>The country with the currency which almost all nation's currency is backed by is allowed to just print more money and give it out to its people
That's absolutely outrageous.
>The country with the currency which almost all nation's currency is backed by is allowed to just print more money and give it out to its people
That's absolutely outrageous.
Yup. Shut yer yap, Japan. We still have more nukes.
Wait till you find out about the underground breakaway society. Now THAT is outrageous.
>it's people
no just some people
most people - anyone who isn't a first-recipient (bankers and politicians and corporations) - get looted
Its all fun and printer go brrrr until you trigger a hyperinflation and become zimbabwe/weimar
When you have the magic money printer you can make the rules. Until then get back to the ricefields squinty.
all currencies are not backed by the USD, all of our taxed labor backs our respective country's currency which was privatized decades ago (except syria's)
Capitalism is a fucking joke, money is meaningless, debt is fake.
If everybody is Zimbabwe nobody is Zimbabwe
there's nothing capitalistic about a private central bank, in fact it's a communist concept
the only way that could happen is if there were stronger currencies that people could easily move to
there aren't for now
Does anyone have that meme but with a merchant instead?
Reminder that its private banks that create money ( enabled by private influenced central bank ) not the Government.
>implying Japan hasnt already been doing that for 30 years
You guys wrote the rulebook
Monopoly money for playing the most boring game on earth.
yes, the families in the Crown Temple in the City of London own both our national debts and their federal reserve bank is very much private
printing money to keep people working, making money, paying taxes, if u are lucky enough, smart, cruel u make more than the rest and win. Just a few more viruses and this fall apart.
>The Truth About Your Birth Certificate...
The moment our parents hand over the birth certificate application to the government a new loan is created by the federal reserve, and for the rest of your life all the income tax you pay will go toward paying the interest on that loan
>just for you.
leaf who appoints the governors of your central bank
Can you imagine if this was the way things were? Everyone would own a big ass house and nice car.
You might be asking, well how do they cover all withdrawals if they're making loans out of thin air? Well at any one time they only have to cover a small portion via withdrawals and can always get fresh printed dollars from the FED at low interest rate ( relative to what they loan out at ). It's a giant scam. ...
what money has been printed, though? As far as I can tell the Fed is just juggling loans of $1T, and that money doesn't actually exist. It's just a trick to make everyone's books look okay.
They give out $1T in loans each day, and get paid back $1T in repayments each day [zooms in] plus tip.
>... and in no case should money be lent a supramundane power to grow itself by ~~~interest~~~, at the expense of labor.
and yet, here we are.
Our central bank is called the Bank of Canada and its run by agents of the crown temple since the government of canada has been an illegitimate corporation since the 1930's.
The people do not own the money supply, the government does not own the money supply either, it's been privatized only a few decades after the US was (1913)
Thanks senpai. Now to go share it with all my frens :)
We don't just print the money from thin air.
We owe the money, plus interest, to the privately owned federal reserve jews who print money from thin air.
How is there nothing capitalistic about using money and power to exert unfair control over the market?
If it’s in service of “the market” it’s capitalism.
how are the directors and the governor of your central bank appointed
by whom
this is why it's a complete farce to maintain that these institutions are "private" - neither your central bank nor the Fed are "private" institutions in the least
they just would like for people to believe that they are to deflect blame from the government for their malpractice
its fake economy. Just look at their stock market.
And look at your gdp
>They give out $1T in loans each day, and get paid back $1T in repayments each day [zooms in] plus tip.
this nigger doesnt know how money multiplier works. Even i know, with my country's communists background
>How is there nothing capitalistic about using money and power to exert unfair control over the market?
Finance Capitalism user, and it's highly Jewish. Industrial Capitalism is quite benign in comparison, and yes I am in favor of Worker rights. But the alternative to Finance Capitalism is not Marxism.
well, at least our GDP isnt fake. Yeah, our economy is builded on oil industry, but at least its real economy, while yours builded on fake stock market derivatives and virtual services
I’m in favor of Workers Rights too, a workers right to ownership of the means of production.
monopolies aren't promoted by capitalism, you seem to be confusing communist concepts with what you think is capitalism.
Took you guys long enough what 200 years and wasn't Russia trying to be like the us at one point in time by I don't know INDUSTRIALIZING.
Mostly true, however the dollar also has value because of American Military and ability to tax American citizens. We have a highly service based economy yes but America is not penniless. The problem is that Finance Capitalism is a gigantic parasite on the actual productive portion of the economy.
I'm actually not sure on this.
Obviously if Zimbabwe prints tons of money it makes their currency have less value. But if the US and every country print money at the same time inflation shouldn't change. But scarcity is really more important here. If the virus causes deflationary pressure then it should counter the scarcity, even with inflation not changing.
blah blah blah.
proove me wrong that your economy isnt just fake financial derivatives and papers. Whole your real economy is in China right now.
Maybe your grandpas shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor then.
it does change, because there's a discrepancy between the prices at which initial receivers of printed funds buy assets at and what everyone else faces for prices when the expanded money supply is actually "felt"/settles in in the economy
> inflation shouldn't change
sorry user, that can't happen.
when more money is added the total worth of each denomination is reduced.
We've already surpassed the "it's not worth the paper it's printed on" stage and now we're on the depression downslope
Monopolies require a fucking market you idiot, what kind of communist state would have monopolies?
especially since everything is digital and you don't actually have to lug around wheelbarrows of money because of inflation
>But if the US and every country print money at the same time inflation shouldn't change
Ironically that only works so long as we import consumer goods.
this nigger doesnt know how money multiplier works too.
Shame on you burgers, you all dont know how your economy works.
Every economy is the same, even yours, because all of them have central banks that are connected to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland. (again, not syria's)
Oil is traded with dollars.
Prints some dollars.
Free oil.
dear god, you've never experienced a communist society have you?
one store for food, one store for plastic products, one car dealership with one type or car...
I'm giving up here, adios faggot
>the country that is guilty for Hitler losing is allowed to have an opinion
That's absolutely outrageous.
not same, in our economy fake financial derivatives and stock market is about 0,0000.. gdp.
That's what you get for giving up real monetary standards like gold
its fed
and yet the currency is backed by your labor, aka income tax.
you are in the same boat as everyone else, and btw, i'm not disagreeing that the US market is a joke but don't go spouting off that yours is any better when the only difference is the level of bullshit
It's not capitalist or communist. It's Jewish.
>and yet the currency is backed by your labor, aka income tax.
our currency is backed by oil producing mostly.
Their fake currency is backed by stock market papers, military power, and debt refinancing.
because level of bullshit is matter
Gold doesnt build an economy, Intellectual and Physical work + resources do.
All true, Misha, but ability of Americans to work and out natural resources remain. So it's not as fake as you make it sound.
one of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto is literally the establishment of a central bank
>our currency is backed by oil producing mostly.
you fell for the same propaganda that burgers are told about their shale oil production.
no, it's income tax, and your central bank the "Bank of Russia" is privately owned by the same people who own the US money supply.
How does it feel knowing your money system is just as monopolized as everyone else's, kind of shit, right?