Hospitals admit they aren't busy yet

>hospitals admit they aren't busy yet
>yet death toll is skyrocketing

So where are all these people dying?

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Other urls found in this thread: hospitals&src=typed_query

stfu shill

fuck off dumbass, we have the best health-care system in the world and even here the nurses are overworked.
>muh empty waiting rooms
fucking bullshit, visits are cancelled.

>won't even show his flag

I can't afford to die at the hospital.

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which hospitals

every death is now a corona death
look at how hard flu and pneumonia deaths are dropping

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Death to Israel

This, i have heard no end of this.

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2 weeks

The CIA created a program to generate fake people (computer generated profiles). These records are then used to commit election fraud and inhibit collection of accurate census data.
The "deaths" are just fake news stories about fake people.

car crashes and stuff. A positive person who dies by getting hit by a car is added to corona counts.

>tfw you're not even joking

The person doesn't even need to test positive. As long as they coof before they die

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it's just old people dying like usual

>>hospitals admit they aren't busy yet

You guys said two weeks ago.. two weeks ago... This dystopia is fucking boring

That means hospitals are billing as many "COVID-19" deaths as they can for the gibs.

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In their homes as they watch Fox News and the President tell them this is no big deal.

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this was just a DNA force ad

People not worth saving
Being used as test subjects for random drugs
Something has to work..

Christ. Are there any real posters even left on this site?

all the hospitals laying staff off in the middle of the biggest pandemic in a hundred years

America big, many hospital, tiny counties.

It wuz reel in deyz minds!!!


Go away leaf retard
You don’t understand anything

governments are executing the pensioners while the gen pop is on lockdown

They were going to die anyway but now they're guilty of dying with a slight cough

Source? Can't find anything.

>memeflag defending another meme flag

Your boss should get you VPNs or something.

Urban retards hardest hit.

If we let people go to the hospital they might catch COVID and die.

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We should require a certificate for every drop of rain that falls in a thunderstorm.

Hospitals in nyc are above capacity obviously this isn’t the case for the entire country

>Never forget the 6 gorillion!
Chances Jews will make-up a new corona virus related holohoax in Israel?

>hospitals only let dying people in
>people who are pretty sick get really fucking sick then die at home
Bunch of malarky around these parts

just show me the bodies

If you go to the hospital with covid you will most likely die.
We dont have a cure for covid
But we have cures for other things
Maybe an other thing can be a cure for covid?
Those who die are heroes

Not at capacity because of COVID, shill
You've triggered the boomers who are recording their local hospitals hospitals&src=typed_query

If your hospitals are anything like ours your nurses are ALWAYS overworked.

All i need is an american vpn and then no one can stop me
The stars and stripes are criticism immunity and amerimutt can’t hurt me if I’m not one anyway

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They don't want you to know it's mostly homeless, this was their plan to rid of them. You hear numbers but you don't know anyone who has it let alone died from it, they're burning the bodies because there isn't shit else to do with them.

It’s a tricked that i learned working in a retirement home
Senior homes and hospitals are purposefully understaffed so they can get more money from the governments

>>hospitals admit they aren't busy yet
Bu-bu-but TV told me it was real and I want to be trendy and hip. DOnate to my patreon!
But seriously, if a coron-cuck got in my face with that TV nonsense I'd beat their ass and just spend the night in jail again. I don't tolerate normie and their bullshit very well.

It's fake a fugazi

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based kid dabbing on nigger baby dolls

It could literally be that people are dying fast enough that they free up resources for the new people coming in.

fantastic find.

The homeless
People who already have complicating medical issues: ie: aids, transplants and other immune suppressive issues
These people get special treatments, they get to be the heroes who help us find something that works..

Something has to work...


I like your ID
It’s stylish
Why waste recovery resources on human garbage when we can test random drugs on them.
We’ll find some that will work

>If you go to the hospital with covid you will most likely die.
When then shouldn't hospitals stay open for normal business and not accept COVID patients?

they required it for H1N1 in 2009.

But we need covid patients
We need heroes
People who will die for us so we can find a cure
It’s crazy isn’t it user?
It’s like we’re in the plot of a movie
The heroes don’t inow that the government and doctors are massacring people in order to find the drug that helps us fight back.

this sounds right

I was just thinking today. How insanely quiet my mid-sized city is. I don't think I've so much as heard a police/fire/ambulance siren in 3 weeks. Then I thought, "Wait a minute!"

>So where are all these people dying?
New York City, pay attention. It's like 40% of America's cases.

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They have old fat people in New York?

nursing homes

Is this sarcasm?

You guys know the media wont report on this right? We’re in the information age and when you get locked out you dismiss all other answers as false.
>it’s just a flu
>it’s a nothing burger
>the death tolls are fake
You’re not going to be told what’s going on. No one is going to find out for a while at least.

I hate most of you.
Amerimutts are the worst posters
My bretheren are idiots 99% of the time and my home flag holds a hope I don’t believe in.

But let’s survive, okay?

Is there another source to this?

Shouting bada bing at each other probably helped spread it, too. Old greasy italian guys never stood a chance

>hospitals admit they aren't busy yet

Hospitals are overrun in a lot of place, just not everywhere. Here, they cannot take people and treat people they suspect of having COVID-19, even moderate-getting severe cases, AND they have cancelled pretty much everything else. I'm in the fucking Midwest and not even a city.

Everything I know that's not covid-19 has been cancelled for everyone I know, and they still will not admit any non-very-severe covid-19 cases, they just tell you to stay at home and drink fluids. We're already fucked. I am not even in a hotspot.

I thought everyone there was either a immigrant or hipster working for venture capital money.

For some dark humor
I’d say manlets are the main cause of covid 19 spread
Manlets don’t know how big 6ft actually is

NYC is absolutely infested with fat stupid niggers and elderly kikes, which are both dropping like flies.

new york is fine, new york city is fucked though because liberals wanted to 'own' the orange man bad

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heh, not bad

>not ignoring the obvious memeflag kikes

Not that I know of. Hospitals aren't going to go on the record to say they are committing fraud, but the incentives to are there.