Should children be given the death penalty?
Should children be given the death penalty?
>wasting cunny
white crime matter
Yes, children can understand life and death at age 2-5, so of course those could as well.
No. There should be no death penalties or life prison sentences. Only eternal exile to a "forbidden zone". Let the undesirables have their own society. The forbidden zone should only be policed for weapons of mass destruction. Other than that, the civilized society should take a non-interventionist stance
no death penalty.
forced labor an incarceration.
>Let the undesirables have their own society
tat's how somalia became the way it is today.
everyone over the age of 10 knows what is wrong and right
It's your fault that violent criminals are emboldened. Bring back public executions and violent crime will plummet.
>those two mutts in the op
That's also how Australia became what it is today.
You gain nothing from engaging from more killing or psychologically torturing the imprisoned via their incarceration.
it depends.
Very lesbian porn tube. Would heartily click.
No, they do not. The understanding of the permanence of death is not achieved until around age 10 or 11
did the one on the left develop down syndrome in prison or something?
Never has happened before in all of human history. Violent criminals are usually high in trait impulsivity. They don't "think" about the consequences of their actions before they commit them. That is why the death penalty has never been an effective deterrent. All of the incarceration and authoritarianism also costs your beloved tax payers more money.
Fuck you, you can't give my waifu the death penalty. I'd be fine with the one on the right being executed though, she's ugly as fuck.
What a cuck.
>That is why the death penalty has never been an effective deterrent. All of the incarceration and authoritarianism also costs your beloved tax payers more money.
I'm saying, conservatives do perpetually fuck themselves over with their own stupidity and willful ignorance
The body of a 60 year old woman.
Depends what race the victim(s) is.
I hate the South.
The death penalty should only be given to race traitors and communists, that is literally it.
Bet he was charged with double homicide
imagine being so retarded you're willing to die over an insentient clump of cells
>The understanding of the permanence of death is not achieved until around age 10 or 11
Bullshit. Little kids know that stepping on ants kills them; kids also witness pets die far before 10 and understand death. If you're quoting a book it's lies from kikes 100%.
t. knew right from wrong from the start
why waste tax dollars keeping them in prisons?
Only American children, by default
You're a soft faggot who endangers all around him by being a sot useless tool for the criminals.
>anecdotal evidence
Into the trash it goes
yes make an example to all the others shitstain
Only the one on the right
Am I really "soft" for not hiding behind the violence of the state to shield me from things that scare me, in the way conservatives do?
Fuck off, kike, my life experience is just as valid, and that's what pisses you off the most.
Free Morgan
Anissa can get the chair for all I care.
You really sound like a hopeless faggot who stands no chance against raiders if or when they come. You may even threaten them with a call to the police. lol
What, all of them? They're just children, they'll grow out of it.
>That is why the death penalty has never been an effective deterrent. All of the incarceration and authoritarianism also costs your beloved tax payers more money.
Then execute them to save money, faggot.
The only legitimate way for you to say such a faggy thing is if you actually go out of your way everyday to be besides criminals.
Do you?
Das right nigger! and don't forget it!
We already do.
One person's experience is just as valid as many? You must be 18 to post
Lol you didnt understand that death is permanent until age 10? What mental handicap do you have?
That's right, faggot; democracy is a mob and is tyrannical. Very good.
Yeah I'm in America. We've got black people and latinos everywhere. Lol. Silly Frenchmen.
SRS, people should just get exiled forever if they break any laws. Killing them accomplishes nothing. Incarceration accomplishes nothing. Our system is barbaric, backwards, counterproductive. Here in America our prison systems are so awful they do nothing but actually make people MORE prone to criminality and VIOLENT criminality at that.
I'm sure you were quite the intellectual while you were still wetting the bed. Stop larping
I'm more inclined to sell them as sex slaves, that would do a fine punishment for their crime
but black lives dont matter.
>Forced sex slave
You can't argue for the death penalty for children without also supporting children's ability to consent to sex.
So... no.
That's retarded. Fuck off.
Jesus Christ. Why do lolis age so disgracefully?
so basically australia?
This is all you people's fault for getting these dumb fucks up believe in skinwalkers and slenderman.
Dont see a problem here
equality is a false god
giving people special treatment is half of the reason the world sucks
>they didnt know any better based on life experience
why do so many Americans have Germanic sounding surnames?