Normies try to get you killed to calm themselves

How many people in your life have done this to you over preparing for the coronavirus and lockdowns? Literally everyone for me besides the couple mates that tipped me off in the first place

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Yeah, but 2 months into this bullshit, I'm tired of the bullshit. The stats on mortality appear, to me, to be nothing to panic over. I could be wrong, not a doctor and I have no access to the county morgue.

Literally everyone. From the start I said that this was going to spread globally, and it was going to kill millions of people, but most of them would be old. I had people deny the virus even existed, deny it was a problem, deny it was spreading out of China, deny it would breach containment, deny any stocking up of supplies should happen, and now they're denying that social distancing doesn't fucking work.

Just lift the bloody quarantine, forcefully isolate anyone over 60 or with respiratory/immune conditions and let the thing take its course. The amount of people calling for the country to be shut down because a few hundred boomers died is insane.

Yeah, got the same thing every step of the way. Tried to give people I care about a heads up and all I've gotten back is insults and gaslighting, now resentment for being right. I've given up on ever trying to explain anything to normies again, these people are legitimately retarded

Two and a half months ago I told my brother that he should get prepared buy stuff, be ready for when his job gets shut down called me a retarded dumbass. Yesterday he was having trouble filing for partial unemployment lmao. All the other people I told called me stupid and that a virus isn't gunna do anything in america etc.

I hate the pack mentality these cunts have. I've never seen avoiding become become such a fashionable thing to do until now. I remember when people used to look at me like I was a lunatic when I gave them a few meters of space, now giving others what I deem acceptable space (1-2 m) is an insult to THEM.

And the cops. They're doing patrols in their little poofter cars like they own the place, fining people thousands. Some of them are doing it to "save lives" but its clear most of them are just on a power trip.

They just assume they have a magic forcefield around them that will prevent happenings from happening to them and if you try to look out for them and burst that bubble in the process they perceive you as an enemy. Really bizarre, I always knew these psychological facts in the abstract but seeing it in action over the last few months has spun me out.

Honestly, let the pigs stitch up these oblivious normies, NPCs deserve nothing less

We could have acted early and this disaster would have been 100% averted.


Mate, the amount of people becoming terrified when you acknowledge anything is wrong is spinning ME out. I cleared my throat near an elderly woman once and from the look she gave me I am 100% sure that if she had a gun she would have shot me. Absolute primal fear. These people have never experienced an actual crisis in their lives and they're getting angry at the people who have.

But that would have meant violating the globalist prime directive: universal open borders

You're not taking into account the big picture
and you're in denial
whenever something horrible happens, first people want it to be confirmed
then after that
>eh, its not that bad, things will go back to NORMAL soon
and this time, thats not going to work.
You retards will parrot this until you're fighting over a used condom because you haven't ate anything all week

The great culling is not the virus, it's the civil unrest of normies killing each other imo

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clever tact
you know what would really help your cause?
you could gloat over these people getting sick
seems like you would delight in that
but better than that, compromise your immune system from worry and make yourself sick to prove a point oz-shite

remember now that its
more important to be woke, nay WOKE silly boi

Totally feel you on this, watch your back becasue it will get to that point. Paradoxically if people prepared for any type of hard times the fear wouldn't be as incredibly potent. One thing I've realized is that everyone, very normie and npc is always on the brink emotionally. especially with no job or distractions

old person has experienced more than you and they are the most at risk so they are afraid
she would have been right to ax kick you

Globalists don’t want open borders, they want shitskins to be able to come here but whitey has to stay

oh right this is what "open borders" means

She was out at a fucking camping store joking around with one of the staff there that all of this was a joke, I cleared my throat and she glared at me, took 3 steps back and yelled at me to get away from her.

I'm expecting some murders out in the bush within the month, they're storming regional towns and expecting the people there to welcome them. Their disaster game plan is "run away from the city and somehow get the dumb farmers to give us all their food" and they expect it to work.

Some. But I've reconciled for years now that people will think I'm crazy when acting in my own best interest. It helped inoculate me to keep steady in my decision making.
Plus with plauges it's easy to bug out becasue you can't see the danger which makes it more ominous and hard to read for normies. I figured that too. My grandma didn't go into lock down until three days after the city said stay in. She kept saying We were all paranoid.

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Can you still own hunting rifles or shotguns in rural Australia?

Yeah. A buddy who im not talking to anymore. called me last week asking for paper products and canned meals. An oil smoker and Neetbuck COD extraordinaire

Yes but some state governments have closed gun stores and I think Victoria stopped processing applications. There have also been cops who have said that anyone trying to get a gun for "sporting reasons" is actually just wanting it to shoot people.

>Just lift the bloody quarantine, forcefully isolate anyone over 60 or with respiratory/immune conditions and let the thing take its course.
Yup. Forcibly quarantining healthy people is pants-on-head retarded. Hell, I'd be willing to subsidize the old farts' entire existence for the next year or so if it meant things could otherwise go back to normal.

