?

Oh no how will one attend the circus

everybody is alone all the fucking time anyway. People are "alone with their thoughts" more than they aren't alone.

Are you really that desperate for attention? "Oh no, i can't go outside. This is prison!! Stop being a bitch and watch a movie at home"

Books are your new cinema buddy

Of what?
I want things to get bad. Really bad. I want violence in the streets. I want a great culling of shitskins. I want nuclear fire to cleanse the earth.
I guess I am scared that this may just blow over without any kind of apocalyptic event happening. I'm scared of people returning to their stupid soulless lives. I'm scared that people will never change. That they'll never wake the fuck up and be human again.

lmao normie btfo
fuck off

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The niggers will riot if white people don’t, I’m genuinely shocked there wasn’t a chimpout when the nba shut down

what point are you even trying to make? I swear you guys spend all your time shitposting you don't even know how to form a fluid unique thought.

Not really, people are constantly distracted.

Maybe dropping the internet for a month would be a good move to get people to reconnect with their thoughts

I already got coronavirus and recovered from it. It's literally just a strong strain of the flu. I hallucinated a few days and just chilled on my couch drinking coconit water constantly and eventually it went away.

I don't even understand what is going on. How can society shut down over the flu?

A really good one actually.

They aren't human anymore.
Cut them off from the network and they'll lose their shit.
They need to be culled.

Just read a good book or two (ten). It's not hard to keep occupied. Do you have a disorder?

you're scared of the world around you, you're scared of other races you're scared you're too weak to read books or watch television because you believe you will be influenced by propaganda. Scared, weak minded people are like that, you choose to not learn or open yourself up to knowledge because you're afraid it will change you. When in reality you're in control.

nobody is constantly distracted, everybody has moments of alone time with themselves. This pandemic thing has proved that because people are choosing to go outside vs just staying in like they would had their freedoms not been taken.

Quit being a little bitch. Businesses aren't allowed to re-open until the government gives the OK or they'll face fines and or arrests.


no I read and stuff, I just prefer to be active and out and about. Staying inside all day isn't healthy

hes saying there are too many whiny goddam normalfags on this site

"normalfag" sounds like a reddit phrase. I don't see how you can sit inside your house all day and not work or go to school or meet women or anything. It's weird

Holy shit you're dense.
You're telling ME to read a fucking book while bitching that you don't have your distractions.
Get the fuck over yourself cunt.

How is going out on a nature trail or going to the beach to kayak a "distraction"?

The only thing I want is to be able to go to my gym again. There is a sauna there. It's just nice being there. I don't care about the other stuff being shut down, I just want to be able to go to the gym.

>normalfag sounds like a reddit phrase

can't respond Yas Forums thinks my post is spam, typical

>Video games
There's plenty to do indoors. Quit complaining. Would you rather be out there with Chinese intentionally wiping their saliva all over everything and niggers rioting? This will blow over eventually, but you being impatient isn't going to make the virus go away. In fact the reason the virus won't be gone for a while was because too many dumb motherfuckers ignored the quarantine orders and pretended like everything's fine. It isn't. Stay the fuck home.

Hang on I got my bro covid 19 on speed dial lemme hit him up rq and ask him when he's gonna stop killing people

exactly, I hate how Yas Forums posters here literally pretend and LARP like they don't have any hobbies or redeeming qualities.

Enjoy your free vacation you gay little election tourist

Oh yeah just cause someone doesn't leave the house or post their entire lives on facebook, they are the weird one.


you're autistic and there's nothing wrong with that. but you probably need to calm the fuck down

You can go outside. Well, we can here, and so can you.

Should have bought a sauna when I told you to last year

Boohoo no tears were cried

people who don't leave the house ARE weird, that's like what people with dementia do

Dude why are you freaking out about some stupid virus? I already got the virus and recovered and my quarantine period is over. The virus isn't that bad. You just need a lot of fluids and might hallucinate a couple days. People are literally freaking out over nothing. I am not longer contagious and I agree people should not spread it if they have it, but people shouldn't be closing down businesses over a virus. At most just the social distancing.

You never told me to buy a sauna. But I probably should have bought a sauna.

>muh dopamine rush
It's a distraction.
Why don't you find something productive to do?

Soon you will be one of us and there will be no going back.

Always the right time to buy a sauna in case of biowarfare, I've said that for years. Perk up your ears.

Just give it two more weeks bro.

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Nothing will happen. We have been declawed and domesticated.

I'm not mad or autistic, just a little surprised there are people with so little self awareness on this site. You literally don't belong here. Reddit is 100% more your speed. They're all crying about being bored too.

people in nyc will be dropping like flies very soon and you are going to get tasered by your neigbours should you try to leave your home

Wait and give me a bit.
I'll set fire to some shit

no they arent.

You're a nigger.

some of us are just smart and can fend intellectually and artistically for ourselves

Okay I will try to buy a sauna. Do you have one

I see simps like you get turned into druggies and fags in jail

Not me

Who wants to see my homemade salsa

Thank God switch games are available as digital downloads amirite?

18 months until they have a vaccine.

If you resist, they will bring in the tanks.

