Is she /ourgirl/ not afraid to the call out the Jew?

Is she /ourgirl/ not afraid to the call out the Jew?

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why would they pay them to lie?

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Inoculation my goy, you fail to realize most people are retarded, and will take a vaccine if their fav celeb or whatever tells them to.

Damn she’s built for BBQ

More importantly, why would they have to? Celebrities crave attention and will claim they have it just to be in the news.

dont forget to donate your monies

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blacks are typically pretty redpilled on kikes because their community is blatantly suppressed and abused by them.
Kanye has in the past dropped some red pills about Jewish control and influence.
The sad thing is they get their paychecks from kikes, so they get a slap on the wrist and don't take it any further.

She is telling the truth

I like her. She makes good music and doesn't bullshit.

She's too stupid to not say what she thinks. Unintentionally based.
Just a flu bro

Oh dear God.
I hadn't considered that...

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This - nigger logic calls it as it sees it, due to lack of mental gymnastics.

>is she or girl

If you're a moth breathing gold fish level IQ nigger yes, this bitch is the group of people you should be hanging with.
This bitch can make a brain damaged chimp look smart in comparison

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>She makes good music

Nah, I unironically started listening to talk radio because I heard one too many Cardi B songs

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good music


Kinda like ben Affleck and jLo being a couple.
Agent pumping names into headlines.

Funny how dying CNN suddenly has a few "face" people testing positive dont u think?

think of it another way, one you get it and get the cure, you are immune

thats all they want, immunity

>She makes good music

Muh pussy
Muh ass
If you wanna eat it you have to pay muh piggy bank hungry nigga
Muh money
Muh jewellery
Cardi b big booty ho yo

Mix those words over and over and you can make a full album of this sheboon's music

Muh money
Muh pussy
Muh ass

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Titties shouldnt look like that

>Cardi B
>Good music

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Got those vibes from Idris elba

What's wrong with Canada??

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>why would they pay them to lie?
its their job user

no, sadly she's just retarded

the fuck did you think "acting" was?

God I love hot black women.
They're like, 1/gorillian chance of one being hot, but genetics roll for 1, she is fucking murder with her looks.

Can confirm...seen an interview from back when she was a stripper and she has some EXTREME jew thoughts..not neccesarily a hate but a impressive awareness to they're influence and greed

>thinking they'd need to be paid
these people are narcissistic attention seekers that play pretend for a living

I couldn't stand her based on voice and her rant on Kaepernick..
But my girl showed me some of her music videos and now I can deal with the other bs cuz she seductive af

literal who?

Watch her ASMR video

How much did Magic Johnson get paid to say he had HIV?

Lol nah I cant rock..I'm not trying to hear her purr or whisper into kids doctors office toys...I'm talking about her music videos...purely a visual pleasure tho

Um it's Hollywood and celebs are used all the time?


Coronavirus alarmists: High IQ scientists, buisiness leaders, and writers

Coronavirus denialists: Niggers, conspiracy boomers, and Internet Neo-Nazis

makes me think

>i'll never have a qt 3.14 with a luger as gf that suicides me
world is so cruel

Hard to know what's what right not user

Who the fuck would single handedly donate 10mil$? I seriously hate joos

Less allah more dildos

just send a nuke
I wouldn't blame you

>High IQ scientists, buisiness leaders, and writers
people who make a living lying and exploiting people
>Niggers, conspiracy boomers, and Internet Neo-Nazis
real people

Disgusting being

>Niggeress stripper 'music.'
>'Good music.'

I’d fuck her

Its like saying over and over that uncle Adi was a bad guy and here you are fag, you cant wave that flag of yours kn public without granma Merkel hitting it from your hands

>Why would they pay people to spread propaganda who have millions of fans that believe anything the useless cunts say.

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She's a NY Blood she will have dealt with the Jewish Mafia first hand


The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

Hebrew was the everyday language of Jesus; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

>She makes good music
en leaf

Wow give me more information! Is your mom a Jew and is that a good thing?


>observe the low iq's as they can take the bait from the superior leaf.

>a negress say something
>Wow this negress is based, she must definitely tell the truth

The actual state of ameritards

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You can’t vaccinate against corona
I’m to tired to type why.. it’s very very unlikely. A corona is a common cold type virus.So Never going to happen. When it left Wuhan there were two strains, now there are eight. 8x vaccines for the common cold strains? Never been done.
You aren’t getting vaccinated and that is NOT what Gates said either, he was saying those days are over, social gatherings are over.
The only thing is to monitor all citizens 24/7 against reinfection,
And no I don’t want any of this and I’m not arguing for it I’m saying it is the only possible future because it’s the only way governments can hold society together against reinfection, temperature and location monitored all the time, symptoms mean that a persons Liberty is curtailed.
Welcome to the rest of your life. IF you make it. This exact virus was always held to be the most likely natural type disaster to end the species all through the 20th century/Cold War.
Goodnight I am not arguing I’m going to sleep. Got real no glo. I’m so tired

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she posted a vlog of her face while taking a shit

I want to get beaten up by Cardi B.
What an absolute QVEEN.

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She never even said this lol

Let me guess, Jamaican ancestry

>implying black "men" can lust after black QVEENS to any where near the extent that a thirsty white man can