But Yas Forums told me it was nothing but gas stations and truck stops!!
Nooooo small town America looks like THAT?
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that's what we call a >95% white area. exceedingly rare in more and more places sadly
Don't forget about Biltmore. It's easily the most impressive mansion in the entire US and 95% of Europe.
Too bad it’s just a tourist trap now.
dream house
Yep unfortunately my Mom has been there numerous time tho, maybe I'll go one day. The Vanderbilt's were a really impressive family lmfao.
Keeping it alive with one of the houses you saw in the video. 30k white people live in my no name Indiana town, stay mad.
Where is this?
My home. Just a reminder this America still exists, watch them seethe at our unreasonably based residents
I mean if I wanted to visit, what would I tell my gps?
This IS a rookie batiment compared to what France has... Nice try muhricans
buildings like these are what prevent us from updating our infrastructure.
I really like that handicapped sign at the fence next to the stairs, reminding them that they have to stay outside.
Technically classed as a city due to population but this is downtown of it. It’s full of leftist bugman but god it’s such a nice place.
Not only does it still exist, it is flourishing in some places.
No, it doesn't and it's sad. Houses that look amazing like that are in ahit neighborhoods with people won't take care of them. Urban morons let amazing construction go to waste, I hate boomers.
Sorry we’re full.
That famous stretch of I-70 always posted here is called Hazlewood and it's surrounded by miles of farmland in every direction
Checked and comfy small town USA user
New Albany, Indiana
Such a fun place to visit. I could spend a week just roaming the gardens.
>jews want infrastructure to be updated
kek, its the opposite of what the jew wants. Jews wont be able to sell as many cars if public transit was more readily available.
infact, Jews like General motors in the past BOUGHT public transit companies, downsized them, and when they stopped making money for obvious reason they then shut the companies down.
now fuck off kike lover or atleast do some basic research into what Jews ACTUALLY do instead of spamming a jew pic whenever u feel butthurt.
If the town is incorporated it's not a town, it's a company. Own land there and your just a shareholder.
I had a lot of fun nights on Pearl St, it's the NIMBY capital of America so the city prevents cheap housing developments to keep out poor people beyond some trailer parks in North Boulder
>I saw up to 14
>public transit is good!
>oy vey stay at home no congregatig because of the quarantine
fuck public transit, aka niggers on wheels, and fuck you
Ive yet to come across someone who talked so much yet said so little
There are unused transit lines in America bought and paid for by those companies, we all know this. Fact remains places like where I live were never touched by that kike nonsense, our historic buildings remain, they instill pride in our residents and youre simply jealous you dont have them. Fuck off kike.
Man i miss 1/2 price happy hour at Boulder Cafe.
>"why yes, I too wish to succumb to the jewish ideal of needing to own a vehicle in order to even just survive in the world. How could you tell?"
If you dont got a car or friends or family to drive you anywhere, you're shit out of luck dude.
Some would say they still are
True. Tho there are some fucking bums on Pearl street
Half of my broke ass rust belt town is massive Victorian estates erected by lumber barons. Now everyone makes less than 20k a year and shoots heroin. Future is awesome guys.
For me, it was $1 kamikazes at the Downer and pool with old cowboys
Fuckin shit got replaced with a (((Capital One))) with a (((Peet’s Coffee)))
Not really
>If you dont got a car
>If you dont got friends
>If you dont got family
that's a shitty situation in general. might want to fix it
Fuck off and stop defending your urban sprawl shithole. Infrastructure is nesescary
>against public transport
>accuses me of defending urban sprawl
memeflag retard kys
Post pics
Quite bland compared to the european flavor but better than most places in the country
At least (((Vanderbilt))) didn't bankrupt his own country building a fancy house
You really impress Europeans with
these images
Well never be Rome or Vienna and thats ok. Even so Im pretty proud of what I posted. Its universally recognized on Yas Forums that there are only 2 based parts of this country left, the Midwest and New England. My small shithole played a pretty important part in American history, 3 years after the revolution Louisville was founded - immediately after that, right across the river my hometown sprung up. From there the first trains were laid from here to Salem. From there to Indianapolis, which remains the capital to this day. I can point to and name the men who built what I see around me, better men than youll ever be built your cities. You no longer have what it takes to make any more. Eat a dick and stay poor.
Well actually they bankrupted themself saving and fighting the brits for you.
A bit of gratitude burgers!
Valuing buildings over your fertility rate -- not even once.
>be born
>reach age of consent but still in school and thus dont need a job yet/car
>mommy and daddy die
>they got medical bills and it eats away through their savings
>anything left over gets taken via the death/inheritance tax.
>since legally an adult, dont get sent into foster care
>since no family around to help, need job to pay bills
>Parents have car
>legally cant drive car because no insurance under your name
>"sounds like a shitty situation bruh, might wanna fix that shit"
Lmao, next thing you'd say is "if u break the law, you're degenerate".
Infrastructure is very useful, nigger. America is on the decline when it comes to maintaining/updating infrastructure because its too god damn expensive to do so because of all the regulations around shit like that.
All this cope, so little time. You took longer than expected to show up, come visit sometime user.
Stings a little, doesnt it?
We used to have nice things here in the south until the niggers conquered it. You guys going to undo past wrong doings and liberate us when all is said and done?
Prague is nice, didn't see a single nigger there.
Southern architecture remains peak American comfy, your story isnt over yet user
Keep posting so it gives me a reason to post more of my comfy home
It's over bro... I've lived here my whole life. It's conquered territory until an outside force liberates us. I see beautiful architecture just like that. Outside of chicken farms in the mountains and some houses owned by Jews, it's all occupied by niggers and has been destroyed.
>Papier-mâché castle
very impressive mutt, too bad the door in my house is older then your shitty country
Lets match how many more do you have? Ill stay within one city
The best part is that house can probably be bought for maybe 100k. Rural small town life is so fucking comfy and cheap compared to the cities. I don't understand how anyone can hate it.
>Muh social interaction
>Muh stuff to do
Half these assholes only sit around and watch Netflix anyway.