How come coronachan is hitting 1st world countries the hardest? Shouldn't in theory it be the other way around since 3rd world countries have poor hygiene and shitty healthcare?
How come coronachan is hitting 1st world countries the hardest...
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Chinks don't tourism in this world countries
Shithole countries have no way of differentiating between corona deaths and the bodies that just regularly show up in the streets and ditches.
viruses are not bacteria.
viruses thrive in developed nations more.
>>could be lack of testing or better reporting
>>could be because people in 1st world live longer and higher higher amounts of older people
>>could be climate related
First worlders think they are better than the virus
The more advanced the nation, to quicker people travel. Quick travel is how pandemics get started and propagate. The first world also has better tracking. India could loose 100 million untouchables and nobody in india would notice or care.
No test, No record
Schrodinger's virus
How come there are no videos or pictures of the massive amount of patients with Corona?
Corona is the rich mans disease.
Only world travelers got it in the start.
Just go on Twitter and look at some of the footage coming out of Brazil and Argentina. Hundreds of bodies are turning up and the hospital system there are so fragile they were overwhelmed before this started anyways. We won't know the devastation of this virus in 3rd world countries mabye ever, at least for a few years.
Almost like shithole countries don't have the resources to test or track these things
Because they're testing more.
40 years of untested injections have destroyed left their immune systems unprepared for a real virus.
pneumonia deaths in america have been going up in america for the last 20 years, now tipple what they were in 2002.
"pneumonia" deaths for this year are almost non-existent compared to previous years, as they are being marked as covid now.
they die from random bullshit all the time, they don't fucking know what's going on
have these 2 fucked and is there video?
Who’s this semen demon
The rise in cases in us America is due to a rise in testing. The positive vs tests given is actually remaining steady since The last few weeks
someone put out some videos of Ecuador the other day... looks pretty bad
Worse testing ability
You may be surprised to learn that coffee is infact good for you. According to science.
Man... I love titties
So post them
both of them are horrendous
My penis is interested in these wombs with vaginas.
I also think it has to do with Westerners being too spoiled. These normies can't live without social media, smartphones, the internet and attention.
This too.
This, obviously. OP is a retard for not realizing this on his own. God I hate you OP you stupid fuck. I wish I could kill you and feed your corpse to alligators. You deserve a slow and painful death. I long to drag my knife along your skin, hear you scream for mercy, cut off all your fingers then your toes, then flay you alive. I wish to harm you OP.
Honestly this along with Australia is a sign of hope for lots of other nations. The idea being that 3rd world countries tend to be closer to the equator, thus warmer in climate, and Australia is just ending it's climactic summer, so the hope is warmer temps upcoming in the northern hemisphere will inhibit transmission of the virus.
It kills old people. 3rd world countries have shitty healthcare and shitty hygiene, so people dont grow old.
Youre a fucking retard arent you?
Imagine spending all day on this website trying to demoralize white men with the specter of another man's dick.
You can do this forever and whatever minor propaganda victory you win, you've already lost. Right down to your core. You're nothing at all.
Poo in the loo, what can you do ?
Poo on the couch, everyone grouch !!
Coffee isnt bad for you in moderation, put it that way
shithole countries also have notoriously poor record-keeping
plus most of them will flat out lie to save face or whatever the fuck their culture calls it
>Virus with a PR campaign
Its economic warfare.
I really fucking hate the jews. How much longer are they going to attempt to bleed out the economy?
1st world countries have never dealt with anything like this just observed other countries that have. Take Twain for instance they have recently dealt with SARS and Murs they have the infrastructure to deal with pandemics being though it before there populace know to take it seriously and do there part. There's alot of ppl not taking it seriously and talking about conspiracy theories instead of taking this virus serious.
because it's a fucking hoax just like the holocaust
god i wish that was me
Not how immune systems work sweetie
The best healthcare I have been grateful for happened in Peru.
That chart is fake, there's already a thread where they used way back and .govA to pull up that data, it's not real and the links are fake. go try and go to them, they don't work.
We have weakened our immune systems by our obsession with germs and cleaning. George Carlin explains it well, we're a bunch of pussies.
They do report deaths. It's easy to see if deaths spike or not. The whole affair smells like a PR stunt. Common cold is coronavirus, I doubt they distinguish between chink flu and cold on testing, that's why so many people test positive and nothing happens and why there are no vaccines and treatment. Nobody cared for cold vaccines and treatment. This is the same family of viruses. On top of that anti-viral medicine is preventive for the most part, and the BS story that 2 people ODd on this malaria drug as the reason why it's not generally available doesn't pass smell test. It's either a nothingburger or a bioweapon. If it's a bioweapon we will probably nuke Chinks.
I think the corona thing is more of a mental virus for cuckolds who believe everything their govts tell them.
Coronachan shall love dicks in 1st world as we.
We're way better at testing duh.
Even if shitholes countries are pretending that nothing is happening, a lot of time has passed in countries like Iran since the first reports. Why their country didn't cease to exist?
The BCG immunity theory isn't that crazy.
Africa also uses a lot of HCQ every day. They have malaria everywhere.
Brainlet logic.
They just can't afford to travel as much as people from first world countries.
or maybe it's a dye on the routes of human trafficking.
>How come coronachan is hitting 1st world countries the hardest?
Because it started with tourism, all the areas hit are where richer tourists like to go, like New York.
Who are these slores
3rd world has herd immunity. 1st world is weak and lazy and illegal to let the weakest get thinned out for generation. strong times make weak women make gay bois make gay times make everyone die.
They are inflating the numbers. It’s the perfect opportunity to own Trump since they don’t have to release victims identity.
I don't drink coffee as a rule, it makes my anxiety act up.
I do enjoy it when i have it now and again however.
First world countries are too proud, they think their money will magically save them, while third world countries admit they are fucked and actually do something.
you wouldn't know, the side-effects of vaccines on the immune system are untested because your cdc refuses to look into the matter, despite the fact that what little evidence does exist points to 3-15 the risk of fatality to common illnesses.
You have to actually have a system in place to test for the virus rather than dirt people dying of shithole diseases as they do.