I would give anything to go back to 1998 and be 18

I would give anything to go back to 1998 and be 18.

>no cellphones
>less SJW/LGBTQ in your face 24/7
>a more local community feeling, even in cities, due to no cellphone/widespread-internet
>golden age of pc gaming
>twerking non-existent outside baboon troupes in africa
>memes and retarded internet culture does not exist
>internet still a niche userbase of intelligent individuals interested in discussion and sharing ideas

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Other urls found in this thread:


>play SOTN after seeing stone cold kill corporate fuckheads and degenerates on raw while listening to SYL and eating hot pockets

>golden age of pc gaming
>twerking non-existent outside baboon troupes in africa
>memes and retarded internet culture does not exist
>internet still a niche userbase of intelligent individuals interested in discussion and sharing ideas
if you still care about this at the age of FOURTY FUCKING TWO then you never grew up and its all your fault. even if conditions were better nothing would have changed in your life

Ok gay cunt

>late 90s
>power goes out on my street
>mom and dad put some lawn chairs in our driveway and we chill out
>neighbor brings a grill
>everyone joins and we have a spontaneous bbq
truly a better time

I’m 19 right now and a part of me just knows something Has to give soon. Men are way too fucked now a days, we don’t want to live in this society. Things will either change for the better or totally break down to a degree not seen since the fall of Rome. Every single aspect of life right now, yes every single aspect is tainted by jewish Marxism in one form or another.

>haha just don’t care brah
try raising kids around this trash society and get back to us

If you find a way back don’t forget to tell me user

>Every 12 y/o girl has a tik tok with truckers attempting to groom them over the internet


Agreed. Im 42 and had a heart to heart with my son today. Basically told him only retards play video games past the age of 18. Video games are literally for children. And fucking neckbeard faggots.

It’s fucking over dude, I’d rather get blown to smithereens by an artillery shell in ww1 with the slim chance of surviving as a deaf amputee then live as a normal young man in modern life.

wtf I did this today too

So, user, what are you playing?

The fucking cognitive dissonance. You are FORTY-TWO posting on a god dam Anime board and calling video games for losers?

the reset is here folks. it's a slow burn reset, but it's here. especially once we get to the second wave of this virus and everything crashes

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yeah if you like staring at a wall for 8 hours straight between shifts at work

You're here forever too

Im 21, yeah shits fucked. I have my own home and a decent job but thats not enough for these slimy cunts. They all think theyre worthy of a top tier alpha despite being average at best

I was actually 18 back then. life was pretty amazing. but we didn't realize it would all be taken away so quickly, that it would only get worse with every passing year.
I would give anything to go back. but I'd go back even further, to the 80s, and be a young adult then. could enjoy it all for much longer.
also you forgot
>normal girls didn't have tattoos or dyed hair

I miss those times too.

Your greedy most of us are pre-30 and were born in the already fucked world, at least you got a taste of boomerdom

Not every girl, the ones who arent trash are kept away from it by their parents. t.was homeschooled for half my life

I was mostly just over exaggerating but if you lost an arm, you could probably still live a pretty good life.

Id prefer the 50s, the literal golden age of america

Whose world is this?
>The world is yours 1980 master race reporting in

ok boomer

Not only that but they literally have body counts higher than the battle of Stalingrad. What’s the point

Good point but you can't do maths faggot

did you also tell him that posting on anime image boards at the age of 42 is for retarded manchildren?

You mean fuck them.

Sorry, OP, but the memory hole gets deeper as we get older. Here's a little of 1994 to put things in perspective for you. You only need the first 20 seconds to get my point. We didn't know Perry's real name was Bernstein either. Ah well. youtu.be/5ydzXBShnEo

Whip niggers with steel cables with paper clips pushed through them and lemon juice with salt rubbed into the wounds drill holes through their toes and wire them to a merry go round with overdrive engines and surround with pavement of broken glass and salt with gritty mud sand, pound nigger testicles with hammers and drill holes in their teeth and wire their teeth to each other’s hands under tension so they pull on their teeth and in the. End put wooden rods in their black bing ones and pull them in hal f from them inside the butts

>go back
>have a bit of fun
>you're just in the same nightmare again
What's the point? I want to be 200 years in the future, when this faggotry is settled one way or the other.

