/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2938 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,201,964 (+521) ► Died: 64,727 (+39) ► Day: 87 (-23:08:23)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,370 different strains have been sequenced —

Town in China in lockdown again due to second wave of cases

China begins to reopen its wet markets

Asian countries might face second wave as cases rise

Hong Kong enacts shutdowns as second wave hits

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

Engineer ran train off tracks in attempt to sink the USNS Mercy

Swedish government took 3 months to figure out asymptomatic transmission

Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Infection might cause male infertility

CDC considering making public wear masks, against WHO advise

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

France doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes


01:29: 98 new cases and 1 new death in Argentina
23:58: 53 new cases in Alabama
23:55: 81 new cases and 2 new deaths in New Jersey
23:28: 90 new cases and 9 new deaths in the Dominican Republic
23:14: 100 new cases and 4 new deaths in Oregon
23:02: 223 new cases and 7 new deaths in Georgia


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:



Looks like we'll be going to war soon

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Oh shit ww3 is happening boys

So this is the scapegoat, huh?

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Reminder that Charles lieber is jewish

so they finally are admitting it's a bioweapon?

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Reminder to not fall for confirmation bias. Of course numbers are going to go up now that people are counting. You cannot be counted if no one is counting. Unless you are the average death age of 78.5 or have an underlying condition like obesity, you will be just fine. Please calm the fuck down.

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fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .
reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless because nobody loves them.

also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.

these threads should be on bant your all a fucking little autistic social ccult at this point screeching at each other. OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i fun cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud

>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh

reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate

also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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>So, I was bored!

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>Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

>tfw turbo-virgin argie is adding that out of butthurtiness
>tfw he decided to use the chinese study now because the other one was borderline laughable and he got BTFO by several anons over the course of days for it
>ignores the 0.3% death rate for the french hospital that's applying the treatment correctly


>ignores ANY study that doesn't fits his confirmation bias

>thinks he's white

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got more?

Does this faggot post anymore?

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oh fuck

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>up to 5 years jail

that's fucking it?

There's no use
That we are

What you know
And keep reaping
What We sow

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post pics

>this post kills the cvg cuck retard

fucking kek. cvg idiots btfo not a single person can prove the death rate is higher than stated here aka abysmal infinitesimal deathlet stats

but keep fear mongering niggers and promoting the governments control and lockdown agenda

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United States 311,357 (8,452) Spain 126,168 (11,947) Italy 124,632 (15,362) Germany 96,092 (1,444) France 89,953 (7,560) China 81,669 (3,329) Iran 55,743 (3,452) United Kingdom 41,903 (4,313) Turkey 23,934 (501) Switzerland 20,505 (666) Belgium 18,431 (1,283) Netherlands 16,627 (1,651) Canada 13,912 (231) Austria 11,781 (186) Portugal 10,524 (266) Brazil 10,360 (445) South Korea 10,237 (183) Israel 7,851 (44) Sweden 6,443 (373) Australia 5,635 (34) Norway 5,550 (62) Russia 4,731 (43) Ireland 4,604 (137) Czech Republic 4,472 (59) Chile 4,161 (27) Denmark 4,077 (161) Poland 3,627 (79) Romania 3,613 (146) India 3,588 (99) Malaysia 3,483 (57) Ecuador 3,465 (172) Japan 3,139 (77) Philippines 3,094 (144) Pakistan 2,818 (41) Luxembourg 2,729 (31) Saudi Arabia 2,179 (29) Indonesia 2,092 (191) Thailand 2,067 (20) Mexico 1,890 (79) Finland 1,882 (25) Panama 1,801 (46) Peru 1,746 (73) Greece 1,673 (68) Serbia 1,624 (44) South Africa 1,585 (9)…

China +30 (+3) South Korea +81 (+6) Australia +85 (+4) Mexico +202 (+19) Honduras +4 (+7) New Zealand +89 Bolivia +18 Paraguay +8 Jamaica +2 Guyana +1 Haiti +1…


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There's an official inquiry open about canada supplying china with biotech, was on the whitehouse website. They appear to be looking into it. Based on the side releases coming out of congress one of the democrats also put forward that this is a right wing conspiracy and right wingers made the virus.

