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imagine thinking anything he said was correct.

1. No shit. But management keeps them operating. Give some credit to managers and higher-ups
2. Our healthcare system mirrors the German system, something Bernie claimed was "universal healthcare"
3. The bailout was a loan that will have to be paid back. Who is going to payback the GND?

>if we can
But we literally cant were fucking everyone's future with dollar devaluation and exploding debts because of the 08 and 2020 bailout. Its the road to Greecehood.

How many billionaires exist who don't employ workers? More importantly, who actually gives a fuck about the green new deal?

Demand Congress legalize execution of doctors and healthcare workers.

Without the creators workers don’t have a job. The issue is globalism and open borders

I'd be all for it but unfortunately there's too many blacks and browns and they're expensive enough already.

Number 3 is correct, just not in the way he wants it to be.

1. What are Small Business and what are their import to the U.S Economy?
2. No. It does not.
3. Loans that are guaranteed by the U.S Government. They do not have to be paid back.

There are ways to fight inflation
We aren't Zimbabwe

Hortler DID say the Reich will rise again

Unironically agree
America sucks for the average worker

But the average American worker sucks

Most office and IT faggots are useless and have to be fired.

This shutdown gives you a preview of what will come with a Green New Deal and Health Carte for All. It's just great isn't it?

1.Small businesses are half of the economy they arent the primary operators of essential industries
2. Any evidence that it doesn't? Obama straight up said it was modeled after Germany. It isn't a 1:1 comparison but it is pretty damn close.
3 they do have to be paid back unless they go under.

lol, \
>let me use this crisis to sell you what I have been trying to sell for years

>But management keeps them operating
For certain industries a management algorithm does a better job because it doesn't engage in bullshit workplace politics. Most higher ups don't do anything and are completely useless dead weighs that spend their entire day in meetings so they can appear to be doing something.

Say what you want about corporations but corporations bring about productivity. Medicare for All and the GND is just mass gibs for people who do not necessarily bring about productivity. And with the people pushing M4A and GND also wanting open borders, you're gonna get an even larger pool of unproductive people, which means your taxes go up as a productive member of society, to uphold those who aren't. Not all that glitters is gold.

>workers keep this country going
>so lets tax them to death to save trannies and polar bears

chances are the "creator" of the company you work for is pushing daisies. buying an establishment doesn't make you a job provider it makes you a profit receiver.

>taking advice from a man who is a midget

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Still a higher per capita production than most any other nationality. A bit underpaid if you ask me.

Have you actually ran a successful business or company? It’s super hard, I am pro workers who are good but This idea that running a business is easy is just low IQ.

>A few Lessons I hope we all take away from this Pandemic: Kill all communist and trannies too

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!

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They are not underpaid the issue is our government has devalued our dollar via horrible government programs

Running a business is too difficult for the people in charge look at our economy lolololol

What? Majority of congress are lawyers

>if you can afford to eat a steak you might as well get a side of lobster and caviar, you can afford that too

Yeah. That doesn't help. And they are especially horrible.

>workers know how to run a company
>just because something is a right doesn't mean you get it for free
>it's not a bailout. It's a temporary relief for a pandemic.

>nike shuts down
>congress did this

Hey remember how Robert Reich said the 2009 bailouts shouldn't go to white construction workers?

That is a dumb argument. If we had close or at least tight borders we don’t have this virus

He's not lying.

You made the argument. And while i agree closed borders would keep most of the virus out they would need federal legislation to keep tom hanks out.
Look at this kike goblin.

But wages haven't risen accordingly over the past 50-60 years. A person works more for less. Typical families have both husband and wife working now. Perhaps the middle class was a phenomenon of the 50's now pretty much destroyed. It's okay to have sympathy for the working man.

I don’t disagree, but if you trust government to run business you are nuts. I have no issue government nationalizing our essential business but they should be run by the private Sector. And when I say nationalize they have to make the product here

And the reason why it started is because of the 60s immigration change and the tax payers had to give welfare to the blacks

>green new deal
She's not going to fuck you, bro.


Imagine thinking Robert Reichhhhhhh-uh knows anything about economics.

The Green New Deal shit is so gay. As I understand it, it's basically a proclamation that all shitskins on earth must be given employment at a factory that produces zero-point energy.

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Right on. Couldn't agree with you more on those two points. It just seems like you have contempt towards the working people. Most everybody is stupid. It's just the way it is. Lighten up.

>Our healthcare system mirrors the German system
No it doesn’t

I just call it like I see it. I am pro union and worker but I also understand it’s hard to run a business. I just don’t see this issue black and white and I also acknowledge government is horrible.

But we unfortunately need government, maybe make it that own tax payers vote? Or if you want to go really radical only land owners. I think only tax payers tho but I would not be upset if they made a law tomorrow that only land owners could

1.) yes
2.) you're starting to sound like a communist
3.) “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”
yeah, no
fuck off with your fairy tale bullshit
a global pandemic brought on by a communist regime does not mean America should prescribe to a communist doctrine

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The unions are now trying to help illegal immigrants enter the U.S. get health care contracts to pay for sexual reassignment surgery and all kinds of other sundry shit that is poisonous to the working class.

Only tax payers. Anyone with skin in the game.

1) having many working goyim is needed
2) appropriate vet care for our cattle is important
3) we must make sure to not let the cattle have too much beyond this work and care.

Did i get that right kike?

Then again in an ideal world we wouldn't be paying taxes.

Nothing about china?

Because low skilled unions are dead and only educated unions are still relevant. Educated people have been indoctrinated into immigrants are amazing and only help us garbage

I never said let the government run anything im just pointing out that someone running a successful business these days doesnt mean much if at all.

He's a kike faggot but he's right this time

I think a 15 percent flat tax makes sense. All you need are roads, education, defense, and healthcare for the needy and old

No shit Sherlock.
Already is.
No, we can't.

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But it does, you can’t replace great management. You could get a dumb ass to take over Walmart tomorrow and said dumb ass would tank Walmart within 5 years. Good management is important just look at how bad the New York knicks we because of bad management