Ideally you could be placed in a loop from 1994-2000.
The peak of human civilisation.


The peak of human civilization was Germany 1937-1942

The solution is to break their spirits and drag them back into the kitchen at any cost, feminism must be eradicated violently. Im even considering starting a militia made up of men who feel the same

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No it would be 1946 to 1975

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Na, there was no Oasis.

>>no cellphones

Strong contender certainly

It sounds like your describing the burbs.
If you lived in a shithole in the 90s it was pretty godamn miserable. I assume it still is, although statistically it appears a lot of crime has gone down.

Operation “Back to the Kitchen”. I like it man

Imagine if they won bros

Go back to melbourne and vote for the greens you zoomie faggot.

30 year old boomer here.
I was 12 on Sept 10 2001.
That was when shit felt remotely "normal"
For me personally. No fear cooming, no TSA bullshit. No internet, youtube, social media, family felt closer, no fag tranny shit being pushed. Shit was so simple yet it felt "enough".

i think about it everyday

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I was 9 in 1998. I did find it to be a magical time, living in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Granted, I still spent an inordinate amount of time on the internet talking to adults in sketchy chatrooms.

I mean if all you want to do is get rid of the Jews you'd be better off going back two millennia and helping the Romans do it.
Hadrian really wanted rid of them, as an example.

You're on Yas Forums you faggot. At your age if you're so well off in life you shouldn't even be here.
>Well that's not what a REAL man does
A real man does whatever the fuck he wants to do and doesn't give a shit if assholes on the internet don't like it.

Yes. Yes I did.

Don't be like dad

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I’m starting to think the whole 30-year-old boomer meme is real. There seem to be people from my age group that genuinely think like boomers. I’m 31 and I think most of the shit you’re complaining about is trivial.

How do i set this up? I can get a few BRDM2s, BTR60s and a couple deuce 1/2s which would be perfect for such a militia. How do i find and train likeminded troops and weed out feds?
The internet isnt responsible, the complete destruction of religion and the family unit is. The SJWs try to rewrite history and say the wholesome 1950s were a myth but my great grandparents who have known eachother since they were in diapers and have been married for 80 years are living proof theyre lying.

We got better than that. We got to know the silent generation which were our grandparents. They were pretty fucking based. Our boomer parents were retards.

At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play for the last time, and none of you realized it.

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I think one thing we need to bring back is rites of passage. There needs to be a clear boundary between childhood and adulthood. You should do that for your son. Say, "You are a man now and I'm going to treat you like one, and expect you to behave like one". We don't do that anymore and I think that may be one of the reasons millennials can't grow up.

One thing I always heard from my parents was, 'You have to act like an adult before we will treat you like one'. But now I think that doesn't work, because if you are being treated like a child, then there is no reason to change. If we say, you won't be coddled anymore starting from now, then there is a big incentive to change. What do you think?

The fuck are you talking about? I had a cellphone in 1998. It ran on the NMT network. I didn't have a smartphone in 1998 though.
Don't nostalgia for shit you weren't around for, it wasn't all that great.

Good answer. Last great rock n roll band on the planet. Cheers to you.

Same age at the time.
Picking up a pack of warheads on the way home from school. Doing homework, riding bikes til the streetlights came on, moms cooking dinner, playing brave fencer musashi or metal geat solid. Go to bed without a worry in the world..

For me it was 2012. Me and my friends in indiana were 13 at the time. We had a sleepover right before i moved to illinois. That place was hell on earth and im glad i left

It was a time when technology and the world were in perfect balance

Muh Vidya bad but watching muh Netflix and matvel climatic unyverse and niggerball for hours and hours a day is all good healthy pastimes user
>Ok boomer

I did all that until i graduated highschool a couple years ago, kids still do that

Unlike some people here, I don’t think age defines who can post here, especially because the generation that grew up on Yas Forums will be posting here for life, but you are genuinely a douchebag and should go play golf or whatever you think faggots your age are ’supposed’ to do.