Im in Milford, are we fucked? Did this (((dude))) spray Kung Flu fucking everywhere?

>Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin


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Don't fall for this

The guy was arrested two months ago and nothing on the article says he "invented" the coronavirus

fucking clickbait articles i swear to god

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anyone got the infamous lobotomy black eye picture from bill gates?

I'll hunt this fuck down if he succeeds at tracking everyone


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friendly reminder for all lurkers that are confused nobody will present any information that debunks this ridiculous low death rate. because there is no information that suggests otherwise. cvg posters are just literally mentally retarded doomer

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No. I just happened to come across that.

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>tfw normies are finally catching up to cvg from two and half months ago

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Dude France is consistently hitting 1k+ death daily, if you wanna shill your kike vaccine cope at least source a country that isn't exploding

are you a bot?
you post this everyday

Having been all over this since Jan now the world is suddenly panicking and shutting down like Wuhan ive come to the following conclusive options, none of which are btw good in any way.
1 outbreak
has multiple strains, TPTB are trying to stop all hell breaking. deathrate l biblical.
2) We are at the beginnings of a biowar, all countries are preparing like war is coming and mass casualties are expected. WW3 has begun the masses are yet to be told or realise all the signs are there. Outcome uncertain.
3) All global economies being totally trashed but for a few million deaths even at 5% global death rate many more will starve and civil unrest/revolutions and wars very likely break out, money no longer matters in the scale of things.the global change to the winners has begun... Uncertain outcome.
4) An Extinction Level Event is expected,locking down the entire globe is necessary, even the small and ISIS and terror groups have ceased hostilities, because it no longer matters other than being human and surviving.People are being told to stay home be with their family, ELE that is the best place to be.the govs can pick up the pieces later knowing where,who the casualties are. Biblical
5) This is all a managed scam and over reaction, the MSM are nuts and its a panic over nothing, including shareholders banks etc and a plan to bankrupt all med or small business and take it all over ushering in global socialism.... population decimation and reduction Agenda 21 is now in effect.
6) First contact is about to happen, either quantum/ dimensional or outer space they will be far more advanced and the intel prognosis is very bad.

I am a logical realist but after months of investigation and closely following as many developments as possible i cannot ignore this is so unprecedented only something biblical would and could move nations and all elite to do such moves as they have and any of the above could be true.. one thing its not is a bad flu and a fewover reactive politicians.

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Isn't this like 2 months old?

I'm out of MA right now but with the statistics coming out of there, and even the Boston health system feeling pressure, it's probably gonna be wicked bad m8

explain Marseille
and it's not a vaccine you absolute double-nigger

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Nice filename.

All chinks should die

I am PISSED, my wife packed our six N95 masks into storage last month because she didn't realize what they were, and now we can't find them. Is there ANYWHERE to buy masks right now, even if they aren't N95? Or should I just wrap a shirt around my head?

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I understand that you are having a hard time with the stages of grief, but it's too late user.

no amount of nothingburgering will undo what is transpiring

coronachan is in practically every inhabited county in the usa

there is at least 1 death in 50% of all counties

we lost

It's not an article, idiot. It's an official press briefing.

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not a bot i just hate cvg and the op is unsubstantiated trash. i just want lurkers to get closer to the truth and stop shilling the virus for government control.

>normies finally catching up to my super cool elite Yas Forums club hehe we are so cool guys

stfu faggot. death rate is .1 percent for anyone under 50

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United States (-1.62%) Germany (-0.95%) France (-1.80%) United Kingdom (-1.38%) Italy (-3.41%) Switzerland (-0.72%) Spain (+0.11%) Austria (+0.00%) Poland (+1.62%) Netherlands (-1.88%) Hungary (-0.34%) Russia (+3.04%) Greece (+1.29%) Brazil (-3.90%) Japan (-1.04%) Hong Kong (-0.90%) China (-0.39%) Australia (-3.34%) Singapore (-3.42%) India (-4.25%) South Korea (-0.13%) Taiwan (-0.87%) South Africa (-1.13%)

