Millennials of Yas Forums, why are you afraid of marriage?

Millennials of Yas Forums, why are you afraid of marriage?

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I'm not afraid of marriage, I'm afraid of women.

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Not afraid.
It's unnecessary.
I can assign her to be my beneficiary for insurance and will her my possessions.

I'm open to the idea of a dowry though.

shame about the nasty tats.

Who dat qt?

why are you so obsessed with her?

Asymmetric benefit in favor of women

Relationships are something normal, healthy, sane people do. It's not for my kind.

I would happily get married but the girls I've dated were roasties. I had a good one once but I was young and fucked it up.

1 post by this ID's of Yas Forums, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Reminder not to respond the soe slide threads.

Why is it any attractive or cute looking females always trash their bodies with plain and dipshitly designed tattoos?

It tells me right away they have nothing inbetween the eyes and it's an instant turn off mentally, and I don't even mean wanting to court them, but just talking to them in general. It's sad. It's like the ultimate pleb filter.

I'll get married to a 15yr old and nothing older.

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divorce rape + financial suicide by chile = mgtow

see that little blue arrow up in there---->
click that
image search

The last girl I dated started off strong, I let her basically move herself in and we were saying we loved each other after a couple weeks. But when I started talking about getting an apartment together it was all, "Maybe I don't WANT to live with you." But bitch, you already do?

She left me and hooked up with my friend.


>being this new

I have the virus so soon.
Fuck you demented failures
Wake the fuck up!

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There isn't much point to get married if not to have a family and having families is too expensive and dangerous.

OK boomer

Same here. I was with my ex for 8 years. Turns out she's was a roastie whore who wanted nothing more than to be a crack hoe. Fuck her

Sucks when you're actually bringing something to the table but the women are garbage. I've felt that pain.

*everything costs too much money now EVERYTHING productivity WAY UP never has humanity been so advanced NO PIE FOR US everything is TOO EXPENSIVE

I'll never be able to afford a house. I'm serious. I've done the math.

That is not an argument...whats next ? Cringe..built for bbc...dialate...seethe

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Because it's with 3D women.

You make 2 dimensional women real and I'll be all over that shit.

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A house is usually a shitty investment anyway unless you're willing to sell it.

>why are you afraid of marriage?
I'm not afraid of marriage... I'm afraid of divorce.

He's calling you a boomer because boomers had kids and houses when things were cheaper.

I'm not... women just find my physically repulsive. I'm balding and scrawny so they have good reason. It's honestly for the best if I don't procreate. I am the embodiment of the beta Male meme.

I do make good money, but I know that no women is capable of loving me for anything more than being a provider... so fuck it. It's probably better this way.

Burt is fucking based

I don't fear marriage, but do not condone it for people like myself nor for a large proportion of other millennials. You cannot fix rat utopia.

No one wants to marry a woman who has already fucked 20 men, so no one is marrying.

that's an insult, not a question

Are you me?

Is prostitution legal there at least?

You're mistaken. Millenial Americans fucked around (with Dorito Dew gameuu etc.) to date and now they're fucked leaving only (undeserving) hipster anorexic fuccbois and gigachads in the clear to mate with their male female counterparts. It won't last anyway.

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It use to be... fucking Canada.

The third and final wave of feminism was just too much for society to take.

I am calling on being able to make enough money to have a young wife that I can force to stay home after I make her have like 6 kids. I have good prospects now but they're not what I want and I think I still have time.

I'm more worried about the person I meet. I dont trust them not to immediately lose interest in me, whore around, then pull me into the divorcee population

>I will never be able to afford to being a citynigger

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...because I'm a low status woman and I'm afraid any man who would accept me as a wife would beat me. Like, I'll be autistically babbling about Pathfinder and FantasyCraft, and he'll haul of and "mute button" me right in the jaw. Men are scary...

I have to find a good man, who will protect me rather than hurt me. Mr. Right, instead of Mr. Right-hook.

Mommy won't let me.

it's worse here, they can get half your shit after 8 months without even being married

Just find an nice autistic guy. He'd be happy to be with you.

I'm not I'm afraid of divorce court

If you can show me a tattoo-less woman who can cook eggs and bacon for breakfast and meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner I’d propose on the spot.

There is not a single incentive for a man to get married in this culture. You are risking your entire livelihood for a legal agreement that supposedly represents a lifetime commitment, but has no means of enforcing such commitment from the less financially invested party. Pointless. There is nothing you cannot get outside of marriage that you suddenly get access to from being married.

And this comes from a guy whose parents have been together for 30 years. As time goes on the means available of ruining marriages grows exponentially. If my parents were born in my generation I doubt it would have lasted.

Mainstream social messaging promotes divorce and infidelity as justified or even desirable for virtually any reason. Marriage is untenable, due to unreasonable expectations and skewed incentive structure. What compounds the problem is the fact that there are huge differences in culture, language, and value systems in the US (thanks, multiculturalism) - which practically guarantees that people are not on the same page with regard to what they are agreeing to when getting married. Having kids is worth a lot of risk, tho, since they are pretty much hard-wired to genuinely love you.

you are right, it's either betas or bashers for uggos like you. Just get a beta you dumpy slut, they might fucking kill you on accident

and what exactly are the benefits of being married? I have seem two groups of men that eagerly want to marry a chick, the religious christcuck oh boy oh boy another day another jesus cock polished and the jealous type. Now the jealous type will marry any ugly bitch just because he wants to be in control.


Tits or gtfo.

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she looks 40, and feminist

I don't wanna give someone half of my shit

Cheating whores.
Will get married to a woman that refuses to have any male friends, hates all shades of nonwhites, and loves guns.

I am 33 years get out their and take whats yours instead of playing victim you goddamn video game playing lazy nigger

I never met anyone that I felt worth risking half my shit upon.
Also 4 of my 6 closer friends are already divorced before the age of 40.

White women need to be OK with having a ton of kids and being poor.
Abuse the gibs and let the tax money go to large white families instead of just beaners and nigs.

The foundation of marriage is supposed to be one of cooperation and communication throughout. The way that laws are today a woman can marry a man, put in a nonsensical amount of work into the house as far as money, bills, and sometimes the way they carry themselves living with others. In the long run a woman is always entitled to half for some reason. If you have children with this specific example she would also be entitled to the children by default. Now if you throw in drug problems, manipulation tactics, etc. then you get a real shit storm of a problem that can be best described as a leech on your neck for a large portion of your life. Marriage is a business proposition, except instead of it being truly equal it is often one sided. Also there’s an entirely different conversation that could be held on the atmosphere of society today. In today’s times I would be terrified of marriage and ten more times of having children because of all the external forces that work to break apart such relationships.

TLDR; marriages are bad because society will always reinforce negative behavior but only where it sees fit.

I thought women wanted to be beaten every once in a while...
are they not into that?



I’m gen-x and still unmarried. I can’t find a woman that just wants to fuck and otherwise leaves me alone. They all want me to treat them like their human, and they don’t realize they’re not

Marriage? I've never even had a gf

Nah I want commitment and women just want dick until they get bored.

yo same
I have a well-paying job and a house tho :^)

I'm not, I'm afraid of women.

Can I have her number?