The settings on the ventilators might be killing people

The settings on the ventilators might be killing people.

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>post link without any insight

This sounds exactly like the 5G theory.

What he's saying is that this isn't a problem with ARDS, it's a different lung problem.
He's saying that ventilation isn't wrong as an additive, but only for oxygen, not for Muscular failure. He's basically suggesting that the use of Ventilators for ARDS will be doing damage to the lung sacs when they shouldn't be damaged,

He's saying that based on what he believes is a difference between typical ARDS, and this New Virus, that Ventilation for ARDS will cause more harm than help.

Whats the 5g theory? It attacks your lungs?
Second vid.

that alien MIB agents, using ancient weapons which work on the principle of electric universe, beam small children kidnapped into their lungs which are later harvested by the elite so as to drink the adrenochrome using a crazy straw while molesting the now miniature lung children
the only way to stop these waves which spread also spread spores is to cover ourselves in vitamin C and hydroxychloroquine.
tl;dr - Trump is rounding up the celebrity pedos and also Hillary clinton
ty for your time

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The theory attacks your brain and turns you into a dribbling retard

>VPN flag
opinion discarded as glownigger

No, it's definitely trump the one killing all this people

>posts reply without any insight


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Patients need OXYGEN NOT PRESSURE!!! The ventilators are likely causing lung damage because of PRESSURE. 100,000 - 250,000 Americans at risk of lung injury. Change can happen. The time is NOW!! #oxygennotpressure #thetimeisnow

Holy shit, OP, great find.

Everything you need to know, it’s long but watch it.

And a comment in the second video makes sense. Why can't he change the treatment on some of these patients who are positive and have the condition? Don't docs treat patients in their care under their own discretion?

how can you catch lung failure? yeah, something doesn't add up. we're being lied to.

If this is true I swear to God the people in charge are retarded, every fucking time it's incompetent jackasses, I swear they get promoted just so they can fuck up to get more funding and blame boogeyman republicans

Bump. I'm keeping this fucking thread alive.

Retarded. Even flat earth had a more compelling hypothesis. Inb4 ok jew

Here to pick up some garbage

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Right? Well what about the hundreds of thousand of doctors who haven't taken notice and just do as they're told?
>oh it's this thing, you need to treat it this way even though it's clearly not helping anyone come through it
>hurr durr k

Lol. The hacker known as 4chinz at it again. If you guys can really troll doctors into not giving cards patients the life-preserving ventilator support they need, I will laugh so hard and long that I will be needing a ventilator!

They need the ventilators they just don't need them blowing up their lungs.

So why not supply patients with oxygen?

Lol the faggot known as redshit didn't even watch at least the first video.

>Oi m8 ha got a loicence 4 that medical expertise?
Lol yeah just turn down the setting reeeeal low on these poor bastards that cant breathe!

And if the ventilator (the setting it's on) is so life saving, why are they still dying?

Dumb. I can believe 5G and other cell networks are used for nefarious purposes while also believing infections are contagious, because I've clearly seen them transmitted through the air or by surface contact. I have my own ideas about all that shit, and even the purpose of vaccines, but the creator of that video needs to do more thinking.

The virus causes cytokine storms.

the whole brilliant 'idea' of splitting a ventilator with a t came about during the las vegas shooting aftermath, they knew then that we didn't have enough ventilators for a crisis of any proportion and yet all of these jackasses still have jobs, drve mercedes, live in multi million dollar homes and leave the rest of us completely fucked when we actually need them, they should all be fired with a bullet

Haha fuck you nigger I hope in there when you are beggin them to turn the vent up while you slowly suffocate cuz your diaphragm cant do the work by itself!

wouldn't this mean that those hand compressed bags with a mask would be the preferred option?

Yes, goyim, a ventilator will save your life no matter how bad the pleurisy gets! Just keep cranking that vent dial.

This is an ER physician that was forced into being an ICU intensivist. ICUs are run by attendings who know what the fuck they are doing in regard to critically ill patients and ventilators. Patients are not just thrown on vents with high pressure settings (PEEP) or oxygen (FiO2). Both of these things are titrated to keep the patients blood oxygen saturations high enough to keep organs alive. These doctors know when they're getting into dangerous territory with lung injury related to high amounts of pressure.

>The settings on the ventilators might be killing people.
lmao. this is mentioned in one of the early metastudies of 50k patients in china. they believed the use of ventilators was too aggressive and probably resulted in additional fatalities.

>medical """professionals""" in charge of reading

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Due to lung inflammation, the alveoli in the lung fill with liquid, causing less oxygen transport to the blood. The increased pressure during ventilation causes the liquid to be pushed back, filling the alveoli with gas. Next step involves an oxygen flow to the alveoli via the ventilator, such that enough oxygen can be transported into the blood.

don't need a vent if you write the script for a malaria drug and a zpack as soon as symptoms start

>Ventilator goes

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Again, didn't watch the video. He said the lung muscles (almost all of which falls on the diaphragm as the others are just there to help the chest walls expand and contract so the lungs can do the same) aren't being affected. I'm not a doc but makes sense, and it's being said by someone on the frontlines.
Although this makes sense too. He doesn't work the ICU, so he wouldn't be seeing these types of payients almost ever.
Ok, well damn. I'll just step out of the thread I guess.

