>ass raped Destiny in a debate
>does extensive research to backup all of his points
>opposes every globohomo position
>lives in Japan with his wife and kids
>neocons are afraid to debate him
Can someone please explain why I shouldn't like this guy?
Why haven't you taken the dawson pill?
>Can someone please explain why I shouldn't like this guy?
he's a nigger
eceleb sage
is he actually? he seems like he is too high IQ to have sub-Saharan DNA
really? do you sage every single fuentes thread?
Literally who
only political commentator i listen too
no he's irish and american indian
Ryan "the redpilled redskin" Dawson
>Can someone please explain why I shouldn't like this guy?
he's an Iranian asset who hates America because he identifies far more with his Native American side than his Irish side so sees white America as evil colonisers. guess why he hates Israeli's? because they're colonisers
fuck off kike
>muh Iran
kys boomer
same. he isn't a faag like funetes and he actually seems to be well informed
yeah dude is an encyclopedia
God damn he did school destiny
it wasn't even fucking close within 5 minutes Destiny was reduced to "well I feel like..."
i wondered why this guy doesn't get more attention, he actually BTFOd destiny and destinyfags get PTSD when you bring it up
he's a regular on PressTV, retard. you're trusting a government shill
eat shit, retard
>you're a government shill
>neocon talking points about Iran
kill yourself
Destiny has fans?
because he keeps running his mouth which gets his social media, paypal, merch websites etc nuked
well he has shills that make troll posts about how he BTFOs everyone in a debate, i don't know if they're fans
Ryan is based. I heard he was supposed to be on JRE but I guess some kike got in Joe’s ear and it was cancelled
>He is one of the OGs for calling out (((them))) on 911.
>Also tries to separate himself from the Alex Jones, Loose Change faggots.
>skullfucked Destiny
Ryan Dawson is a pedophile
PressTV is an Iranian state broadcaster, fucknuts. i haven't mentioned a single neocon talking point this whole thread
Really? How long ago? I know he is close with Eddie Bravo. Maybe someone can get him on Jimmy Dore
He’s a lolbert and I can’t stand to watch him on anything other than Jews. Other than that I like him. He hates white nationalists, though.
Whats wrong with Iran? Youre probably some faggot jew
Iran has killed 0 Americans on our soil. Why should I give a fuck about Iran?
If Ryan Dawson is such a truth teller then why is he allowed to exist on youtubes platform? I bet the shills have no response for that. Also, you guys like to call Alex Jones a fucking shill but he got kicked off every social media platform and was forced to broadcast from his own website. So the guy that gets silenced by the MSM is a shill but the guy allowed to broadcast all over youtube isn't? K got it! fucking retards..
He's THE guy on 9/11
Destroyed Destiney in a debate? Is that something to really be salivating over, that guy is a fucking faggot who could get destroyed in debate by the smartest kid with Down syndrome
he's been banned on twitter and he will probably be banned on youtube
theyve deleted his channel twice
yeah hes got good stuff. the banning is fucking irritating though.
sure, but in the eyes of even the most bluepilled normie he publicly humiliated Destiny. Plenty of people can beat Destiny in a debate, but he exposed him for being the neoliberal fag he is.
Ryan Dawson had to leave North Carolina because he was convicted of raping an infant. Why do you think he never leaves Japan? He's a scumbag that is afraid of justice and no wonder he sought refuge in a pedo paradise like Japan. Japanese men are notorious perverts that sell used undies in vending machines as well as hardcore child porngraphy.
youre a lying kike
>Whats wrong with Iran?
that China is paying them over $600 billion to develop their oil and gas infrastructure so they can be China's Arabian peninsular
>Why should I give a fuck about Iran?
because you share a planet with them and they aren't on your team
He's a fire breathing injun. He's actually good on almost all issues except race. Race is real but you can't do anything about it as he lives in homogeneous Japan.
It's like yeah assholes fucked your country up but now that it's fucked you can't be an asshole to set it back to how it was because then you're the asshole now.
Once again, Australia is our greatest ally
>Yas Forums
>he a peedoe
>no link
he's a *corn-nigger
>i wondered why this guy doesn't get more attention
Because he has a shitty mic, can't meme, and is WAY too right about jews to have a consistent platform.
Alex Jones has well over a million followers, obviously way more influential. What got him banned? Not his 911 theories or harassing school shooting victims or denying they happened in the first place. He was banned for calling out the false flags in Syria.
Also, Dawson has been kicked off of everything, including youtube twice and speaks in coded language these days to prevent it from happening again.
He's alright. He's whiter than some whites. and chadier than chads.
He is in the US all the time, Schlomo.
What is he doing in Nippon?
Bad faith actors like Ryan Dawson and Adam Green are hired government shills that are used to derail any type of truth movement by subverting them from the inside. They spread disinfo and cloud the truth by adding half truths into the mix.
>Globalist sentiments
Could have just said “why yes my name is moshie”
>Why do you think he never leaves Japan?
>regularly visits the US, particularly the D.C. area
Name something about Jews that Dawson says that isn't factually correct. There isn't anything.
Ganna have to do better than that oven dodger.
hes a faggot atheist israeli
Christians hate him
>waaahhh! geopolitics scary! take it away! TAKE IT AWAY!!!!
If by now you haven't realized that the very existence of a government is immoral and you advocate for any slave master, you're not worthy of my time.
>>ass raped Destiny in a debate
everybody altright retard says this and then avoids him when he offers a rematch
his last victim was eric striker, the smartest polack supposedly
What about Christopher Bollyn?
Destiny never wins anything. Anyone with a brain knows this but Destiny also knows this which is why he does what a typical pedophile manlet jew does when he lacks any real ability in life and talks in circles in typical Hitlerian jew fashion.
The fact he thinks anyone in the audience is convinced when he says stupid shit like "lobbyists don't influence politics what are you talking about that never happens" proves he's nothing more than a dishonest lying jew faggot. Literally nobody believes this including the 12% that support congress. If you're going to make a bold face lie like that you aren't worthy of being treated seriously.
Strikers smart but spergs out too much something a jew like Destiny could easily take advantage of.
this. saged
literally who?
midge cultist