What would you do if you lived in Brazil?

What would you do if you lived in Brazil?

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I lived there for 4 months. It wasn't that bad but the electric heaters in the shower are fucking nuts, as are the motorcycle boys.

The problem with pics like this is I never know if this is how the majority of the country really is. I know about the favellas obviously, but that's not really how most Brazilians live is it?

Like people post pics of Detroit on here to shit on America, but really that's not what the vast vast majority of America is like.

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Eat feijoada and drink shitloads of pinga until my liver exploded

Probably start learning portuguese.

continue living

Stay here, wouldnt leave brazil to:
Eu countries
north korea

even if someone paid me

I'd go on a rut, a marathon of intense sex with beautiful Brazilian women.

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Play an online free to play game on US servers and shit it up

Firstly, look for this bitch.

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>What would you do if you lived in Brazil?
Live in the nice part with all the other white ppl.

>I never know if this is how the majority of the country really is
Some of it's like this, some of it is super nice and looks gorgeous. Like anywhere. Just in Brazil there's much less of a middle class and more ghetto.

I live in America so its pretty much the same

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I'd be happy. Brazil has an awesome climate, it's big with a lot of natural diversity. I work remote so I'd be down there on an American salary.

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This is like 15% of Brazil

I'd probably die desu senpai

I would say that this is more 40% of Brazil

Start walking to the nearest white country where my white ass belongs.

Work hard so I don't have to live in Brazil anymore. Worked for me.


Take a shower to electrocute and kill myself.

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Honestly if that president would give them monkeys gun rights I would think about it. Wouldnt be the first time white Americans fled a this sinking boat to go down there and bleach the natives

A parte boa sobre vira latas é que eles vão embora sozinhos.

Visit their colourful favelas, Yankee.


I would probably huehuehue

Around the same thing I do here, video games. In Brazil the MMO Tibia is still very big and you can sell in game gold which is worth far more than a Brazilian Real.

Kill myself

Have sex with underage girls

Fuck over 100 bitches.

Find an uncontacted tribe and show them my phone to freak them out

You don't know what you don't have until someone sticks it in your face. Stay out of the way. Maybe offer education to those who want it, but otherwise, from the US into there, you're just gonna make them lazy or jealous.

Open up a brothel

open a cyber cafe

they work bro just don't touch it

It would be like living in India expect less poo and more shootings.

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Find some thick bunda to do the roomba with

Am I the only one who immediately went looking for a bulge to verify your claim of bitch?

What are you even talking about you incoherent retard?

>be born of the bunda
>grow up worshipping the bunda
>find your favorite bunda
>make more bunda and bunda fucker like yourself
>attain peak hue and ascend to the summit of Pico da Neblina to live amongst the higher apes
What else would a Brazilian be doing?

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op is a brazilian.

What game is this?

Honestly dude, western civilization is just brazil with better looking houses/buildings. Family is forever ruined here.

Die of hepatitis, cholera, or acute cranial lead poisoning

i havent seen that image for more than 10 years holy shit

Tibia used to be the fucking worst about this

> trocar a resistência

Bunda bunda. I love fat brown tiddies and asses.

Tons of cocaine. Get stabbed probably

Go live in recife so I can hang out with Epstein and his harem of 9yo qts

But br's absolutely run that game and economy now, its sad. I miss the 7.4 days...

post that trap from Brazil you zoomers fap to

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Why do shitskins always have to ruin everything?

SP and Curitiba seem cool desu. And I love the Portuguese language. Don't think I'd mind it

shut up memeflaggot kike.

What the fuck is wrong with you

cum inside some garotas

which one? there's several

Fuck a lot of fat ass bitches. I fucked this Brazilian chick I met on bumble she was white as fuck and blonde I totally couldn't believe she was Brazilian but she was. Good in bed.