Bill gates BTFO

Africa doesn’t need his vaccines

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africans are subhuman, that's a scientific fact as far as I'm concerned

Its not?

Africans are worthless and a net drain on the human race. They contribute nothing positive to the world and harm animals and the environment.

You know the French scientists who kicked off this whole shitstorm in the first place weren't even talking about some new and dangerous experimental drug that might end nigger lives, they were talking about the BCG vaccine which is proven safe. Blacks are just demonstrating their retardation unprompted as usual.


The French are mini Africa anyway should test themselves kek


10/10 op, 10/10

Why does it matter, Africans are immune coronavirus, malaria, and peace.

I kind of agree, Africa should pay full price for vaccines, african economies can support billions of vaccinations at western prices I know it.

We have plenty of lab monkeys, why would we test on Africa?

It is a test to see if niggers can form livable societies. It's a failed test across the board.

Fuck those frog cunts

it's hilarious when american negroes try to identify with africa

It is.

Thanks and why is that exactly?

Fun fact : Africa literally has no philosophers and had to scramble to create something even remotely resembling "philosophy" in 1990 to save face. Also, Aztec pyramids where they sacrificed children, women, etc are more recent than Oxford College. AND, human sacrifice was widespread in N America, not just Aztecs and Mayans.

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Oh no! Someone save those poor oppressed niggers from....medical vaccines and life without disease. Why must we be so cruel?

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ngl John Boyega is pretty based for shitting on Star Wars fans as hard as he did.

Ye we should stop caring and let virus spread there

Damn I actually like John Boyega.

If this vaccine is proven safe, what is there to test?

what is this even in reference to?


Africa being a testing lab would be about 5 steps up from the shit hole situation it’s in right now.

based niggers
kikes btfo

he's british

Niggers are useless for anything else


>friendly reminder you live in a world when ugly prognathic nigger manlets can get 10/10s

Which way forward, white man?

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test it on hackney then, nigger

Negro's biology is too different to get accurate datas. It would be better if we tested that on jews.


She’s a 10/10 in Burgerland? Kek

Any girl who’s not fat is an automatic 7/10 here so yes

Bill is finding the next best alternative to Chimps.

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Isn't testing on Africans basically animal testing?

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Well shit if Nigger Stormtrooper says so, we'll pull out right away.

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From the translation of the news interview clip I saw it seemed like they were talking about Africa being a good place to use as a testing place because it's basically the control group since African countries are so fucked up and poorly managed that they've probably received virtually no treatment or harsh restrictions in place to stop the spread of the virus.

africa was always testing lab of humanity.

The Chinks should be the guinea pigs.

Why would you like that you fucking retard. If anything it's worse than a testing lab it should be nuked from orbit

>nigger’s only line and role in the final burial of “Disney” starwhores

Monkey is mad? And is right, they should be let alone and that means no healthcare and food.

Bill Gates want's to make sure africans get wiped out by corona, they will spread it through the vaccines.

Yeah, but chimps gotta chimp

On live TV too just casually discussing it.. Africa never even had a chance..

I unironically support john boyega

What are they testing and how many nogs is it going to kill?

Africa is dealing with a different kinda plague.

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John oogaboga

Yeah, blacks.

I agree. They also don't need medicine, food, water, infrastructure, or anything of the sort. Stop fucking helping them Bill you goddamn piece of shit

>muh africa
someone should tell that bigoted nigger that we're all the same.

he's right. i can't argue with him on that.

black people bad, white people good, black people bad, white people good, black people bad, white people good, black people bad, white people good, black people bad, white people good.

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I like how this nigger's career is effectively over since nobody gives a shit about Star Wars anymore, and the movie industry as we know it is pretty much dead.

Don't we already test on chimpanzees?

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So they complain when blacks aren't tested for medicine's effectiveness and then they complain when they are being tested on for medicine's effectiveness. Make up your minds you ungrateful niggers.


John Boyega is actually African, you buffoon.


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Africans former slaves/migrants certainly are a burden in our countries most of Africa keeps to itself. The west is cucked and sends them a shit load of money over guilt from muh slavery or something. China is the real burden on this world. It must be annihilated

>"You shall not be test subjects, my fellow Africans" said the British celebrity millionaire.
>Countless black Africans succumb to disease and die

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Africa don't need anybody's help. The world can stop bothering them and leaving them alone ffs. Let them have their own stone age like they always wanted.

>born in the UK to British Nigerian parents
>grew up in the UK
you're the buffoon. we're talking about nationality here, no shit he's black. doesn't mean he's ever lived in africa.