Wtf, Are people this stupid?
I keep seeing the 5g causing coronavirus everywhere
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be a shame if people started blowing down or thermiting big tech jew devices
Yes. Stupid people build up then natural selection takes place.
cuz it is.
Yas Forums told them it caused corona virus.
Normies believe it.
If they can keep the conversation around health affects and then "prove" 5G safe they may never even need to address the privacy aspect.
Slide threads/ making all conspiracy theories look crazy
Right about the time Corona started there were rumors that 5G could make your lungs boil.
>5g gets set up in big cities mostly
>leftoids and shitskins are the primary occupants of big cities
>ergo 5g will kill lefties and shitskins much more than it will rural white people
why am i supposed to be afraid of 5g again?
Aluminium foil can literally block radio waves by creating a farady cage. Time to put your money where your mouth is and start wearing a tin foil hat you fucking retard.
people stuck in their homes have more time to spend looking up stupid shit on the internet.
That time could be better spent learning microbiology.
>5G technology created in Israel
>5G network not allowed to be set up in Irsrael
Forgot pic
just days ago normies were angry if you told them masks would help against airborne viruses.
Now they're mad at 5G
You normies aren't keeping your options up enough to investigate and verify the alternatives.
Hell if I know if 5G is responsible for any deaths.
You know how microwaves resonate with water molecules to create heat?
People are claiming the 60Ghz from the 5G resonates with oxygen molecules the same way. Might be worth investigating because if that's true, you might be fucked.
Also, 5G is completely useless for us, has no penetration. 4G speeds probably exceed what you currently got on your wired connection at home.
Who gives a fuck, 5g is cancer. BURN I DOWN
>5G coronavirus conspiracy
There isn't one.
Unknown people sabotaged towers for unknown reasons, likely due to muh radiation and general growing distrust of the tech elite.
Media then needed a well-poisoning narrative to make these unknown people with unknown motives appear cringe and dumb, thus unsympathetic to the public.
The convenient consequence is that action against big tech remains the purview of weirdos, and hence never blossoms into a mass movement.
Remember most normalfags, and even most people here, don't consiously think about the kinds of people who oppose 5G.
They simply have a bunch of lose associations.
For normies, those lose associations are with the wider opposition to big tech, with the opposition to legacy media, etc, etc.
This means that smearing one such group in this nebula of associations transfers onto others to some degree.
Corona means crown.
Why is The Man letting normies get redpilled on this? What’s their angle?
My sis, gf, and brother have all asked me about this in the past week. Obviously some kind of bait and switch, not sure I buy it that these airhead normies are having a great awakening
It's called breeding a stupid generation.
These dumb fucks are very easily profitable, I'm already starting a business that will sell anti-5G frequency products.
Normies watching David Icke videos.
This. Almost as exhausting as the conspiratards can be the challengers never prove the opposite only do the gay shitlib basedboy point and laugh because it goes with the programmed herd reaction.
Both sides are pretty retarded at this point.
>Are people this stupid?
Sadly, yes. There really should be an intelligence test for voting.
On your point about normies, I agree. I played audio of Uncle Ted to my brother and my brother interpreted one of the opening lines
>not a political movement, but opposed to the very foundations...
as “oh so he’s not against the governments, but the companies”
Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties
>At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen.
> Edward Snowden reveals US surveillance tactics at his own expense
> nobody gives a fuck
> Chinese surveillance tactics even more autist
> Chinese companies behind 5g infrastructure
> still nobody gives a fuck
> wat do?
> lol I got it...!
> 5g causes Coronavirus
> normies lose their shit
> mission accomplished
>> Edward Snowden reveals US surveillance tactics at his own expense
Snowden revealed the NSA's surveillance tactics. He used to work for the CIA so why didn't he expose them also? Snowden is a Clown glowie cuntbag.
>_What's this all about?
I have been swarmed with normies talking to me about this all day. I've been winning this particular argument by reminding them that Iran, north korea, and Africa all have corona and then asking them if they think they also have 5g in Ethiopia.
There is also a cell coverage map and if you barely go off the main road in my area you have zero cell reception so how would it be 5g when I can barely even make a phonecall?
THIS is the fucking invisible enemy!
Do not trust ANY injections, especially vaccines.
Any metal particles inside of you are DEADLY under radiation from 5G!
It's LITERALLY like putting metal in a microwave but in a smaller scale.
That's not all:
5G lowers your immunity, making you get sick easier and force you go to the hospital
Spread awareness before it's too late!
Is 5G code for Chink?
They are installing these towers in schools. Just imagine a classroom with a 5G station and 30 transmitters. Those kids will never reproduce.
Nobody thinks this. Leftists are encouraging unrest and violence because the virus has failed to destroy the support of Trump's base.
>Guy makes sensational claim, so it must be true. No proof needed.
That doesn't make 5g good though.
Because the plan is to put it everywhere, even beaming it down from satellites.
anti iran/china propaganda
It has nothing to do with crazy/not crazy. People who are full of shit tend to spread this shit.
Help yourself to a fucking science book, you're embarrassing yourself.
Wait until 6g comes out, literal laser beams are gonna be flying through the airwaves.
No pendejo , it causes the symptoms that are being blamed on the wuflu hoax , it can't give and imaginary virus , but it sure can give you the symptoms
You fellow white people don't want to be chipped, you dont want our cool new 5g towers... there is just no pleasing you.
Already saw/listened to that guys interviews. It's dubious at best. Alex Jones seems to believe anything these days.
That's the Margate tower, it's all to do with that faggot artist the £20 is dedicated to, forget his name....
This post cracked me the fuck up.
Educate yourself you fucking imbecils
thanks for rare mate
It's not real research, it's confirmation bias. He links one thing to the other, and assumes. These guys almost always end up wrong in the end. Yes 5G is probably dangerous, has nothing to do with CV.
Stay away from salt, that's got a metal in it too. Better stay away from most vegetables while you're at it, they are packed with metals lmao.
If you can't make the difference between metals you get from food from those that are LITERAL particles injected in your blood, then you deserve whatever is coming.
Whats the difference user? Genuinely curious.
user forums are uniquely effective testing grounds and attack vectors for psyop campaigns due to the fact nothing can be traced. this sort of retardation is likely a friendly alphabet agency perfecting a model or enemy govt reinforcing a 5th column
>schizo posting
>5g gives you pneumonia somehow
Take your meds.
they are most likely linked for something moar sinister coming soon to a world near you
how do I know you are a tourist ?
check the catalog and lurk moar
>I can explain it to you, I cant understand it for you
there is a virus. there is also the simulation of a virus for controlled outbreaks to further the agenda. this is where microwave radiation at flesh cooking frequency comes in. if you think logically, read the technical reports on the technology, realize it's the same as the energy weapons deployed in the middle east, you'll understand what it's capable of. then map out where 5g systems are deployed and overlay that with coronovirus outbreaks. it's capable of producing the described symptoms. it's not unreasonable given the obvious agendas at work. of course it seems unreasonable if you have not adequately researched the capabilities of the technology. this is the kind of ignorance that the twisted fucks running the show count on with their human resources which they feel are due for culling due to increasing lack of cooperation.
You must not be very smart.
They released a virus as a cover story for the roll out of the dangerous 5G systems.