What's the actual date this corona virus shit is over? It doesn't seem too bad. Is this the apex already?
May? June?
What's the actual date this corona virus shit is over? It doesn't seem too bad. Is this the apex already?
May? June?
It's only just begun
There is no end, it is eternal. After coronavirus 1 is coronavirus 2.
It's already peaked. Number are coming down in Spain, Italy, even New York now. Except to see the hype die down within the next couple of weeks, and then we'll forget about it entirely by the start of May.
All in all we won't see global deaths over 100,000. So it's pretty much just a somewhat worse than average flu season.
Yeah, we over-reacted. Hard.
It's already past peak. Antibody testing will show over 60%.hace already had it and didn't even know it. But the goal is complete. Economic collapse.
It's not the apex until active cases begin going down. It went from 1 million to 1.2 million in 2 days.
it hasnt even begun
US will hit apex in 2nd/3rd week of April. Economy opens at end of April regardless
As long as we keep letting BASED chinks eat bats. Saying otherwise would be racist xenophobic hitler.
>active cases yesterday: 829,000
>active cases today: 890,000
that's not peaked
Its over once everyone has had it.
First wave should be almost done in August but wave 2 is going to be so much worse as the virus mutates
shut up stupid nigger. Hope you die.
It's over when they get what they want. More restrictions on what you do, more tracking what you do, more control in what you do.
Corona virus has happened every year of our lives in many way, shapes and forms. It just so happens to be important this year of Donald Trump's re-election.
The ride never ends my friend. Soon influencers will be accessorizing Gucci face masks
The meme virus shit is out the door but the real fun is about to begin. Expect riots, the great depression 2.0. Will be a fun election year.
It'll be similar to spanish flu, second round will see boomer death rates in younger people.
It could go past August, they were saying on the news today.
Two more weeks at least until the peak. Then two months after that for recovery.
>even New York now
Look at the delusion on this guy.
If this has peaked then the (((models))) have given the doomsayers defense because if we wake up in a few weeks and see that everything is more-or-less normal then they're going to say "Imagine how bad it would have been had we not instituted all those measures!"
There telling Americans not to go the grocery store
Last week they said don’t hoard
Americans lie there bio weapon backfired on them
we have a control case in Sweden, they arent locking down shit, if they all start dying then we'll know it's real
What's up Chang?
It’s from a lab in Maryland
The virus has been killing Americans for a year almost
It was global before the measures. We merely identified a cold and flu causing malady and started testing for it specifically
Yeah basically, the methods we are using here are not going to cut it. It's worrying because my parents are lifelong smokers and in their 60s. Pretty sure I got it already.
It slows down every weekend. People like yourself shill this shit every weekend and then go completely silent when cases skyrocket on Monday and Tuesday. Mark my words this week will be biblical in the US.
this. Expect final death rate to be around .2% or so. Most people dying are dying of comorbidities that are being blamed on this new strain of cold. Completely overhyped. I doubt US deaths are going to exceed 20,000 at all
my county has begun to ignore the government/governor orders and are actively ganging up on police who try to "Educate" The population. A few bars and businesses drew guns on staties as they walked through the door. They've all but given up trying to enforce it, I went outside today and besides businesses being closed/restaurants only doing take-out, it was almost life as normal.
I’m white
And we know that this came from a American army lab
Why fire a navy skipper for saving his sailors lifes , because all military are to cover this up.
And if you don’t obay you get fired
How’s the world like America ?
yeah you're probably not white
Russia was right from the beginning about America
Late May
18 to 24 months from now, according to our government.
Release the prisoners from jail
Normal life in America
We’ll it depends user. If the dems get their voter by mail, it ends tomorrow, if not aliens.
That won't be happening in my area, they've been told to stay put and shut up.
Ok I’m black
White lace and promises
Responding to my post 3 times, Lee? Day of the Wok is coming, chink.
After the presidential election, you know why.
sources say the corona virus is looking for another job on the moon, and is expecting to tender it's 2-weeks notice to the government in about a month or so, fucking moron.
News? Who trusts the news?
The army has many infected and are not telling
3 are in bad shape
Not to say the all the flu deaths and the sars case that never was isolated
American is just cya and it’s going to be bad
Whenever it is. Stupid.
Americans have been told to come back to America because of a heavy backlash against them
Most countries have Americans trying to enter with corvid 19
Go away Chinese shill.
>chingchong doesn't realize we're bringing our people back in order to nuke the fuck out of batfluland and internment camp all their chong spies.
I’m not Chinese
You don’t want to truth
And that’s why no one likes America and there lies
Apex in the most heavily affected areas in the US is projected in 6-7 days. Then it will go down but we'll see flare ups. But we approaching the highest per-day death tolls according to the experts.
in the july it gonna make that game Dead Island look like the easy mode
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, including the common cold.
As long as it takes to destroy small businesses so that jew owned corporations have a monopoly on our daily needs.
fuck don't tease me bb
China is a nuclear power and India and Russia
I don’t see them saying much about China
But I do see the why they say it’s an American bio weapon
if you fat faggot americans get in your houses and close your borders it can end in a month, but you won't
My God Netflix fucking sucks I hate that this is all we have during the quarantine
They cancelled wimbleton which is in the summer, for the first time since ww2.
Migrant caravan bringing Americans originated corvid 19 strains back to the hot zone
It’s going to be bad
Uh... you okay buddy? There's Hulu too.
>slowed down a bit for the weekend
>"its peaked guise"
>monday comes
>back to 4 day doubling
>you fuck off back to r*ddit
A kiss for luck and we're on our way
Stop shilling chink
Hulu sucks for what you pay, I would rather just torrent.
>I’m white
It’s okay user, we all know the truth
We are in April and March riots didn’t even happen!!
You rike to truth prease?
2 more weeks
the boss music hasn't even started playing yet
Go away, chankoro.
Ontario government told us 18months is the best case scenario. 2 years is the worst
It's not going away. We're gonna have corona season every year except worse. We'll have vaccinations and treatment in a year so it won't be as bad as it is now, but things will never go back to normal. You just experienced the next watershed moment in world history like a great war or 9/11.
This is great .
Thank you user
Death to the PRC, death to China. Nuke all Chinese cities.
November 3rd
>We're gonna have corona season every year except worse.
*worse than the flu
and then Dr. Fauci will say two more weeks.
We need to cap federal job holdings to people 50 and under from now on; old fucks in government are making the rest of us look bad.
Kiss my dick, faggot.
Wake me up when it’s over anons
stfu. the only thing biblical is the NWO beast system lockdown tbis hype virus is designed for.