These are the jews you don't want to shoah.

Right, patients on vents are probably 1% of his patient population. I also bet he never sees ARDS, as patients will be in distress and come into an ER to be tubed well before it progresses that far. Treatment is higher levels of PEEP and proning (putting them on their stomachs)

Also, this dude is going to find out if his theory is correct pretty soon. NYC is absolutely going to run out of vents unless numbers start decreasing. Have fun trying other means of ventilation without a ventilator asshole

thanks for the rundown. cbf watching this video. interesting idea but death raise considerably once the hospitals get overloaded. Can assume that access to ventilator is lowering the death toll or just access to hospitals in general?

I don't get it. He's the doctor in charge.. can't he just try out different settings?

>He thinks the doctors are the ones in charge of all this

Muhammed, I...

How many of these doctors are actually competent?

Because I haven't had great experiences being treated in the US. Not terrible, but not particularly useful, and no more useful than what I could find myself on google.....

Being on a ventilator is a 50-50 shot at best. If you remember the video from Lombary every single person who went on a ventilator there died.

Just saying he looks suspicious to start. It seems as if he is describing HARD or High Altitude Respiratory Distress. Which is normally treated with supplemental 02 not intubation. It is a pulmonary edema of sorts which can be treated with CPAP. ARDS makes sense but the intubation due to high respiratory rate is dooming the due to the Dr. puting them on vents prior to PT "tiring". Have had PTS with "COVID19" that responded well to supplemental 02 only. The ventilator meme may be designed to kill people.

Are you retarded?

I doubt you were in an ICU setting. ICU attendings are usually a hospitals directors of medicine. They get consulted from every other physician in and out of house. The ER docs call them asking what they should do. Surgeons call them when shit starts hitting the fan in the OR

this isn't a disease from earth.. this is a disease from man that took dna from earth.. this was a bio weapon. you can call it whatever, blame bats, but the research behind it to get this virus to go to humans is documented. now that its out there.. oh well. i'm buying my stocks cheap as fuck when this is over. i live out in the woods, i've got mountains of supply's.. i don't even have a registered car.. i'll sit this one out. Appalachian master race.

kek. this.

Finally!!!!! The vents are death traps. There are multiple alternatives that are less dangerous and intrusive than vents.

God love ya mountain boy. I agree its most likely a bio weapon. Fuck that Harvard professor. But man can defeat something created by them...if the good ones decide to do so.

Patients are not just intubated for shits and giggles. They are put on other therapies, nasal canula, high-flow, venti-mask, bi-pap, and finally non-rebreather which can give 100% O2. If 100% O2 is not helping the patient with their oxygen saturation you have to intubate, or let them die a slow death. If just O2 is all these patients needed, they could all just be put on non-rebreather masks with 100% O2. That would save vents and medicine that is needed to keep patients sedated and sometimes paralyzed on the machine

take care brother.

If people don't need a respirator to breathe and they are just not getting enough oxygen.. Can't they just use an Oxygen tank or oxygen concentrator?

There is an open system breather that has none of the deadly side effects of vents. They won't use it because they are saying it csn spread the virus. The patients and the staff are already in the virus environment. Makes zero sense.

LOL what are you a resident??? Every presentation is different if you learned anything from your face in those books. Just commenting on this Dr. description of what he has seen. And yes, in healthcare in the US unfortunately PTS are not just intubated for "shits and giggles" but because the Dr. has no fucking clue what else to do but to "stabilize the PT" Much love and respect brother.

Yes, to stabilize a patient they need to start being oxygenated.

ICU nurse >10 years in a busy ICU

There's hubbub that it might be due to blood cells not transporting oxygen rather than the pneumonia itself causing ARDS. They've found leukemia like issues in blood work.

Blood transfusions might be the best best with high flow O2 over a ventilator.

Agreed. But between our 20 plus years in medicine this is a different presentation. Ive seen people turn around on 02 alone and ive seen people smoked and CPAP>BiPAP.>Intubated then GONZO. You should know best that the majority of the ones on the tube do not make it. One thing we can definitively agree on is that Drs. have no clue whats going on majority of the time. Especially with this.

I've seen people turn around from all sorts of therapies, from holding a deep breath, being shocked, tubes all over the place. I'm just saying the majority of intensivists know what they're doing. I'm not buying this is some new type of weaponized virus that doesn't behave like other things. What's fucking everyone up is how specific it is for respiratory cells. Immune response being focused there is absolutely sending them into ARDS. I think our ICU has a 30% mortality for tubed patients. I've already seen COVID-19 patients tubed, extubated, and discharged. Others I've seen go the other way.

Yeah, I understand vasovagal maneuvers and the like. Im talking specific to this disease. What Rx were the PTS on that were exttubated? Majority of the sick ones ive seen look like COPD exasperation that are retracted to full on belly breathing screaming "I cant breathe!!" while they look like theyre in full failure and nitrates cant help. So what you got?

Do you need to be in an induced coma to be ventilated?

Depends on if you still have a gag reflex. wink wink. RSI is fun my guy.