Redpill him

>COD extraordinaire
How early did you warn him? I was getting supplies in January and kind of down playing my own views to other people by telling them that getting some extra supplies maybe something to think about

there is but one thing you may give him
the red pill

I don't have a cause, I warned them, prepped for myself, took time off work and locked down. I don't want the people I tried to warn to get sick or end up going hungry, but if they do it's because the chose not to listen. I'll still be sad for them if it happens. I notice a lot of the Burgers here are still in denial about this pandemic and attempting the kind of shaming described in the OP pic, the skyrocketing deaths in the US are self inflicted but even then it's still sad, I've always admired the American people and American spirit. Sad to see you guys commiting national suicide rivaled only by too smart to lockdown Sweden.

I completely understand your opposition to the extreme powers a government grants itself to enforce a lockdown, I hate it too but I voluntarily locked down while my government was still pretending it's just a flu and nothing will change. We watched this shit brew up in Wuhan in Janurary, it's the plague. It's too late to prep, but it isn't too late to drop the denial of this new plague, stay safe fren.

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>I've realized is that everyone, very normie and npc is always on the brink emotionally.
dude... they really fucking are holy shit.
ive yet to put this into words but thinking about it now you're right.
i always watch what i say around the people i love because it seems they wouldn't be able to handle certain things. and ive found out the hard way that dropping redpills on them when they dont even want them is fucking them up a bit.
ill talk my shit all day to complete strangers and co workers but feels bad when is people i love that just dont want to see it.

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Was gunna say, she's in the right to tell you to fuck off if you're running around coofing on old ladies but if she was trying to trick people into thinking it's not real she deserved the spooking

This is what I don't understand this pandemic has truly shown me how far the NPC meme really is at reflecting reality. But how the fuck does 2 NPC make a player (US), so many people I know can't plan into the future, can't even think of the possibility of danger approaching, doesn't exist or is like hidden behind an invisible barrier. I can't seem to grasp this, even now my family is saying all we can do is pray. Instead of trying to learn how to survive they give and hope that death doesn't come. Fucking Pathetic

It's simply too inconvenient to take action for most domesticated normies, especially when there's a risk of social backlash for stepping out of the groupthink.

Meant for You're spot on about how true it's shown the NPC meme to be too

thats how i see it, its cowardly how they act.
if you are going to die, or face danger, face it with some dignity for fucks sake.
courage is whats missing with these people.
it makes me FUCKING SICK to see people i love pretend that someone else will always take care of them, and trust the media, and accept that a government knows better than they do.
i wish they would listen to me when i tell them most of this shit is preventable if we take prepare accordingly.
honestly it doesnt even matter in the end i will never say i told you so to anyone because it will enrage them or they will deny it. but because im not a fucktard my family doesnt have to go hungry if shit gets wild.

the conditioning depresses me the most too man.
to see someone disconnect and not want to accept whats right in front of them is beyond fucked up.
i get furious watching retards talk about this with each other like its fucking gossip or something.
its just straight up sad to see my family pretending.

I'm mentally and physically preparing myself for when SHTF I don't have to rely on my family. These fuckers will get me killed, they won't want to do any hard work and I know at the bottom of my heart I would probably break just from trying to make sure they're all good.

My brother STILL is saying corona is a fake new hoax


This is why you need to be careful anons. These people have never been in any sort of crisis before. They’ve never even imagined not being able to find what they need at the store, let alone see it with their own eyes.

They can snap to anger in a flash. It could be as simple as seeing you wearing a respirator to pick up milk from the store. You are tapping into a primal fear in them that they’ve never dealt with before, and they will act irrationally. All it takes is that one little thing, to remove their delusion of normalcy and you will see them snap. If YOU have what THEY need, they will attack you and justify it in their minds later as protecting themselves.

Don’t share your preps, don’t talk about them to anyone.
Always keep your head on a swivel when you’re outside.

bro, it hit me hard when i realized this.
my family will for sure get me killed.
if not that, they will go wherever and whenever the government set up shop to take them in (if something like that were to happen).
thats where i draw the line. im not going anywhere and im not taking shit because its "for the good of the public".

Get back in your containment thread, ring worm!

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When I bought my supplies months ago some spics were pointing at me and nightshift cretins were smirking every time I walked by. This report came on my local news the other night:

1000 people showed up for that food giveaway and it's only expected to grow, but the pantries are already running out of food. My state has 1 million unemployment claims and a wait time of months to even have your case read. This area had very few jobs to begin with and once people's savings are gone there is nothing for them. By May there will be full on panic, it's going to be a summer of hell.

Trust no normie, ever.

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I dunno what category I am in.

I prepare for stuff like this regularly so when stuff like this happens, I do tell people to be calm, be realistic and put things into perspective.

