Why can't he just say it? Sorry, I fucked up, 9000 Americans dead and hundreds of thousands more to follow. Why does he refuse to admit he made a mistake? Is he some kind of infallible communist style leader? Sorry. It's not hard to say, unless you're Stalin or Hitler or somesuch
Go away feminist PM.
imagine thinking this is a fuck up and not the game plan.
9000 Americans die every months for varying reasons.
9000 Americans dead of a bio-engineered virus from China probably falls into the 'acceptable losses' category.
Why would he apologize for something he didn't do?
China killed 64000 so far, what do they do?
The whole elite establishment ignored this.
Qtard pls go
At what point will it be too many? 10 000? 100 000? 1 000 000? Give me a number and let's watch as we pass it
I have a better idea, but i wouldn't suggest it over there in Kiwiland:
Open things back up, business as usual. If you get it, you get it. If you die, you die. Herd immunity makes its way around, and we forget about this by Christmas. The fact that governments all over the world are losing their shit over a microbe that can be isolated, studied, and synthesized in a matter of weeks should tip you off that there's more going on.
I agree. Does xi jinping has his head really stuck up that far into his own ass? Just apologize to the world.
q works for me, user.
Why can't he just say it? Sorry, I fucked up, 64 Australians dead and hundreds of thousands more to follow. Why does he refuse to admit he made a mistake? Is he some kind of infallible communist style leader? Sorry. It's not hard to say, unless you're Stalin or Hitler or somesuch
It trump, apology is not in his vocabulary.
Literally 100% of the blame is on China you CCP shill
>robbed you 2 trillions and more to come
>anti freedom laws inc
>economy is now straight being controlled from tel aviv
you think trump didn't know what he was doing?
What mistake did he make?
>on top
yes homeschooled faggot
I'm sorry your a terrible OP.
Just terrible.
The people need to come together and support each other and you want to run with this demoralizing bullshit.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Weren’t retarded Magatards attending mass rallies all through February to hear Their tangerine turd speak?
The trump tards are even worse than the lefties now tbqh
Exactly - the tangerine turd has successfully alienated the world against America
What was he going to do eat the virus? Every country is getting fucked.
the old, how many people do we have to kill coof coof I mean die due to Cheeto incompetence before orange man bad
go get re-educated in china yang
>australia and lead flags
b-b-but you were supposed to orange man bad
bless you q
shill ownage at its finest
Retard trump gets impeached for being unscrupulous and constant lying
America spends January and February consumed by impeachment / maga tard rallies
What a train wreck tbqh
If you actually believe those numbers, then youre just a brainwashed nigger. KYS
Explain how Trump fucked up in more detail than 'because'.
not everyone. here in greece we locked down the country very early and now we have 10 deaths maximun every day. a country with your capabilities and resources shouldn;t be getting fucked like that. he fucked up, that's obvious.
Failing to act like a leader -
Told everyone sars 2.0 is just like the flu at a critical juncture
He’s literally a retarded tangerine turd
>don't test anyone
>look at how low our numbers are!
He's mentally ill and unfit to hold the office, dumb muricans still voted in a fucked up reality TV show moron who bankrupted casinos and fucked other women for money while his wife was pregnant. What did they expect lol
What specifically was his mistake?
you know what, maybe you were right all along and the one molded from cheetos is super evil
maybe he's so unscrupulous that he would go so far as to eliminate certain leafs with directed microwaves via stealth drones
but he wouldn't do that cause he's actually a decent dude but what do I know.
I'm retarded :)
i'm talking about deaths retard.
At a critical juncture, trump was golfing, or summoning mass maga tard rallies, instead of making sure spring break festivities were shut down etc
Imagine how stupid a Person would have to be to hold a political rally during a pandemic?
>what medical experts and the WHO said is only bad when Trump says it
Trump is a projection of America
A fat ego driven slob
>instead of making sure spring break festivities were shut down etc
That's literally not his job.
Telling your retarded fellow muricans it's contained, telling your retarded fellow muricans to go out and mingle
>that's obvious
>orang man bad
no elaboration required aye
he should have locked down your country one month ago. close borders to Europe and China. if that failed then he should redeploy your industries to start manufacturing masks, ventilators, medical supplies. the only thing this dude cares about are the STONKS
He wouldn't take responsibility for anything anyway
>telling your retarded fellow muricans to go out and mingle
When did Trump say that?
>retarded tangerine turd
i like Trump but he fucked up. don't be a drone
Get fucked. Trump did nothing wrong. Virus is killing mostly liberals/niggers anyways
What part of holding rallies do you not get you dumb as fuck murican
>hurrr durrr sars 2.0 is just like the flu guys
>ignores overwhelming clinical evidence from China, South Korea, Japan, including fact it’s a close genetic match to SARS - known by early Jan -
>proceeds to book magatard rallies all across the country
eclectic shillary of the finest quality
what else has the MSM told you. pray tell
and knowing how many were killed by corona requires testing that Greece isn't doing
Because nobody accepts apologies.
Seriously, name one time where somebody apologized and the masses accepted it instead of demanding more
>Drumpf should listen to the experts
listens to experts
your whole country shut down and donned hijabs when 50 muslims died
you have no room to speak
>and knowing how many were killed by corona requires testing that Greece isn't doing
this is so retarded, what do i answer to something like this? we do test you blind retard. we took pre-emptive measures so we don't have to test every nigga in sight.
>critical juncture
vague lame bullshit
everyone is an expert epidemiologist all of a sudden.
yes exactly
i agree he shouldn't apologise but he should have do more to protect the nation.
the faggot calling the kettle a leaf
>Dec 31 - China reports outbreak of novel virus
>Early Jan - Trump listens to experts that SARS 2.0 is rapidly spreading around the world
>proceeds to be book magatard rallies all across America during a pandemic
>overwhelming evidence according to the WHO in January being "no human to human transfer"
>the MSM told you
I would say 10 million is too much.
>hurrr durrr early January is not a critical juncture guyz
Ignores the fact that’s precisely the narrow window of time required shut it down (like we did in 2003)
>listens to experts
But why if he as he exclaimed knows more than anybody lol
>i post da funny meme
>everyone BTFO'D
your mind on MAGA.
No drive through testing with a side of fries in Greece? Lol
Unironically 6 million.
>hundreds of thousands more to follow
ok retard
oh you like trump?
I better honestly consider your fair and earnest criticisms then
(the smirk says KYS)
NO, just gyro, no fries. we're in a time of crisis kraut.
>everyone is an expert epidemiologist all of a sudden.
Well Drumpf is, now that 10k of dumb muricans died. In fact, as he exclaimed, he knew everything from the start lol
>months back, WHO states its just a bad case of the flu
>Trump: "Its just a bad case of the flu"
Is this the power of the spin?
>like we did
Why is your country suffering so badly from corona then?