/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2942 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,203,101 (+1,648) ► Died: 64,743 (+55) ► Day: 87 (-19:46:31)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,379 different strains have been sequenced —

Asian countries might face second wave as cases rise

Hong Kong enacts shutdowns as second wave hits

Town in China in lockdown again due to second wave of cases

Ecuador is dumping, burning bodies in the streets

Leukemia-like symptoms in blood samples from patients

China begins to reopen its wet markets

Ecuador has a lot more deaths than officially reported, president says

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

97,000 deaths in China, financial analyst estimates from urns data

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

US federal government pressures states to test less

"Germany doesn't test post-mortem", Spanish biologist

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

China burning bodies without testing or registration


05:44: 429 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
05:27: 55 new cases and 2 new deaths in Hungary
05:22: 4 new cases and 7 new deaths in Honduras
05:15: 156 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
05:12: 302 new cases in India
05:01: 252 new cases and 33 new deaths in Italy


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Built 4 BBC

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Hey, niggas, who was the rapper nigga who got the virus?
I think he was a rapper. He was definitely a black guy. Some user predicted him and another music nigga getting infected, but I don't remember their names.

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How did NYC get hit so bad when Seattle and Northern California were in the headlines 2-3 before?

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yeah nigga. they can put more than one cause of death on a death certificate. are you being retarded on purpose?

possibly more densely packed, less govt action, unironically large jewish weddings...

God please let this happen


>"""""""""""""""essential worker"""""""""""""""""""""""
>thankful for having a job and money
>but also want to stay inside like everyone else

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Unless some states and counties state exactly how many people actually need to be hospitalized, I'm sitting firmly nothingburger. 8k people died in the u.s.? So fucking what thats a normal day of deaths over several months. Now if they start to show that 30% of cases require hospitalization youll have my attention, but it all looks like FUD from here

Despite making up only 26% of the population...

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Okay.. I'm thinking he's based.

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fucking lol what's the back story?

That really gives a complete picture of things, don't it?

>429 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
Didn't they shut it down?


New stale pasta cool


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Just guys being dudes

What kind of creature is that?

United States 311,637 (8,454) Spain 126,168 (11,947) Italy 124,632 (15,362) Germany 96,092 (1,444) France 89,953 (7,560) China 81,669 (3,329) Iran 55,743 (3,452) United Kingdom 41,903 (4,313) Turkey 23,934 (501) Switzerland 20,505 (666) Belgium 18,431 (1,283) Netherlands 16,627 (1,651) Canada 14,018 (233) Austria 11,781 (186) Portugal 10,524 (266) Brazil 10,360 (445) South Korea 10,237 (183) Israel 8,018 (46) Sweden 6,443 (373) Australia 5,635 (34) Norway 5,550 (62) Russia 4,731 (43) Ireland 4,604 (137) Czech Republic 4,472 (59) Chile 4,161 (27) Denmark 4,077 (161) Poland 3,627 (79) Romania 3,613 (146) India 3,588 (99) Malaysia 3,483 (57) Ecuador 3,465 (172) Japan 3,139 (77) Philippines 3,094 (144) Pakistan 2,880 (45) Luxembourg 2,729 (31) Saudi Arabia 2,370 (29) Thailand 2,169 (23) Indonesia 2,092 (191) Mexico 1,890 (79) Finland 1,882 (25) Panama 1,801 (46) Peru 1,746 (73) Greece 1,673 (68) Serbia 1,624 (44) South Africa 1,585 (9)…

United States +280 (+2) China +30 (+3) Canada +106 (+2) South Korea +81 (+6) Israel +167 (+2) Australia +85 (+4) Pakistan +62 (+4) Thailand +102 (+3) Mexico +202 (+19) Hungary +55 (+2) Bulgaria +19 (+1) Honduras +4 (+7) Saudi Arabia +191 New Zealand +89 Lithuania +40 Kazakhstan +20 Afghanistan +28 Uzbekistan +32 Ghana +9 Bolivia +18 Kyrgyzstan +3 Paraguay +8 El Salvador +6 Jamaica +2 Saint Martin +5 Sint Maarten +2 Guyana +1 Haiti +1…


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The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Fake virus.
Wasn't happening. Isn't happening. Won't happen.
There is already a cure, infection is slowing down, China is back to normal, and we will have wasted three months on this bullshit rather than supporting the President. You fucking schizos gave the left ammo and feeding undue fear.

OP is a deep state shill.

blacks are more likely to obese and diabetic. blacks are less likely to heed expert advice and stay the fuck inside and away form other people? don't believe me? go drive through a black neighborhood and see for yourself.

Everyone was calling this months in advance. Everyone knew. Everyone who lives in reality, at least.

