Is Donald Trump Criminally Responsible for Coronavirus Deaths?

Should Trump be prosecuted for his incompetence and lies regarding the coronavirus pandemic

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imagine posting something from reddit here.
imagine using the un flag.
imagine thinking trump is to blame for a viral bio-weapon that was released by china.

He doesn’t want me to die, he wants old Jewish boomers to die which is pretty fucking based.

you're a faggot brandon

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OP = a W.H.O. chink lover

Ho many people have died as a result of his gross negligence?

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More people are going to die when the economy tanks.

Don't pretend you care about people dying.

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No, Xi Chingping is.

Remove democrat run areas from the stats, now tell me who is to blame? CCP shill

Trump delayed the start of testing by weeks because he ignored his advisors and played a hunch. There's blood on his hands.

WHO is haunted by this old tweet but the Chinese government knew the disease was spreading before the tweet was sent.Americans and the whole world knew it in the week after this tweet. Yet Trump did nothing

What about Pelosi and Cuomo as well?

He had 2 months to act yet he did nothing. He needs to be prosecuted for sacrificing so many American lives. He kept lying and still he denies any responsibility and spreads lies and alternative facts. Criminally dangerous

Bc this was happening to him...
And they have the audacity to blame him for late response.

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Xi and Tedros need to be prosecuted.

no more than all of congress and the senate

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IF, and it's a big IF, he had locked the country down like China did, your shilling, memeflagging ass would be here complaining about THAT instead, now gtfo faggot

Does anyone think this who already didn't like Trump before the virus was even a thing? You can't keep crying wolf forever or just blaming the same person you always fucking blame and expect anyone else to take you seriously.

Its all so tiring.

the moderators of this site,
and the other pedophiles are legally responsible for any COVID death that might of occurred

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Shill somewhere else

Is your mother responsible for your birth? We have to be prepared for disappointing outcomes, OP. Also, OP is a massive faggot

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Yes-ish. But sort of no-ish too.

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Listen here Jack, how many niggers does it take to rape a white woman?

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ov corse he ibs hes also responible fer the economey, jerb loss and the poopy in my shorts n my cat liter box being ful

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Anyone who doesn't want to stay home and make more doing nothing than they would wageslaving is probably a boot licker or a bitter wagecuck.
I'm loving this lock down. I hope it never ends.

Nobody has actually died from the virus
All deaths are from other conditions
It’s a massive coverup to arrest all of us and take over the world

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Your thought process is programmed for you...

If you recall at the beginning of this year, it was the Dems/Media that held the ENTIRE US government hostage with their sham impeachment, knowing they weren't going to get rid of Trump. But they had to press on, to leave a shitstain on Trump's legacy, as the Media/Dems diverted all attention from the early stages of the Wuhan virus, spreading. They just had to get their photo op of Nancy passing out impeachment pens, as all left wing interests were nowhere close to caring about the Wuhan flu.

It's just the flu bro, don't be a racist.

It's like they expect people to have Goldfish memory.
Fuck China, Fuck the MSM

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show criminal dipshit anus for BUUBBA the BBC of Rikers Island

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is that the Hollywood red carpet he's shitting on bruh?
"True Story"

He should be guillotined.

Sad. Think about how many men did die to build up the infrastructure of this country. Now, money is so tabu that you are evil for wanting to keep the economy going. Money is life, money is energy, money is time. A few old folgies expiring a couple weeks early is not worth draining everything we and those before us worked so hard, risked so much to establish.

can you show anus? Thanks in advance

Gee, I wonder WHO's behind all these UN posts.

b-but they are back in israel bruh
fucking up a pussy hole geisha dressed white whores for free
seriously tho

>killing millions of amerimutts

wtf I love trumf now

found the brain dead trump robots

How many has he saved by his admin actions?

i thought nancy the cray cray moment wuz the tearing the speech paper
I thought I was witnessing a DEUS VULT VALHALA_L bich from the trailer park with a LOVENSE stuck up her azz and puzzy
but I had a CUNNY-concussion from last night bruh

i don't think ameristains can cobble up any semblance of a working guillotine right now

they are too worried about "Keeping Healthy 2020"

yeah but those who died were "others"
and the pure white stock never touched anything at all with their Purell sanitized hands and SHEEEIT

he has saved the 300 pure Pedigree Pink Anussed Ones
and that is all that matters

But these old folks were the ones that built the infrastructure you are talking about. They worked hard to give you what you have now and they at least expect you to respect the sacrifices they made for you in their life and obviously they earned their right to die peacefully and not in distress. They were not expecting that they would be sacrificed due to this gross negligence.

The faggot left will never be able to meme. Go back to redddit, kekistani pedo faggot.

Funny how you only offer gibberish, and cannot refute one thing I stated.

Go ahead and explain how Dems/Media did not consume ALL AIRWAVES with their non-effective impeachment, when they had no desire to focus on any upcoming crisis in the Wuhan Flu.

Imagine not working.

The lack of freedom of speech in china is responsible for every death outside of china. Individual Han tried to do the right thing but were prevented by the chinese.

I take care of the elderly white folk in Connecticut, "Old Money"
I C00M into their cereal all the time and they just love it
right Margarette?

>They were not expecting that they would be sacrificed due to this gross china


Gross nigger

"i thought"
>not your strong suit
