Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
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Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
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Gas the kikes.
Christians are jewish cattle and if you say otherwise you're one of them
bowl cast episode 9 when
christcucks seething
Go back to your BBC containment thread kike
This post is extremely low quality.
I agree. But so is your mom's vagina.
>inb4 a Jew says "white" isn't a good enough category to use for white racial collectivization despite having a perfectly good sense of who is white when it's time to target white people for replacement like Mark Potok
Go drink "thought leader" cum faggot
>My sociological category is all I have
>Jews don't collectivise with a sociological category
Ok, Jew.
White is the best thing to have.
white supremacists are all zionist assets
and they have been told to attack christ
just call them kikes
That makes no fucking sense, you gigantic dog-fucking faggot.
makes perfect sense to anyone with an iq higher than room temp
go watch a rabbi wise movie faggot
op pic makes him looks like Dracula
>That makes no fucking sense, you gigantic dog-fucking faggot.
Good thinking goybrains
>yes, skydaddy is more important than your race
I couldn't care less but faggots who focus on purity spiraling about religion on either side deserve the rope
Ok, Jews.
Can't wait to boot your hooked nosed into a (real) gas chamber.
>Rant about jews all day
>Don’t have more than two kids each, that would make too much sense
>Just live in with your fucktoy till your 50
>Get all your listeners angry about kikes and niggers
>Hey why don’t you come to this pool party where we get drunk and shitpost IRL
>Amass a bunch of white men who don’t grow in virtue, but just practice the refined art of hating jews
>Still not having any white babies
So much for white IQ
Why do D&C shills even make these threads?
They're never going to make anyone who listens to their show be like,
>AHA! You've finally convinced me Jew-Sama to stop listening, they have finally offended me!
These threads are just free advertising for TRS.
you are a literal kike
cope however you have to faggot, but you are a kike and its undeniable
whatever you say moshe,
you are low iq and a glowing nufaggot
hiter was a kike and the holocaust was a lie
Hidden cameras everywhere for the nohomo moments
God. Now you do this one, faggot. Oh wait you can't because your nose will get in a way
If you’re on Yas Forums and you haven’t already stopped listening to Rehash the Nation, I got bad news for you.
When the fuck has anybody on TDS, much less TRS, ever said not to make white babies?
Why not both, kike?
This is a very reasonable take. Purity spiraling is divide and conquer tier kikery. They have always been expert manipulaters and turing faction against faction. If we focus on our common goal, differences are too presently unimportant to hinder us.
what ever that means jewish rape baby
As much as I enjoy TDS as a racist friend simulator, it's lame how often they burn an hour talking about Star Trek
OP Is this hole fucking thing, a gay op ?
This is the third thread about Mike E, that i have seen in last the 24 hours .
I just implied the Holohoax was fake, you drooling dog-fucker.
Look at this kike getting caught redhanded.
Type "God" Moshe
type God?
I spell it Jesus
it was fake and hitler was a kike actor
When did I mention Hitler? What's your fucking point, dog-rapist?
>Hey there its Spick Fuentes with America First
>I hate Israel and criticize Jews.
>I make Holocaust jokes and deny it happened
>I hate race mixing.
>I'm against non-White immigration
>Women shouldn't have rights
>But fuck them Wignats like Richard Spencer and TDS.
>I mean we have to think of the optics
>We wouldn't want to scare away the normies, would we?
>Also did I mention I have a catboy faggot as a friend?
The best way to not reproduce as a white guy is to become a regular podcaster on “The TRS Radio Network”.
Become tradcath, however, and a racially-aware white guy will start popping out kids within the year, with no end in stop because condoms are evil
you responded to my comment on hitler and all nazi faggots being zionist assets
It is a very heterosexual op thank you very much
Yeah, it was funny at first, but it's now a dead bit.
Pagan runes are semitic.
>Also did I mention I have a catboy faggot as a friend?
Fuentes may be a retard, but at least he has prime boipussi at his disposal.
The left is united around increasing the freedom to experience novel pleasures and sapping resources and beauty from the white race to the other races. This is a core tenet of the left and no one on the left disputes it, only argues for a slightly different implementation.
The right isn't actually united in what it wants. Some want eugenics and primitivism, some want 18th-early 20th century ethnonationalist Christianity, some are leftist natsoc equality for whites only, some want enforced hierarchy. Some want monogamous virtue, others want beta males to die off.
>Be Richard Spencer
>Get offended when others say he has bad optics
>Start to wear $500 sweaters on YT live-streams to prove he has the best optics
>Get caught beating his wife
>Oh no my good optics
>Get a trendy girlfriend and double down on his liberal morality to align himself with the elites
>Hey I should go on Alex Jones show and say I’m a “white globalist”
No you’re right, Nick has comparably terrible optics.
and what show are you pulling this from without context?
>How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Pretty autistic
The catboy is white, slays pussy, and hates kikes. What’s not to like?
Who says I'm exactly a Richard Spencer supporter?
I'm more of a TRS guy. Anyway I like Fuentes for the most part outside of his weird hatred of more explicit White Nationalists even though he's not exactly subtle.
I've got a quick question for you OP. Is the rumour true, that he's Jewish, or is that just something that's memed about ? And if the former, do you have proof.
In between all the agreeing with each other, Jazzhands gives out real info.
TDS 357
>how many angels
>pretty autistic
Also not even remotely important to Christian theology. But thanks for revealing to all how much of a brainlet you are right off the any. Saves me a lot of time.
He’s jewish but only by marriage. He married a kike which according to Judaism makes you one of them.
enoch is jewish for sure
probably half
The Bible says not to bother talking too much about angels and demons because you don't know anything about them.
Mike Enoch was probably denouncing some heretical cult and God knows there are enough of those to embarrass us all. What you need to look at is whether he's attacking Christianity from the left, or from the right.
You brought him up.
TRS has maintained better optics than most, mainly because they maintain a distance via comedy, but even then the Murakkui (sp?) segment was always cringe.
And they held retard rallies. Can’t really recover from throwing up romans in public (pic related).
They’re fundamentally unserious political actors, which is why most of Yas Forums thinks their feds. I don’t, I just see them as social autists.
>"So much for white IQ"
Aside from the fact that what you just said about 'naming the Jew leads to not having kids' making 0 fucking sense, why should I even trust an admitted non-white in what's good for whites?
So much for Jew IQ.
Okay. But i thought he, got a divorce with his Jewish wife ?
Did you just samefag on Yas Forums, you retarded fucking kike?
I didn’t say “naming”
I said “hating”
Don’t misquote me faggot
oh wow, a jew bashing on the basis of western civilization
imagine my shock
There's no fucking difference. Is your pilpul honestly this weak??
Silly and uninformed.
Enoch just look like your average Balkan Slav.
So does that makes him technically still Jewish ?
is trs still falling for the corona psyop? i stopped listening to them when they went all hysterical.
>but even then the Murakkui (sp?) segment was always cringe.
That's literally the funniest part though.
The rallies were when we thought Trump winning meant we could do more real life action.
The kike you're responding to is a faggot but;
>mutt's law
Of course there is.
Greeks and Romans weren't Christians.
And he's not Jewish.