> they say God doesn't exist
> but we get such gifts

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Yas Forums gave her too much power and cum

Essential workers report in, how are you guys handling with corona happening?
I'm doing graveyard shift so I've accepted that I will get infected by our girl

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I walked into a Chinese restaurant yesterday and pointed at the staff behind the counter. “We know you people are responsible. We also know where you live and sleep. Bat eating rice niggers. Then I walked out and drove off.

no one reads this

The hospitals are so empty they are laying off people.

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That painting is incredible. Do you know the full version?

Oh god the second waves are already starting

This is really it isnt it guys? We're entering a new paradigm here. The future is going to be nothing like the life we've experienced so far

Dumb fuck

despite being 14%

I'm so fucking tired of living in this reality, digesting information from so many sources, trying to discern truth.... and in the end, it doesnt matter what each of us ends up believing.... the reality of the matter is that life is shit and it just got shittier.

these globalists are getting what they want, but isnt it all inevitable?

we are all the same damn product of reality. we are so individualistic that we are condemned to our own misery of cults...

being consciousness of reality is being aware of your spot in the grand design of demise.

i wish death to escape the hopelessness of reality, but im not convinced it gets any better.

stay safe, brothers. you can only trust your senses.

fun fact: I was at the wedding with one of the people testifying with fauci in this pic

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You are wrong though, the ones leaving are pussying out from biohazard cleanup and corpse disposal

Swine flu numero two has been in the states since, at least, December. Too back Trump didn't believe the fake news back then. We could have already been completely fuck by now.

This asshole literally out on his porch two apartments down from me that I can hear coofing from my goddamn living room.

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what do they mean by this?

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yeah, non-emergencies are down because no one wants to go to the hospital and risk catching this shit. all elective surgeries are off the table. all routine check ups are moved else where?

Are you being retarded on purpose again?

>and corpse disposal
Yeah they're going to use all the bodies and fuel at the power plants. Its awful.

I called this a nothingburger a month ago and I'm glad to see I was right. Fuck this fraudvirus.

New York could be underwater by 2013.

I'm at least getting 4 hours a weekday processing biopsies. Volume has plummeted so other people have been furloughed. It's pretty empty now so low risk for exposure unless some coofer shows up sick...
t. labfag

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Market wage slave, I'm a fucking zombie
>4 man department
>1 guy bunkered down in his home
>1 guy in quarantine because his mom is infected
We're borrowing a guy who sucks and are barely holding on. I haven't had a day off in 3 weeks. At least our Jewish overlords saw fit to give us an extra $2 an hour.

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fatalities will double in 2 days, 10x in 9 days

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Why shouldn't we spread this pox in nurgle's name? This world deserves to rot and decay.

What shape is the earth

Yes, they put on a death certificate both primary and secondary causes of death, if there are secondary factors. Have you never seen one?

That's a lot of time to spend processing boipussy.

A wild life expert was recording a documentary on Niggus-ebon'gibbus.
When the Camera panned to an as of yet named species, the animal turned hostile towards the Camera man, but as it left its den a predator Vitalik took advantage of the sparring.

The curve will flatten any day now guys

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Who /comfy/ here?

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Treatments that seem effective are being tested, vaccines being created with new tech... there is hope, bros.

Yeah the 50 morgue trucks are a trick. You are insane.

i dont understand the mentality of nothingburgers
>if the virus is real, it is a plague that will meet or exceed the spanish flu in death toll
>if the virus is not real/just le flu, then one of these is true:
>A) the world’s governments (and the jews who run them) intentionally crashed the global economy for currently unknown semitic reasons
>B) the world’s governments (in SPITE of the jews who run them) are using the mass quarantine to do something to piss off the jews. probably the whole “military rescuing children from CP bunkers in deep underground military bases” theory or something similar
>at least one government has spotted/been contacted by ayys and global governance is trying to hide us from them or some shit
it doesnt matter which of these things is true, the plain truth is that the world is not going to be the same for at least the next year, if not far longer. yet some fucking retards here still choose to eat crayons and say nothing is going on.
how do these people remember to breathe when they wake up in the morning?

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I'm still working from home full time but I'm goddamn bored. I'd love to be outside

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Don't change the subject. The virus is a fucking flu that kills people that are incredibly unhealthy, just tell the olds and cancer patients to stay inside and let everyone get back to work.

>no one wants to go to the hospital and risk catching this shit.
No they were given no option. Hospitals canceled those procedures because the bodies would up to the second floor windows and every ICU bed in the country would be full.

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Why is it accelerating so fast?

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Its up to 50 now?

>14 times more likely

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The brightside is that disaster and war are usually the only things that get humanity of its ass to create new age defining technology. So maybe we'll get sone cool gadgets out of this

50% essential since we split into 2 teams, just got the message that I can still work.
Will be wearing a mask when going out for work like the good little wagie that I am.

Niggers will make sure all democrat infested shitholes go fully punished by the boogaflu, pure pottery.

