Fuck China and Fuck the CCP Wumao Trolls shilling here on Yas Forums, one of several websites banned and blocked in China.
Say it with me
Wumao/CCP Troll Playbook attached. Save it and share it anons.
Even the pizza in China knows the truth
Take a look under your computer mouse. Where is it made?
Excerpts from "ways that are dark" (Great book)
Taiwan, the real China
China is the read China.
The Epoch Times is a good source for true and factual information about China
Mainland China is a sack of shit only good for their slave labor and slave wages to make cheap products for developed countries to enjoy. I hope you enjoyed the ride Ching Chong because it's about to end.
In China working is a right, a decent job will be provided, you don't need to lie and beg on HR to get a chance to toil for random companies.
You cannot escape the superior Chinese consumer products.
Can't keep running from facts user. Jealousy is a recessive trait.
Every day I fly a drone from Russia into China and drop poo poos on your sHitt collection of states. Also isn't "Han chinese" a icd10 retardation code?
today I told a chinese qt that china is lying about everything and she got mad and said I was brainwashed by media
What does that even mean you stupid mutt
You sad little trolls should stop licked Xi's little balls for 50 cents a post and learn from this guy:
Haha you trolls can only censor the internet in China not the rest of the world.
Fuck Xi and Fuck the CCP. What are you going to do about it? Not a damn thing.
It means I literally poo on your disgusting ant colony every day. Cry moar harder Chang herd little teenie smelly yelly Chinee peenie
You post this in China, you go to jail.
Post it in any other country and all you get is loser wu mao trolls attacking you. Big fucking deal haha.
This obviously bothers the CCP and chinks otherwise they wouldn't be shilling so hard here. Xi is Xi-tting his commie pants.
Triggering wumaos and shills is so much fun.
China HATES The Epoch Times because the CCP hates and fears truth. Truth is their kryptonite.
China is notoriously insecure about their public image—they can’t handle criticism. Critize China from the inside, you get pic related. It drives them absolutely nuts that we’re allowed to freely express whatever what we want.
You want your minecraft house location post? Because shilling like this gets you added to the list.
Chinese are pussies with "Glass hearts".
They tried to save face by covering up the CCP virus but this failed and they ended up losing face and damaging their already shitty reputation even further. People were willing to tolerate China and their shit until this happened. Now the majority of the world HATES CHINA and all China can do is cry and send their worthless troll army to the internet. Fucking pathetic.
操中國政府操你 馬上回來,我要去喝些蝙蝠湯,而我的黑人男朋友釘住我的妻子
You know what chinks and the CCP really hate?
The Epoch Times so be sure to support their website and YouTube Channel.
Yeah boiiii
China doesn't give a fuck about public perception from outside of China as long as it doesn't affect business. In fact the CCP actually benefits from westerners calling for their downfall, as this strengthens Chinese solidarity with their government against the dastardly westerner. If there's one thing that unites the Chinese, it's their contempt for the west.
where can I see more of this?
Who is making these threads?
Ever since I saw Beijing’s airport, I learned first hand how embarrassing and shameful China is. The CCP has such low intelligence that they can’t even handle air travel properly. China is a weak country controlled by an incompetent government. And what does that say about Chinese people? They must be even weaker and less intelligent than their CCP masters. China and the Chinese people are the equivalent of a poor, homeless, jobless, drug addicted bum. China and the Chinese people are so utterly worthless and poor that they can’t even feed themselves, and often starve to death. Chinese dogs have more value than Chinese people and the CCP combined. I am so happy that many Chinese people have died of this virus. I only hope that the CCP continues to slaughter more of their own citizens, because more Chinese death is a positive outcome for everyone.
China wins
What's wrong with the Beijing airport? I have only been to the Baiyun airport in Guangzhou, which seemed plenty modern to me. I can't imagine the new airport in the capital wouldn't be even more impressive.
I really hope companies stop outsourcing work to the chinks after this, they don't deserve our money
And it increases the ability to use the Racism card.
How come our lovely kike media never talks about the real culprit here?
China is asshoe
The government should make it so that products sold online on sites like Amazon have to show the country the product was produced in. Regulation is bad, but this would fuck China up.
fuck off coofer
based real canadian
kys filthy chink. Your economy is fake. Your technology is stolen. The entirety of your being is stolen.
They copy everything from the West, even our memes. They do not possess the capacity for original or innovative thought. They copy everything invented by the West and pretend they achieved something on their own.
The CCP suppresses China’s potentials for development
Even the 16% researches that you did manage to obtain were STOLEN from Chinese labs. You think we don't notice what you do when you come here to "collaborate"?
>Pic related
Pic related
You deny the holohoax and you go to jail too
Memflag, opinion irrelevant.
CCP behind the scenes:
That's some amateurish shit. Kikes have done it for ages
I have stopped buying anything with the dark mark of “Made in Chinkland” on it. Fuck em
Chinese need job guarantees because 95% of them are retarded and worthless.
Copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy
Not one innovation.
>1.4 billion people compared to US 350 million.
>Only 4% lead in share
Absolutely fucking pathetic. Why the fuck would you think this image would cause Chins to be viewed favorable?
This show China to beworse than I fucking thought!
It's no suprise you are a communist.
mutts really think Chinese can't use Yas Forums.
However, in China we even have a blog weekly translating funny posts on Yas Forums.
The only reason of most Chinaese browsers not posting here is that google capchat is blocked in China. Therefore, if we do not buy a Yas Forums pass, we cannot post without VPN. But every Chinese can browse your shitposts.
In China lying and cheating isn't frowned upon, if it serves the "greater good".
They have no morals in the western sense of the word.
Chinese are so poor and stupid that they can’t even use the internet properly. How does it feel being a CCP slave? How does it feel living in a poor, weak, starving country? You have less worth than a dog and I am so happy that your people are dying very quickly. Make sure you share this with your chinese friends! Oh wait, does the CCP allow you to have friends?
You owe your entire existence to the United States.
We're going to sic the Japanese on you.
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good, let them contempt
then the niggers and mutts will start the chink lynching, or the chynking
lol, mutts really believe what the media show to them. I bet you have never been to China since 2000.