Are you wearing a mask when you go outside?
Are you wearing a mask when you go outside?
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i dont go outside i shitpost and play vidya all day
no... I barely wash my hands. just trying to avoid people.
No because our retard PM sold a shit ton of masks and other medical supplies to China months before the quarantine started. Also your president closed the border to prevented us from getting gibs.
try P100 respirator faggot
get good or get covid-19
the looks I get from people that barely wash their hands are priceless
No cause I'm not a virus fearing faggot.
Bring it on you pussy gook shit.
Do I look like a chink?
You mean you shill all day.
I have been wearing my p100 half mask and goggles.... The looks I get are amazing, I love it. Normies aren't going to make it.
no, i don't want anyone to know me
No. Why would I? Because of a fake meme flu? lol no sorry but I'm not a liberal cuck
this. Florida Man here, went to Target earlier and only 1 out of maybe 30 people I saw was wearing a mask.
No, why would I?
They've admitted that those cheap surgical masks don't protect you, they only protect others against you spreading the virus if you're infected. And there's nobody within a thousand miles of me that I care about.
Venetian mask master race reporting in
Yes. And a full face chainsaw mask.
Of course not.
I do
dios mio
>those cheap surgical masks don't protect you, they only protect others against you spreading the virus if you're infected
Prove it.
Que asco una hoja de maple llena de mierda
Yes, but not on my face.
I wear a N95 and swimming goggles.
If I have to go somewhere indoors and public, like a train or the super market, yeah. I have a Scott FM3 Promask with Pro2000 P3 filters.
Upstate NY user here. Went to Walmart yesterday and pretty much every single normie was wearing a mask. I felt like the chump for not having one ..
no..burgers stole them all
Do you not have a working immune system? I don't need to take any protective measures because I'm actually fit as fuck and thus can't get ill or die from this flu.
No I'm not a meme
I wear a full cbrn Israeli M15 gas mask.
Say what you want about Jews but they make decent military gear. And thats all I could find for a reasonable price.
How are you killing Palestinians if you're indoors
Cringe. It’s literally just a slightly riskier flu. If you’re remotely healthy, you’re better off getting it and moving on with your life, not acting like it’s some doomsday superbug.
> ill or die from this flu
only part of this post of significance
Chinks have been wearing masks for over a decade and they're still the source if the issue. Shitty cloth masks are virtue signaling.
I’m always here
The quarantine is just another day
Pic related is me with corona
Get it?
Yes. A canvas 3M mask I bought in Taiwan when I was living there. Sewed in a pocket to slip PM 2.5 filters in I got from S. Korea. I've gone outside Maybe a handful of times in the last month just to walk around my neighborhood. ~600 cases in my city.
Truth =(
I wear an American flag bandanna around my mouth
I've been wearing a mask for so long I forgot how to take it off
You know it's not all about you right?
You get it then you can spread it to someone it might kill.
Stupid self centered people are incredibly dangerous...
No way.
Masks are for panicking retards.
>It’s literally just a slightly riskier flu.
Prove it.
Fucking this. I never should have left Taiwan.
Nah. I make sure I get plenty of vitamin c and shit. I ain't got no time to worry about that pointless mask bullshit. If normalfags actually start dying en masse I ain't losing any sleep.
These are the ones you want.
Got one. Just one. I put a spotlight on it and stare at it all night. It’s worth a shit car at the mo. It’s like a plague portfolio. The only way is up.
No, I just don't breathe. If I had to guess, I'd estimate that I probably haven't inhaled in maybe seven or eight years. Don't fall for the O2 Jew, you don't really need it.
Yes, since it was now advised.
Anyone who doesnt wear a mask goes on the watch list for possible dissident.
Likewise, anyone who did wear a mask when they were told not to went on the dissident list aswell. Do no think for yourself goy.
Also they are probably just testing the national facial recoginition system that all the fancy cameras have.
This whole "panic" with the odd shortages and restrictions on hours and absurd rations forces everyone to be out at the stores in a crowd every 3 days. They wanted EVERYONE out without a mask, and now they want EVERYONE out with a mask. Its testing the ability to identify you if you cover your face, as well as its ability to handle large crowds of people.
cant find the link I wanted to use, video I watched last night showed england police setting up cctv with facial recognition and hassling a guy for having his face covered. Forced him to uncover his face and took pictures of him themselves with phones or something.
Only wealthy countries that would run facial recognition have these outbeaks. Any poor shit countries like african ones do not have corona outbreaks.
Masks lock in the filth your body routinely expels. Are you nuts?
go lick toilet seats then and leave survival to the smart ones
Holy Shit, why are Asian women so fucking beautiful? How is it even possible to be so cute?
Wear my styling full face gas mask with 40 mm NATO NBC filter.
>when you go outside
If you guys have any photos/videos of Asian women in any context, please post them.
Kek, I bet you buy flu-shots from mr Shekelsteinburg every year as well. Gotta protect yourself bro.
Israeli translation
>make blacked threads
>bake /ptg/ threads
>make anti-Christian threads
"play vidya"
>torture and kill young white children
>drink blood
>eat foreskins
I would if I were living with older relatives. But I live alone now.
Modelling another stylish little number in survival sheikh. Ignore the iPhone or just die of lackin’ I don’t mind which. Going to wear my mask to bed tonight. Just because I can. I’m going to take pictures of it with the iPhone XS too so fuck off. I can do all that and still be playing Skyrim VR. What? Didn’t get VR? Ha! No lolligagging for you.
Quarantine life. Get used to it.
Fuck off faggot. I'm not responsible for your AIDS-ridden immunocompromised body.
i made pgr threads in the past, never made anti christian but i made a thread roasting americans a week ago and got b& for 3 days
>torture and kill young white children
>drink blood
>eat foreskins
where do i but this game sounds kino
p100 respirator + swimming goggles -> UV-C + heat decontamination routine.
Made this baby too, it's functional but I'm not testing my luck. Proof of concept project.