I was 19 in 1998
everything was gay then too

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Millennials didn't even have functioning parents, no shit there weren't any rites of passage.
Almost the entire generation was raised on television and video games. Boomers can't parent for shit.

Yeah, sounds like we had a similar childhood.

Keep playing vidya, faggot. Get butthurt like one too.

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>no cellphones

I graduated HS in 98, and kids most certainly had cellphones. granted it was mostly rich kids, but they were well on their way to become more and more popular by 98

Everything feels like its crumbling around me. I know it sounds stupid but all I have sometimes is the ability to play music. Even if everything falls apart I can still sing. They still haven't taken that from me. And i won't ever let them.

Literally all of these things can be found today but I think you are too retarded to figure out where to go and what to do.

Yeah but the peak of cell phone culture back then was sharing shitty songs via bluetooth.
Hell, was that even around in 98 or was that early 2000s?

I miss it user, I missed out on the fun 4 years after HS with my old friends joining the ZOG military. Falling out with frens sucks. But hearing that does bring a smile to my face


We are in the end times right now for sure

Stay strong out there

Please, don’t use Damon Albarn as your reaction image, that’s a damn travesty. He would hate you.

This is very very true. Young men will rise to the challenge if given the opportunity to be an adult. It's pretty interesting when you treat them that way they start to change.

Example. When I am at home during time off I get my sons without any hassle to do work, make their breakfast, do chores etc without having to argue or yelling. I just explain to them this is how a man does things and they instantly respond to that.

I wasn’t even born yet but holy shit that sounds comfy

>no cellphones

You didn't have kino Nokia 3310 in Leafland in 1998 wth?

The internet went to shit when facebook became normal and all the boomers joined in around 2010 at the latest. That was when you had all these newfags come and were shocked and appalled that you could say mean things to people behind a nickname and now its all shit.
>Didnt need to use a VPN
>Could create multiple social media accounts without a verification
>Law enforcement and intelligence agencies werent lurking 24/7
>People didnt sue others for calling them a nigger
>Platforms werent companies and so didnt have create in depth terms of service to protect their name and prevent 'wrong think' from being spread on their platforms
>You signed up for stuff under a nickname so as to protect yourself. Now if you dont use your real name you either cant sign up or your get blocked and have to verify your true identity. Zoomies will also ridicule you for not using your real name.
>Platforms werent held accountable for what some random user of their 'service' used it for
>People could handle the banter
>People understood if someone was being mean to them you just disconnected the internet
>Employers didnt search their employees online history
>If you trolled on a game you got banned from that server. Now your entire account is locked forever. You cant even access the games YOU PAID FOR to play them.

yfw millennials literally have more back bone and common sense than boomers do. Nufags and moralfags ruined everything.

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I agree. Both parents at work all the time and family evenings mostly meant watching tv. Even boomers had a childish perception of the world. All they care about is sports. My dad was an athlete in highschool and wanted the same for me. For a variety of reasons I rejected sports. My dad wasn't really interested in teaching me anything else I guess. I don't resent him for that and I feel guilty, but I really don't understand the obsession with sports when there are so many more important things in life.

I was 22 in 1998. Nothing special happened

Who cares?
He's a giant faggot whose GF wrote a song about him not being able to please her.
No one ever wrote a song like that about LG.

Yeah, I miss no cellphones. The internet was much better without all these normans shitting it up.

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a b s o l u t e l y g l o w i n g

glowing is an anagram for glownig by the way, special agent fundament fister

>I would give anything to go back
there is no going back, only moving toward
the thing to focus on is getting it back to the way it was
most likely in the near future you will find the conviction and opportunity to do so
or you can go to a fema camp and get a 2020 chip
choose wisely

Imagine a concert, or some kind of event with a whole crowd, and not one person has a phone camera out.

DESU corona has brought back sort of a 90s feel, atleast outside by me. Everyone’s outside doing something, whether it’s in the park or kids playing. Kind of liking the quarantine but my job is considered essential so not much has changed for me so maybe that’s why I don’t feel it as much