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>What kind of creature is that?
A wild frontbutt

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Scream and cry for more tests
They test more
Ohmygod why are the numbers so high

Yeah I’ve been hearing people walking down the hallway in my condo building coughing up half a fucking lung and quite obviously not even covering their mouths. With the knowledge of knowing the virus can stay airborne for hours this makes me scared to even leave my basement unit condo which has no door or balcony. Might start climbing out the windows if I have to go anywhere.

The bailout pays gibs for corona deaths.

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They just had another 167 new cases and 2 new deaths.

I think the Orthodox Jews are still going to gatherings and aren't staying at home, so they're spreading it. Same thing happened in NYC IIRC.

>work from home
>basic call center tech support shit for a product that serves the insurance industry
its not as comfy as living off trumpbux but its pretty nice
just wish the gyms were open

>in 2015 italian tv showed chinks working on the virus
>why create something that doesn't exist and kill people

it's downtown seattle, lady is homeless

>virus is nothing! look at the death rates! it's just a flu! doesn't do anything!
>types this while hiding in his cave with 5 years worth of food
>stops replying when you tell him to go outside if he's that confident.

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There may be an medical explanation for this, blackies who arrived to America centuries ago where the ones who could survive those long sea travel, usually they died of dehydration midway, those who could make it were the ones which could hold up water longer inside their bodies, sodium is the electrolyte that allows that which also cause hypertension. Therefore backies who had a genotype prone to hypertension were the ones who proliferate in America

What % of humanity will die? The 2% death rate meme is over now, right?

I meant patients don't want to go. People go to the ER for all sorts of trivial bullshit. Now they are not.

Buy a plague doctor costume, do some modifications to make sure it’s completely virus proof and then you’ll be able to leave your condo.

I do think there is as well. I expect this to be about as bad or maybe slightly worse than the Spanish flu. The real worry is the after effects. World war? Civil war? Social unrest? Food shortages? Those kinds of things scare me more than the virus itself.

Well it's a self correcting problem.

May the bounty of the holocough be plenty.

>the expert predictions assume people actually obey social distancing rules
>they assume we will continue like this forever

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nothing burger media hoax

No, I live in biotech city. When I asked the "entrepreneurs" about the possible side effects of ACE2 receptors, what happens when you block them with antibodies since they regulate aortic (heart valve flesh) growth? The one employee responds, "YOU PISS THEM OUT. SOMEBODY GET THIS GUY A HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY BOOK"
I would not touch that vaccine with a 60 foot pole

How about the government is retarded an actually think sciences and "experts" know what they are talking about. The models are bad, the data sucks and the predictions are far more serious than reality, but no country wants to be the one to tell their citizens to suck it up and deal with a bad flu because nobody is going to vote for you if they think you killed grandma.

>dont change the subject

You know whats funny about people like you. Some conspiracies are actually true, but you guys who go around saying "uhhh muh virus is a hoax"
"zuckerberg isnt human"
"earth is flat"
Ensure that none of the true ones are taken seriously. We really do live in a clown world.

More people commited suicide in the last 4 months than died to this meme virus. Source the fucking cdc

Over what timeline? Over 150 years I give it a 100% mortality.

>I meant patients don't want to go.
You did a survey?

Why don't you fucking unionize and say you and your colleagues walk unless you get hazard pay and overtime on top of your $2? Or do you take some kind of American pride in your slavery?

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so Yas Forums was tired of fucking jews and developed a corona chan to exterminate jews ?


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america will invade america and win. based civil war.

Having fun arguing with that strawman you made?

These are deaths user. I don't even bother with reported cases, but it's the same curve.

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it’s just the flu, I would go outside but the cops will fine me more than I am able to pay, otherwise I would gtfo instantly

Cuomo thanks China for ventilators. They can't keep getting away with this.

Cuomo does his latest videos in front of them like a rapper in front of an ambuelance

Oy vey! It’s closing after 600 years? At least it had a good run of 6,000 years.

>Dark Souls boss music starts playing

>'right to work' state
Must be nice to not live in the people grinder

After a trial run with the measles, of course.

You don't wanna unleash something this powerful without first doing a practice run.

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In the end its you that I hate more than the people who believe nothing

Haven't heard that one. Now I think you're just making things up.

>there are still survivors
Thankfully corona-chan will wipe the rest and anyone they know out with them!

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I deliver food in a small town.

Pretty comfy, just wearing gloves and handing out bic pens.

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100,000 total U.S. deaths by April 14th?

All I can hear is my upstairs neighbor coofing when she's home. She works at Whole Foods.

Unironically me. Continuous nothing burger poster, sitting on an armory, only leave for food once a month

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This needs to be a game

Everything's gonna be back to normal by June, right?


Even other Jews hate ultra-Orthodox Jews.


I'm back my children, deciding all of your fates.

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>Why shouldn't we spread this pox
There is still a genetic lotto to all of this where one can just crash out and die. Ok sure the math is in one's favor for most people but still, it's a dice roll that's pointless to take if one can avoid it.
also everyone knows someone who's older and at risk. I don't want to see my neighbors die or my friend's parents etc.