Steppe Ancestry Unity Thread

You may only post in this thread if your ancestors lived on the Central Asian Steppe or Siberia, and were part of the process of horse domestication, chariot invention, and refinement of the art of archery.

Remember your forefathers who relentlessly put pressure on sedentary agriculturalists at the edges of the Eurasian continent, thereby encouraging constant development of civilization and infusing a necessity for material wealth into these largely anti-material cultures. Take pride in our shared history of civilizational revolution.

Attached: mongol.png (1024x1575, 430.4K)

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imagine being asian.

>mountain niggers

Only Indian Hindus are Aryan, they eventually migrated to Central Asia and Europe

Everything else is cope

I'm not, retard. Learn to read. Your steppe ancestry is probably sub-20.

Out of India theory is 0 IQ. Brahmins do have similar Aryan admixture to Scandinavians though.

Andronovo steppenigs were Aryans. Brahmins are

R1a Royal Scythian checking in

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Damn I can't believe I haven't seen this virgin chad meme before. Absolute beast, brother.

Aryans are Scythian, not Mongol. Mongols come from a small group of Scythians migrating East. The uyghurs today still have a large population of Scythians from that migration.

Attached: 330px-Scythia-Parthia_100_BC.png (330x210, 116.16K)

Here's another

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Yes, agreed. Look at my screenshot. Mongols are very different from Aryans, but we cultured them to the ways of the Steppe from their oogaboogaing around in the snow.

>i from central asian steppe
>i not asian
is this the level of education over in china?

Should add "paternal line relegated to 1 mountain in the caucasus". Haplogroup G is the pussiest of them all.

Imagine being this unaware of your ancestry. You probably think the niggers that left Africa just populated every corner of the world and then evolved into modern populations. Google "European Archaeogenetics", my uneducated brother.

imagine thinking europeans didn't start in europe.
imagine not knowing that europeans were the first humans.
i have zero african and zero asian dna.
i am proof of europeans first.

Attached: lol.png (890x707, 257.38K)

You're unrelated to these peoples. There were multiple massive replacement events in European prehistory.


This is the gayest screenshot ive ever seen
Fucking americans are so fucking bent lmao

Read any paper on ancient DNA. Modern Europeans are nothing like Aurignacians, let alone the first unsuccessful waves from Africa to Europe.

Well, it's true. Nomadic pastoralism was introduced to Mongolia from East Europe.

Read the paper, faggot. It states that "contact with the Neanderthal lineage may also have occurred during the Middle Pleistocene, as postulated from ancient DNA evidence". The 4% or whatever Neanderthal DNA that shows up on your (((23andMe))) accounts for this admixture, if it even exists. Congratulations, you might have 0.1% ancestry in Europe 15-20k years older than expected. You want a cookie?

if it's prehistory, how does anybody have proof?

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Paki? Your Aryan ancestors weep for you. Convert.

I hope you're memeing.

Genetic evidence.

Who gives a fuck lol
Imagine trying to bang an ugly mongolian chimpette and then actually imagine that being your chat up line
Then imagine further being so proud of this gay shit you post the screenshot on Yas Forums
Burgers are a laughing stock

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the who are "neanderthals". aren't they descendants of a previous migration? would not "that" previous migration have happened prior to homo sapien "arrival" in the caucuses mountains as much as 100k ya?

>I hope you're memeing
at this point yes.

I posted it half as a meme. The last message I send has big ironic vibes.

Shadilay m'gentlesirelarpstein
Which jewish company did you pay your money to so they can steal your dna history data

Also go back to Yas Forums. This thread isn't for nu/pol/fags.

Europeans aren't descended from Aryans

It better be a meme, i half thought it was bait

No, read the fucking paper. The whole point is that it shows Neanderthals likely arrived in Europe *after* early Sapiens arrived. You likely have more Neanderthal admixture than you do of this archaic Sapiens.

>we wuz mongolz n sheit
That screenshot is embarrassing.

Aryans eventually became Scythians among other tribes. When they speak of "Aryan invasions of India" they're using the misnomer for Scythes. There is a record of Scythian invasions of India, and they were quite unremarkable. There were not enough Scythes in India to change the gene pool. The reason some North Indians look white is because they're pretty much Caucasus middle eastern, whereas the South Indians are Africoid mutts.

Paki confirmed.

Northeastern Europe has up to ~50% Steppe admixture in some regions.

You have it backwards. Mongols were the original
>we wuz aryans

This is definitely false. Scythian invasions definitely increased Aryan admixture in India, but there's a shitload of evidence of significant steppe admixture in India starting ~1500 BC.

Neanderthals are very old. The oldest neanderthal bones in Europe are from some 400,000 years ago. There's a new paper about Homo antecessor based on some protein analysis.
Generally it's assumed that H. heidelbergensis is the common ancestor of H. sapiens and neanderthals. It's possible this species evolved from H. antecessor. We don't have H. heidelbergensis DNA yet.

Attached: phyloantecessor.jpg (625x335, 15.96K)

This. Non-mutted Persians and Slavs are their descendants. Look at the lands of the Scythians, Sarmatians, and the early Persian empire.