>lmao you have never been to Nortwest Florida dude.
You sound retarded.
>And you sound like a really scared person,
Im going to machete you and eat your fucking thighs.
>why do you even use this website?
Said the normie.

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I have a steam version, my infrared is elsewhere

pick them up for $100

I wonder if they will?
They have some spirit of defiance left.

You can still go to the shooting range, depending on where you live.

>I see simps like you get turned into druggies and fags in jail

You're just saying random nonsense unconnected with anything but congratulations on getting my attention.

the end of Apr

I'm counting on them doing it actually.
Then we get dead niggers. Good times.

Go rape a goat you nigger.
My first fucking summer as an independent man with a car and money and some nigger chink had to eat a bat.
Fuck you and every one else.

>steam version

That's good, but a sauna is necessary too.

Pull your sucks up whiner. Its the biggest pandemic since 1918. You can tell your grandkids stories about it.

Is the virus responsible or the fact you live in a society full of cowards?

I see it all the time, you need attention and put your nose into other people's business and end up getting turned out

>you're scared of the world around you, you're scared of other races you're scared you're too weak to read books or watch television because you believe you will be influenced by propaganda. Scared, weak minded people are like that, you choose to not learn or open yourself up to knowledge because you're afraid it will change you. When in reality you're in control.
Look at this fucking homosexual who types alot to say nothing but projection.
Die scum.

jesus christ man quarantine is brutal. i havent coomed in 6 weeks and i have some girls that i could meet under normal circumstances. even have one that is super cute that i talk to on the phone basically every day for like an hour. fucking hell im about to explode i finally stopped being a coomer and have success with girls for the first time in my life and now this shit is cockblocking me what have i done to deserve this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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You got me there buddy, you got me there.


Shut up with your gay nonsense. Your faggotry is not welcome here.

This isn't going to last for long. People aren't going to be stuck at home all day for months just because some boomers get killed by this meme virus. Especially considering boomers aren't giving a single fuck about the whole situation and are going outside normally.

Literally just you spewing bullshit you pulled out your ass.

>be Yas Forums
>ask for happenings DAILY since 2016
>finally gets happening
>doesn’t want happening anymore

Have some patience, it takes time to get all the equipment and supplies needed. before we can open business again. In the meantime why don't you start making masks and shit? Start milking it eh? Oh no you rather bitch all day rather than do something about it.

>>Video games

you sure know A LOT about reddit you fucking faggot shill.

>It isn't. Stay the fuck home.
Its a fucking flu, nigger.

Also this.
Wtf are you even doing here you dumb cunt?

That's his hobby

Lol and who’s the bitch in this situation goy? Listen chubby, your stuck in the house this summer one way or the other, doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.

This isn't a real happening though. It's just western society being cringe in the extent to which they are frightened over nothing.


>eventually people are going to create a scene about this
And what?
Go protest outside the hospitals or police station?

and why not?

ranges are closed around here, they got us on lockdown. everything is closed I can't even go fishing. it blows.

I’m inclined to support that but I just want a happening.

>since 2016
Wtf, we've been begging for happenings since the dawn of Yas Forums and even long before that.
You're one of those faggots that came in during the election, aren't ya?

Theater to implement more surceillance and make the population beg for more intervention as well as having a foot in the door when it comes to denunziation of "anti-social behaviour". People already start to jelly report families meeting up or people having fun outdoors. The whole StaSi mentality is coming back. Ideal when you want to be able to really surveil your plebs.

Last but not least, normalizing regular pandemics will lead to extraordinary emergency rules being able toe get implemented at will. Just thin about the banning of demonstrations before elections or fines for even meeting with like minded people.

It's all the system running smoothly.

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hook line and sinker fag

this what type of manchild sits at home and plays fucking video games all fucking day

Bloody read Seneca, leisure time is the most valuable commodity on earth.

Don't fritter away this gift.

>idk about you guys

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Shouldn't have chosen to live in some shithole then.
Sucks to be you.

You’re a pussy too you little faggot you won’t do shit you won’t ever do shit you never have done shit and you are shit and will die as shit, sad!

Yeah, i know its where you're from and where you should return to.
Some of us are still working and having to deal with this shit.
And you dont see us making threads about how were going to miss seeing Captain marvel 2: the return of my wife's son in theaters.
You pampered little pussy.

Definitely, hidden indoors over a mild flu.
We would totally collapse if a real event came along.

You have a meme flag and sincerely used an exclamation point, you're also what's wrong with this board faggot

Pathetic. How about you post about it on facebook or reddit instead, normie?

They have been ordered to close.
They are not going to open up so one whinging autist can watch some god awful capeshit Jewish propaganda.
They're going to comply.
Only niggers, loons and criminals cause shit during a national emergency.


Go away you’re a disgrace to muh ancestry.

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You dont speak like an American

Nah, he's right.
Then the national guard gets to kill them.
It'll be great.

Oh no no no
Cope normalfag


I stand by my original statement.

Why do you think niggers riot?
I think they see an opportunity and they loot stores for luxury goods.
It isn't a political statement.
It's fucking antisocial savagery.
They're chimps.

You! being! a! faggot! is! what! is! wrong! with! this! board! faggot!!

>I don't see how you can sit inside your house all day
Then get the fuck outside.
Doesn't mean anyone else has to cater for you.