Is this shit worth watching or will it only piss me off?

Is this shit worth watching or will it only piss me off?

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It's probably some "drumpf n rayciss bad black wife's son onions consoomer good" type meme

no, anything from amazon is shit

I got some kino jap songs from it, other than that... no it wasn't worth it.

>are serials worth watching?
you're fucking stupid.

Its garbage, basically a bunch of "jews" rebelling against an orderly and war-free society.

The first couple episodes where they establish the setting are ridiculously based, and then it becomes a story about a bunch of brown, communist, rebellious protagonists fighting the evil nazis, like something pulled straight from a jewish tumblr feminist's fanfiction.

If you haven't seen it by now then dont bother. Its only gotten more posed as time went on.

honestly it's boring as fuck, I assume it's not pro-Nazi either but I couldn't watch it

Its inadvertently based. The Nazi US has clean streets and a homely vibe. Meanwhile the 'free' midwest is ugly and degenerate. Obviously the nazis and gooks are the bad guys but they are actually given well rounded characters and the nazi society is entirely functional. The latr seasons get boring af tho.

Started off actually pretty good, three or four episodes in I stopped watching it.

Whats ridiculous is they stay in nazi uniform. Even during WWII most nazis wore suits and just did business as usual. Uniforms were only for military.

They try to be preachy, but they end up unintentionally selling nostalgia.
The parts about the Black Communist Liberation blah blah blah, are comedic gold.
Meme worthy.

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I haven't seen it but I imagine this is how it goes:
>nazis (trump supporters) bad
>hitler (trump) bad
>times like these
>rounding up illegals bad
>jews oppressed (SO RELEVANT!)
>nonwhite people good
>punch nazis
>really makes ya thunk

Did I get it right?

This show is actually hilarious because the first two seasons even if a normie was watching they'd say "fuck Nazi America looks really fucking nice" and then in the third season it falls off a cliff and becomes normal Jewish portrayal of the nazis. But the first 2 seasons you're like FUUUCK that place looks great. Like if everything was peaceful and the architecture was amazing. kek

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it's actually hilarious, because what it does is sets up how "let bad Nazis" are so super evil, meanwhile they've built an amazing society, and there's all these super speshul freedom fighter jews bumblefucking around trying to ruin it.
So the first season is good, atleast.

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Schmit is the man in the high castle.

no, take your meds

Also, never subject your kids to any of this degeneracy until they learn some _real_ history, and proper morals.

The last season will piss you off

even in that, the writers fucked it up, though. the main character super strong woman always gets emotional and fucks the resistance over. she's a terrible person. a terrible leader, and a worse revolutionary.

Its actually not bad and stays away from alot of political bullshit.

They of course pick an ugly guy to be lead nazi.
What you would actually see is a handsome leader as nazi. People would be like, damn he a nazi but he hot.

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Piss you off.

>is jewlywood productions...

Watch season 1 and 2 and then drop the show completely, they made the nazi and japs too interesting and with better intentions and morals than the good guys, so they ruin it on season 3 and 4


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It's a less-serious version of Danger 5

the ending will piss you off , a lot

I skipped the final season because anons said It sucked, but up till then it is good, really worth watching
Unintentionally paints an interesting picture of Germany and the characters are excellent

Nothing on goyimazon or goyflix is worth watching

looks like a gay James Dean

I watched 2 episodes and it was super boring.
I wonder if the book was good

Fuck off Rufus Sewell does a great job and has a based jawline for leadership. Pretty boys don't make good leaders, they aren't relatable and lack stoicism.

Rourke's Drift

I already took my progesterone today, estrogen injection is a few weeks away.

If it's not dumb political commentary I'm surprised

anytthing is possible in hollywood but if the novel was written in the 60s, probably doesnt have Trump in it

Firs season is good, plus some kino American Reich aesthetics

Imagine a politcal party of Gil Scott Herons, that’s the BNC, hilarious in a campy way like Adam west batman

>Rufus Sewell
He was good in Dark City, I will give him credit for that.

"I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall."


It's not bad at all, it's actually disturbingly redpilled for a primetime show. Just watch the first episode, it'll hook ya.

Supposed to say your anastrozole faggot.

That doesn't make any sense

Watch the first two seasons, then stop and never look back (or in this case, further).
This goes for most shows, if not all.

Just stop at the second to last episode of the series and you’re fine.

Only season 1 is worth the watch. Season 2 pushed an annoying gay couple. 3 was boring and stopped making sense.

The first two seasons you're watching and it's like "wait would it have been better if we lost the war?..."

One of the best shows I’ve ever seen.

The nazi side of US
>clean roads
>people respect each other
>they have super jats like Concord
>high culture

The Jap side
>heavy military presence
>predominantly asian culture
>a bit of crimes but it can pass

Communist free zone
>it's a shithole
>high crimes
>uncultured niggers
>it's a shithole
>somehow people think it's the best part of US and you are safe there

I haven't seen the show but its aparently completely diffrent from the book from what my dad has told me and what I barely remember from the book

Wait when the fuck did they make a third season? I totally missed that

Do the nazis respect the negros, now free of American oppression???

>The nazi side of US
Chek't. And great architecture.

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theres even a 4th season

You really can’t see why an individual would prefer to have their own existence in the free zone, away from nazi boots?

The nazis are totally respectful to everyone which is what makes it hilarious. Their portrayal is like they are nice, peaceful people who just want clean roads and nice schools. It's not like normal hollyjew nazi death squads.

I don't remember any negro on the nazi side

My boss told me I would probably like this. I keep ignoring all of his recommendations. He seems like kind of a faggot but he writes my schedule so I just play along and be polite, and pretend to be retarded. I know exactly why he wants me to watch this shit. I ain't doing it.

Is that after they figure out the rules surrounding the underground machine? That's where I stopped, and it was pretty fuckin bad at that point.

He’s not a facist he’s a national socialist

no turned to shit pretty fast

I would prefer live in a community comfy Nazi society than an individual in a shithole

The american reich is pretty great. No one locks their doors, everyone is safe, no crime, everything is clean.

Plot of the show is kikes subverting it.

No, in the last season they’re the strong terrorist group or freedom fighter

Don't forget
>bugman nature emerges
>unnecessary brutal oppression of whitey
>typical western Asian idpol nationalism, guilt for thee, pride for me
>gassing people and committing atrocities, then blaming it on the nazis
>nazis don't even do that shit anymore

The first two seasons were alright, but by the 3rd season shit just gets really preachy and bad.

The book is way better.

That makes no fucking sense. Blacks were oppressed in the 30s-40s. They weren't allowed to fight alongside whites in the war, there were lynchings, institutionalized racism, etc.
Japanese americans too moved to desert camps, italian americans, german-americans sent to camps.
I would have thought the germans would have cut deals with these groups for support, heck even native americans.
Why would blacks and other groups fight against liberators?

My dad literally bought me the book four different times. Still haven't read it.

>unnecessary brutal oppression of whitey
>when he has natsoc america
Wait, what the fuck is this show even about? Why would white person ever go to jap?

I watched most of it. It was OK right up until the point where nigger communists were saving literature from the Nazis.
I turned that shit right the fuck off.
Fuck me, I get it's a fantasy world but God damn.

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It's funny, the nazis have absolutely nothing against any ethnic group except full blood Jews, who they simply distrust politically, they only have programs to prioritize aryan succession, but based on that all the black people are convinced they were gonna round them up like cattle and slaughter them for no reason sto they fled. Just like real life.

you sound so fucking based omg show me how