Europeans believe they're Aryans because the Thule society LARPed that they were descendants of a remarkable northern tribe written about in history, and uneducated hicks play along. There are indeed writings of a fair skinned, fair haired tribe from the North that were skilled warriors and craftsmen, and conquered many tribes to the South. However, those stories were written in the middle east. North of the Middle East is the Caucasus, the North Black Sea region. This is where the Aryan tribe historically came from, not Northern Europe. Northern Europe were a bunch of albino cave niggers. The reason for their being tall is because they were in fact big ass cave niggers fighting off sabre tooths, they had to be big and fierce. They were not remarkably intelligent. For example, their weaponry and metalwork were crude compared to that of the Aryans. Their domestication of animals nearly non existent until the modern age. Shit, Nords didn't civilize until well after the dark age. Mediterranean bros and Sons of the Steppe were civilized tens of thousands of years before Germanics and Nords. They literally LARP as another culture, when they could be proud of their own humble culture.

I mainly descend from the original hunter-gatherers of Europe.

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Not completely wrong. Aryan admixture definitely peaks in Slavs and Persians.

Repeat after me.
I am an oogabooga.

>Non-mutted Persians
No such thing. Aryans tried to unsuccessfully bleach Zagroid women and Persians are the result. Their ethnogenesis is miscegenation with brown women.

it doesn't say that.

the current model tries to say homo heidelbergensis was hanging around north of the Med long before any of this paper's timeline, and possibly neanderthal were a "branch" of these. so you see, it's interesting if homo sapien reached far into Europe before 120k ya, but they did not "pre-date" neanderthal, and especially what neanderthal "was before it was neanderthal".

Indo-Aryans->Scythians->Hunnic tribes->Mongols->Turks

We fucked up lads, time to go back.

It's surprising how this board obsessed with Nordicism knows so little about Indo-European migrations.
But now we also know that Afanasievo (one of the earlier Indo-European cultures) crossed the Altai Mountains and settled in Mongolia.

> In a time transect of 89 Mongolians, we reveal how Yamnaya steppe pastoralist spread from the west by 3300-2900 BCE in association with the Afanasievo culture, although we also document a boy buried in an Afanasievo barrow with ancestry entirely from local Mongolian hunter-gatherers, representing a unique case of someone of entirely non-Yamnaya ancestry interred in this way.
It's very likely that this expansion brought Tocharian languages to the Tarim Basin.

Then there was a second expansion sometime later of the Indo-Aryan branch.They also moved as far East as Mongolia and they were the ones who introduced chariots to early Chinese civilization. Scythians were Iranians, so they derive largely from this second migration.

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Other way around pajeet

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Which test is this from?

This is a meme nonsense.

From beautiful steppe into jungles of India filled with dravidoids
just why

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my ancestry is hunnic and tartarian

Eastern steppe and Western steppe are two different regions, races, and cultures. Western steppe is caucasoids, Eastern is mongoloids. Their main similarity is climate and terrain, so the tribes lived similar nomadic type horse culture lifestyles. It's assumed that the eastern steppe tribes copied the western steppe tribes, as Asians are never too original.

>They also moved as far East as Mongolia and they were the ones who introduced chariots to early Chinese civilization.
They introduced bronze too

Attached: Tarim-mummies-14.jpg (580x824, 184.03K)

It's more complex than that. In the past Eastern Steppes had a lot of West Eurasian admixture. It seems like Mongols almost completely replaced it.

Read the Cyrus Cylinder and Greek historians writings on Persians and Assassins. There were/are blonde and red haired ethnic Persians, and the Achaemenids specifically trace their lineage back to the Aryan tribe and claim it among other factors as their right to rule. It's a large metropolitan region, and yes there are browns and brownmutts, but not all of them are so. Just most.

Maybe not directly. There were other steppe cultures living in Bronze Age East Eurasian steppes. They derived their ancestry mostly from WSHG (Western Siberian Hunter Gatherers). It seems like these groups defeated or conquered early Indo-Europeans, such as Afanasievo because haplogroup Q1 becomes more common and R1b-Z2103 largely disappeared.
And there's of course this.
We don't know who they were. They obviously had contacts with Indo-Iranians, but it seems like Seima Turbino was older. They also had more advanced metallurgy than Indo-Iranians like Sintashta or Andronovo.

Caucasoids seem to always have issues breeding. The reason the mongols were successful was due to there being a fuckton of them, not because they had fucking stirrups (they taught me this in high school history, that the mongols were good at warfare because they had stirrups so they could more accurately fire arrows).

You don't win wars because you can fire arrows while the horse is mid gallup, you win wars with numbers. They called it the mongol horde for a reason. So yes, mongoloids browned up the steppe and made gross Kazakh and Uzbek hapas. Whites always get fucking browned due to sheer numbers, even to this day. Breed more ffs.

>You don't win wars because you can fire arrows while the horse is mid gallup

wew, lad.

>you don't win wars changing the paradigm of war

>brownmutts, but not all of them
No, it's all of them. If we're talking about genetics then Iranians are much less Aryan than many pajeets. Eastern Jatt Indians are 50% steppe while Iranians are less than 30%.

>There were/are blonde and red haired ethnic Persians
When you have a mutted populace, a few mutts will win the genetic lottery and inherit atavistic traits. They're still mutts, just with the rare case of blonde hair, just like how some Amerinigs have blue eyes.