will you tell us in your own words why you go out of your way to destroy our nations?
Why do you push for the ethnic cleansing of white countries?
Why do you want to degenerate our societies?
Is it just loxism or is it something else?
Jews of Yas Forums
They are insecure.
>tfw I didn't expect an answer anyways
I think white people need to be taken down a notch. They need a dose of reality and are too prideful. They value ego over survival and that applies to both right wing whites and left wing whites.
t. Not Jewish but have a Jewish name.
Repent while you have time.
To answer your question, they are jealous of us. They WERE God's chosen people, then they denied him and took the deceiver in his place. They hate us because God found the gentiles more faithful and loyal than the jews, just like lucifer hates humans because he's jealous of our relationship with God.
Jewish people learned a looooong time ago that the future was using your brains not your hands. We see white as halfway between Jew and nigger...
To be fair, western people used to kill jews and blame them for everything until they seize control of the economy (which was due to catholic church being extremely retarded by giving jews privilege positions inside banking because religious shenanigans)
I’m not Jew, but let me tell you this. Jews are very loyal Satanists. And they do whatever Satan told them to do. Forget Judaism — most Jews declare not to follow Judaism. But they are not atheists either; instead, secret Satanists.
Being a greedy scoundrel that fucks everyone over for their own benefit isn't "using your brains". If you were actually smart you would know that after getting expelled 109 times.
That's a loaded question. 'we' don't do anything, it's a select people with a select ideology, some of them jews some of them whites, some hispanic, niggers etc. I could ask you the same question desu
You're just jealous that you aren't as successful with your own greediness.
I don't go out to destroy my nation but there is some ruthless instinct in me that will happily fuck someone over in a deal for my own benefit that I have to constantly keep in check because sometimes it doesn't make sense especially if you want repeat business dealings
tikkun olam
they want to be as degenerate as possible in order to bring god back.
>t. not jewish but live in Israel
I don't covet
You're being paid by the Israeli government to post pro-Israeli propaganda here so forgive me for not believing there isn't a "we"
You're the most hive minded race on this earth
>I don't covet
Good for you.
They are the grandfather of geopolitics. You learn a lot of things about people over the course of 2500 years. This is an ancient war from the cradle of civilization,.
Because Jews didn't get the joke. From "Biological Leninism":
"Socialism refined liberal politics, the same way that double-entry bookkeeping refined business accounting. The base of electoral politics was to promise high status to low status people. Marx, starting this tradition where semi-assimilated Jews don’t get the latent hypocrisy of the host society, didn’t quite get the joke of liberal egalitarianism, and just took it to its logical conclusion. You’re not supposed to do that, kids. You’re supposed to get the joke. But he didn’t. Liberty and Equality? Ok, let’s abolish private property then. Hey wait a little there. Are you serious? Abolish private property?"
And the next logical step was Neo-Marxism.
Based thread
They aren't going out of their way bro, they enjoy it, it feels natural for them. Does the nigger go "out of his way" to loot a store during a chimpout?
Nigs gon nig
Jews gonna jew
The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
>he thinks everyone has a greedy Jew brain but they just aren't smart enough to be successful at it
Hahaha this is very telling!
Truth is, Jew boy, some of us are smart enough to be greedy Jews but we choose not to because we have morals.
Because it's fun. The same reason you post here and troll.
Historically they are the nation equivalent to the columbine shooters. They got bullied so much and so hard (deservedly mind you youtu.be
Shabbat shalom gentile
The most honest answer.
That word meant something a lot different back then. Jesus described the Jews we have now as "fake Jews", "the synagogue of Satan", and "the children of the devil". They're the descendants of the people who sacrificed their children to Moloch and put their faith in the traditions of the elders (what later became the Talmud) instead of God and his prophets. They hate Jesus and everything that's good in this world.
we don't
we aren't
don't want that
its confirmation bias + sample bias, its jews and pocs and leftists, some who profit from it (the higher ups) and the rest unironically believe it is the right thing to do, its the moral thing to do
and by leftists it includes some pure 100% blue eyed blonde hair aryan qt3.14s who believe in it
Holy fuck that’s the most Jewish thing I’ve heard in the world
>my names schlomoshecklebergforskinstein
>my dna shows I’m a massive kike
>I’m not a jew though
Jesus fucking christ you kikes can’t stop yourselves can you
as we speak we locked down the jews like in your pic and have cops patrolling their neighborhoods hitting the buggers
you know nothing
You could do worse.
Why would anyone believe a word you say?
Not an argument.
you can check it retard
kill yourself subhuman garbage. you are the lowest form of life on Earth
no the truth is every race thinks theyre number 1 and every race deserves to be punished under a holy fire of global thermonuclear warfare , its naive to think any one race is egotistical
>To be fair, western people used to kill jews and blame them for everything until they seize control of the economy
Have you ever tought that maybe, just maybe more than a 100 civilizations weren't just "racist" and that jews were always shitty making almost all the extermination justified?
Hard to feel sorry for a group of people that poison your wells and kidnapp your children for blood rituals because they are literal vampires with shitty genetics that evolved to consume aryan blood in order to don't self desintegrate.