Boomers haven’t experienced shit. Only their Silent Generation parents can make this claim

My 80 yo grandparents go to thwe store everyday for small shit, no mask, no handwashing, no precautions whatsoever. Actually in the last week they've increased travel. They just got back an hour ago from a three hour road trip visiting family. Stopping at truck stop, everything. Nothing i say gets thru NOTHING. I'm like have you ever seen this in your life? They'll be like yeah Nixon was like Trump bla bla bla fuck!

i know the feel all to well brother.
i wish i had an answer for you but i dont have one for myself lol

moms 70 and moved her hair salon into her house a few months ago. still has clients booked every day.
been trying to convince the wife for a year to buy a gun ('they're scaryyy!!!") and now when the stores are closed shes changing her mind.
at least i have food....i guess....

My parents were the same until the TV started telling them to take it seriously, eye opening and depressing that over a month of their son explaining, with evidence and basically pleading with them to take this seriously and at least start taking basic precautions achieved next to nothing compared to a few days of a serious tone and some scary stories from the retards on the tv but at least they pretty much get it now, they're getting stuff delivered instead of going to the shops, making phone calls instead of visiting people and wearing one of the masks I gave them when they do wander out finally

It's amazing, nothing get thru. Body's piling up in NYC Nothing, I wish they would have cops writing tickets for violators. Then they'd listen but would plan on complaining to the city council. Gl guys I know i'm gonna need a miracle.

Have you considered that perhaps your relatives want to die? Many threads get made daily about how much younger anons want off Mr. bones wild ride.

Then the fuck why just not end it, my god. Do they truly believe that their god will forgive them for just wasting away instead of fighting for the life that he gave them? All these fuckers are pathetic. They don't deserve to exist this shit has shown the NPC meme is fucking real

No they think it's just a flu. They think it's some political thing or w/e. They ran into a cop at the grocery store and he told em it's getting ridiculous, as in everyone's overreacting. idk i may try another approach tomorrow but i'd be surprised if they not in the incubation period.

Maybe i'll try some of the lice treament stuff i heard about fr Australia. Not be an idiot like the Aquarium cleaner, you can get it at pet supply places.

This post hits right in the feels

>Step dad grated some cheese for the dinner
>Asked step dad if he washed his hands before grating the cheese
>Step dad utterly snaps and yells at me about how rude it was to even ask him that question

>Mom complaining about how low supplied the local grocery store is
>Tell her we should stock up on food before it runs out
>She then goes on a typical boomer rant about how I have my own money/job and should pay for my own food and not try and mooch off of hers (I was literally just generally concerned about how she described the low stock supply at the store)

>Wash my hands
>Grab clean towel from the towel drawer
>Step dad completely snaps and looses his shit... "Use the towel that's already out" (The towel that was out was very dirty and had been used for days)
>Explain to step dad that I'm just trying to take basic precautions due to corona
>Step dad looks me straight in the eyes (I will never forget this moment ever, literally one of the scariest things I've EVER experienced) "There is no corona virus in the house, we are fine and your overacting"

That shit scared the fuck out of me.
He literally looked at me said "THERE IS NO CORONA VIRUS IN THE HOUSE" and I sarcastically responded by saying "Okay Good, it's good that you checked, tell me if you find any corona virus in the house" or something along those lines. He utterly snaped at me for making that remark and went on a rant about how the house had no corona virus and I just kept saying "But how do you know? We simply don't know, we NEED to take ALL precautions" to which he kept saying "Don't worry there's no corona virus in the house"

>We live in a MAJOR CITY with HUNDREDS of reported cases and this guy tells me "Don't worry there's no corona virus in the house"

The scariest part of all: He sat there and kept quoting/source referencing CBC news

He even calls me upstairs when CBC news talks about corona virus

It's scary

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and what have we learned from this,Yas Forums?

>never trust or help normies

If they act like this in times of plenty, imagine how low they will go to screw you over in bad times beacuse of petty feelings of not being right, jealousy, and last but not least....pride.

Nio dude, they'd give you the shirt off their back, super nice and generous. Some kind of psychological deal as stated above.

sorry to say this but that's a fucking walking zombie man that's some shit straight out of some horror manga you need to mentally prepare yourself to leave
I hope you have a bug out bag ready when the coof hits your house. Make sure he doesn't see it or you're double fucked.

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If it looks like the grim reapers coming i thought this was interesting.

Honestly it's about time they felt real depth of emotion in their lives.
Maybe some will wake up and be normal people.

Try this one

This one lol Drug has quite a resume.

Sounds like they are SICK as hell of you

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What disaster? The lockdown?

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Same. Wuhan tipped me off

Link's censored look up Ivermectin
i'm out gl

No, the 40% hospitalization rate, 15% death vs recovery rates in every country except China and S Korea who dont count.

Naw man I'm healthy, I'm not worried about the coof.
I'm unironically worried about my mom and step dad because they are both boomers and not in perfect health.

I'm taking precautions because I care about THEM and they don't seem to care...

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It's your fault for living in a city, living out here in the country gives you almost a natural immunity just because you're not running into people in close proximity all day

>they'd give you the shirt off their back

only if a camera was there or some virtue signalling dweebs were watching.