Well.. will you circumcise your son if you had one?
Are you circumcied?
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Yes. Why wouldn't I?
My senpai and forever more uncut dicks and pagan anti jooish beliefs
My parents mutilated me. I won't do the same with my son.
Why were americans tricked into doing this
gtfo Shlomo
Good goyim
Yes I am. No I would never harm my own son's body parts especially not his dick.
About to have a son. Would an uncut dick look weird in America and cause girls to laugh at him?
Yes move and more prone to infections, shits gross why you want your sons dick to look sand nigger?
No and no because I'm not a Jew or a muttgolem.
Fuck no.
Euros are welcome to join this discussion but it's mostly for Americans. 80% of men here are cut.
A majority of boys being born in the US today don't have their penis mutilated. But you're a total retard if you're considering it for that reason and shouldn't reproduce.
Yes but maybe that's a good thing? If a woman laughs at you for not being cut she's whore anyway right?
But if you want him to fit in with social norms then get him cut, 80% of guys are.
i am, and i won't
>80% of men here are cut.
But why?
That's wrong though. Why do you guys always make up fake shit. It's declining yes, but the majority are still being circumcised.
I guess it depends where you live. It's not as common in the West coast.
Still today 75% of newborns are being circumcised in the entire country.
death to kikes and kike enablers
I am but my sons won't be
Couple years ago my uncut son had a personal talk with his cut dad. I described how the tip has no more sensation than my thumb, His look of horror still makes me feel like shit to this day.
No and even it it did, it should be his choice.
It's declining but this is for all men and it was extremely common and believed to be beneficial 20+ years ago.
Now there's movement to get it banned because people think its mutilation for some reason.
>why you want your sons dick to look sand nigger?
Muslim Arabs, along with Jews, are the main penis butchers you dummy.
YOU have a sandnigger dick, cuck.
No & I won’t since I’m not a kike, m*dslime, or rat worshipping Ami
>Letting a Jew mutilate your sons penis because of what retarded holes might say
What kind of faggot are you? Are you seriously going to do this to your son and even risk a botched circumcision that destroys his dick and also forever remove the nerve endings that make sex much more pleasurable just for what? Jew propaganda that claims holes somehow like mutilated genitals?
That's actually false. It's fake news spread by those who want to ban it. There are very few studies that prove there is less sensation. I'm not for it or against it, but spreading fake news is stupid
Adult circumcision is very painful and carries more risks. Either do it at birth or never.
Not the one's being born in 2020 idiot. He'll both be a freak and have a ruined sex life. When a majority of young men 20 years from now have unmutilated penises women will want nothing to do with mutilated men.
That's a lie moron.
>The new generation of American boys is less likely to be circumcised, however. A HCUP statistical brief reported in February 2012 that circumcisions had dropped from around 60% in 2000 to 54.5% in 2009.[25] In 2010, the CDC reported a steep decline in circumcision rates of newborns, from 56% in 2007 to just over 30% in 2009.[26]
At least you didn't cope by mutilating your own son user. You're a great father.
Yes I would miga
Fuck no.
Yes, and probably not. Pretty sure St. Peter said it wasn't necessary for christians either.
Is pic related the same bitch that likes black men?
if you dont have a foreskin you can't hold it shut when you pee and make a foreskin balloon. I would never deny my son that fun
Cutting off most of the nerves of your penis and letting your head dry out leads to drastic decrease in sensitivity.
No and no
in my country its called mutilation
The chances of it being botched are extremely low but this is the main argument. It's not a necessary medical procedure, so why risk it at all?
The nerve ending stuff is a myth though.
The sex life thing is a myth.
Also why is it that when I try to find a source for your greentext all I get is a bunch of forums and Yas Forums? Literally making shit up.
Holy shit please show your flag schlomo
Why would I want to deny my son the full pleasure of raw dogging or blowjobs
>forever remove the nerve endings that make sex much more pleasurable
[citation needed]
Source on this? There isn't one. This is a lie perpetuated to get circumcision banned.
I am against it but I won't make shit up to persuade others to have my beliefs like a fucking bitch
Didn’t cut my son. It’s his body, his decision.
The trend will die in our lifetime. People are waking up to the kikery
>But if you want him to fit in with social norms then get him cut, 80% of guys are.
Why are those 20% uncut?
And what do they actually have to say about it on the topic? Especially: are there testimonials of americans who got circumcised as adults, hence who actually know the difference between sexual intercourse with uncut and cut penises?
Is that adorable blonde who I think it is? The queen?
Stop coping you idiot. People like you are the reason we don't have enough money for foreskin regeneration. And you have to be totally delusional to think losing your foreskin doesn't ruin sex, men who have it done during adulthood report 90% lose of pleasure.
Im circumcised, neither of my 2 sons are. My wife was leaning towards doing it. I told her if she would watch a video of it being done and still want to do it, I'll stop pressing the issue. Of course she was absolutely disgusted and came over to my side immediately after.
gorilla nigger
didnt ask
Literally lmao. We have all done this. Except those poor cut dudes.
>9 posts by this ID
you are coping quite hard with your scarred and mutilated dried-out kike cock
Are you a Jew or Muslim? No? Then forget about it.
I won't mark my son as a jewish slave
Circumcision is rare in Europe so it's likely these immigrants who are choosing to have their sons born here not be circumcised.
You must verify sources on Wikipedia you moron. People will interpret data differently.
"Andrew Kress, the chief executive of SDI Health, cautioned that the data had not yet been published and was still being analyzed, but he confirmed that the trend had been toward fewer circumcisions each year."
Ok cheesedick
>much more pleasurable
I think he meant
>much less
Yes I am, and if I had a son I would have him circumcised. I think that's the objectively correct position, and I genuinely look at the uncircumcised as third world savages.
Cope seethe
Mate I’m gay. I can unequivocally inform you that men with cut dicks feel less sensation. Sorry but it’s true. That’s why they pushed it in the early 1900s to prevent masturbation.
No. Hell no.
I think that it’s a decision one has to decide for himself when adult
Women probably prefer cut dick, because no matter how accurately you wash your dick under the foreskin, their first reaction is disgust went they start sucking an uncut dick
I would protect my child from the circumfestishist "doctors" who enjoy damaging the brains of babies and forever cursing them to genital problems
I'm an uncut boomer in America. During the 2000's when I first started getting laid I kept my skin pulled back before I got rock hard so I wouldn't freak stupid Americunts out. Eventually after I busted a nut I didn't care and let my hoodie shine. Never had a girl mind it at all, so after that I quit worrying about pulling the skin back around girls.
The only real downside to being uncut is when a girl fucks you in a cowgirl position. Sometimes the pussy isn't wet enough and the friction could rip that little piece of skin under your dickhead.
My master told me it is a gift to receive the Mark of the Chosen. I serve Israel. MAGA!
Okay so why did God wrap the fore skin around the penis if we were suppose to get rid of it? Wouldn’t it make more sense if we just didn’t have it at the start?
>Women probably prefer cut dick
Dude it’s not your fault
>sample size: 18
My sons pediatrician said it’s less than 50 percent now. The hospital my wife gave birth at doesn’t even offer it anymore.
But your opinion on dicks is YOUR OPINION. When he is a man he would get to review this choice of yours. It’s fucking sick like tattooing a baby.