>kill yourself subhuman garbage. you are the lowest form of life on Earth
Because they're ugly and manlets
That's not a very positive outlook. You need to be more positive.
this is the answer.
Kikes literally have 5% nigger blood running in your veins:
Where can one find an (((unaltered))) copy of this disgusting book. It would be the ultimate redpill
Nice projection kike.
Death to you all.
Are you me?
Look into Masada.
That was the prototype of the holocaust.
That is their real origin myth.
Yes they hate you.
They want you out of the way.
They're obnoxious disgusting creatures that have to drag down society before they can fit in.
>see jews you get expelled from every country ever!
>what do you mean you want to return to your homeland? you occupier!
Again with all the negativity.
your homeland is poland, rat
The globalists are trying to do that, and they are a mix of ethnic Christians, Jews and Muslims, none of which believe in the actual principles of those religions. We are not trying to hurt you. We are just high IQ with strong families and communities, and we can still do well under globalist type systems due to our higher economic position. Eventually it will probably affect us negatively as well, but for now we are ok. Since you guys talk about gassing us and sending us to hell quite a bit, we are pretty content to watch you destroy yourselves and become cattle, even though it may not ultimately be in our best interest.
This is the actual truth, such fiends need to be destroyed
>'we' don't do anything
Your people is nearly perpetually in diaspora. Most ethnicities have the grace to melt into their adoptive societies, but Jews uniquely (maybe gypsies too) survive as a unique people.
Canaan>Egypt>Canaan>Babylon>Canaan>permanent worlwide diaspora
Over so many generations of being the 'other' you have developed a parasitic ideology that consumes the native culture. Weakening the native people makes Jews stronger and this is engrained in the culture and religion of judaism.
Wrong, my homeland is where all of my ancestors were born in - the land of Israel which stretches from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.
>They value ego over survival
Too bloody bad hook nose. Not my fault you cunt bent over and let the nazis gas you.
>there is some ruthless instinct in me that I will happily fuck someone over
This is my worst fear. That it is genetic and immutable. Jews are doomed to be evil forever.
Maybe it's the nigger in you.
I was thinking about this earlier. I wonder what it is like to be them. Perhaps they feel less guilt for wrong actions than we do. I just cannot imagine that. I can empathize with somebody who feels more guilty for something than I normally would. I can understand that, but now matte how hard I try I can’t understand what jews must feel like in their perverted soul. I almost don’t want to. It genuinely sickens me to think this much into it
Because I can.
They HATE every culture they inhabit. From Europe to China to the Americas. Jews are full of HATE.But, at first, they will act like they love you.
I can name at least a hundred national/global Jewish organizations that lobby for mass immigration into my country and I'm betting you can't name a single one that opposes them. We all have group interests. Your group interests involve destroying my group.
No wonder you people are dying out. You're so incredibly negative and obsessed with death.
You are to us in the same way niggers are to you. Subhumans.
We make you weaker the same way white colonists to Africa make the natives weaker. We introduce higher concepts of ethics, science, medicine, art, and technology to you. You integrate these things to some degree, but at the end of the day your minds are just not built to grasp such lofty concepts and ideals. All you see is that we are better at making money than you, our wives tend to whore around less, and our kids are all successful. This doesn't hurt you directly, but it is very painful for men when their position in the pyramid is lowered due to increased competition. Seething jealousy is really all it's ever about.
Even that is a lie. Look into a book called The Masada Myth. There was no massacre, not a single Roman soldier died at Masada. The jews there all committed suicide
That flag. You molest children don't you. Sick fuck.
These threads have been responded to with a fuck ton of detail previously dude, just search 4plebs.org
Could you imagine being this fat?
Ya duberinos, they totally did. I thought that was common knowledge. Wtf.
It's odd that's the first thing you think of...Were you molested as a child?
You know greed is a compensatory mechanism for insecure people right ?
Kikes are cognizant of their own genetic inferiority, that's why they're so desperate to accumulate materials.
It's nice to get fresh takes and generate new conversation, no matter how many times it has been discussed before.
No I had a proper upbringing. Hence my flag. But your shit meme-flag. That indicates some serious abuse in you past. You should share it with us, anonymously, as a kind of therapy. It may help you.
No religious Jews whatsoever lobby for mass immigration. American Jews are unfortunately irreligious, lean left, and adopt leftist positions. This is unfortunate and I consider these Jews a major problem, but it is largely because they don't like being told that their children will burn in hell for not accepting your God. You antagonize a minority among you, they aren't going to like you back. The difference between Jews and other minorities is that in white countries, we are actually better at flourishing in your societies than you are. Personally I think both sides have legitimate grievances. I would prefer that Jews and gentiles drop the hostility for a while and fight the globalists. We can go back to hating each other afterward.
In a metaphorical sense by your entire tribe, yeah every american kid has been in some way mind raped by adversarial semites.
Imagine being this disgusting
By this logic billionaires are the most inferior people on the planet. Just because someone is more successful financially does not mean they are genetically inferior.
This is what kikes actually believe.
>no u the post
>we locked down the bad Jews who follow Sanhedrin
>why would anyone believe you
>check it
He means he doesn't believe you don't follow the same teachings. Even if you were raised non-religious, the religious teachings survive in the culture.
You can do this. Try.