Sydney (-51%) Tokyo (-62%) Beijing (-79%) Wuhan (-100%) New Delhi (-100%) Dubai (-100%) Moscow (-100%) Rome (-100%) Milan (-100%) Berlin (-60%) Munich (-100%) Brussels (-100%) Paris (-100%) Madrid (-100%) Barcelona (-50%) London (-100%) Johannesburg (+50%) Sao Paulo (-100%) Buenos Aires (-83%) New York (-96%) Washington (-87%) Miami (-100%) Toronto (-83%) Chicago (-85%) Houston (-62%) Mexico City (-69%) Los Angeles (-77%) Seattle (-70%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (311m) Pakistan (211m) Russia (144m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (71m) Thailand (69m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Iraq (38m) Poland (37m) Nigeria (36m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m)…


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>Oregon will be sending 140 ventilators to help NY because Oregon is in a better position right now. "We must do all that we can to help those on the front lines of this response." - Oregon Governor Kate Brown

based oregon

How fucking big is your house?

nice tit grandpa

You got the original 1mil version?

Sweden has trains?

Every HollyWood actor and news reporter
saying they have Corona Virus are lying with the NWO and Bill Gates they all have a pact, they are using it like the Global Warming bull shit along with them saying Trump is going to kill us all.

IT IS FAKE!!!!!!

>muhh pandemic
Imagine believing that a new virus has emerged, which is nano sized, and it took scientists only about a month to develop method where you could just swab your nose and dip it in liquid and it would only change color for covid19 and no other virus. Its not fucking believable.

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make your wife sow some masks with an ac filter insert

Why don't russia do something useful for once and attack them
>oh you can't you're their gas station
sorry based Petrol Station attendant how much good does your military now?

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nice try Satan

The only treatment that will actually work from what we have now is an IL-6 cytokine blocker, which should be given as soon as CT scans show pneumonia is starting, especially for at risk groups. IL-6 causes the damage.

Tocilizumab is one

>wtf I love Oregon now
thanks for the comfy Patriotism

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clinging onto south korean stats is just... so... pathetic

death rate is laughably low if your under fifty. you have the same chance of dying by getting raped by horse cock and having your anus explode

but you fags would probably like that

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Didn't Yas Forums already know about this in January? I shit swore I was seeing this guys face and didn't care.

>doesn't understand supply rationing


>only using SK
>ignoring 2 states in the US
>thinking over 50 dying is no big deal

Go out and party with others

this. It's old news to /cvg/

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Lol is "death under 50" the new shill pasta cope?

All of the important people are over 50, though. Have you considered that? Do you understand why the world is freaking out now?

>1,201,964 (+521) ► Died: 64,727 (+39)
Omg this is the end

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Walmarts in WISCO to allow only 50 in the store at a time starting tomorrow.

So this is how it starts, huh...

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get coughed on faggot

Uhh, those normie tier comments almost made me kms. Twitter is trash.

top kek did you retards read this? under 1 percent death rate for all age groups out of 7000 cases in south korea. for those 50 and younger the death rate drops to .1 percent or less. fucking kek but muh big scary virus

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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but you fats probably will be the most affected
pls user be careful this is not a joke

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yes, if you didn't get your answer from last thread

no homo

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>Panoramix Marseillese Gaul was right
>and /cvg/ was wrong
and /cvg/ was ABSOLUTELY right, about EVERYTHING.
de nada

Why does leadstories.com try so hard to cover for Jews, they are distorting the original report with new bullshit they added themselves and say it's "fake news"

No one mentioned CIA in the original news report

it's probably in your sewers after he drained what's left

It is SANTA to you

>mkultra id
>RARE and island fuckhole

Is this upsetting you user?

look for 40mm NATO gas masks. They're better than anything else you'll be able to find for sale, and they're still in stock some places.

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We absolutely will get destroyed by this, niggercattle are still going out without PPE, they will only wake up once it gets really bad and due to incubation period we will be beyond fucked by that point
Stay safe fren

Twitter normies are saying that this doctor was arrested two month ago
What the fuck? Is this shit linked or not with covid-19

Yep - and were willing to share.


lmao we are europe
still more developed and less infected than your bumfuck county

>and /cvg/ was ABSOLUTELY right
argiefag has been denying the effectiveness of HCQ and azy for literal weeks, along with a TON of armchair ''experts'' and ''nurses'' from here as well
i sincerely wouldn't be shitposting this as much if that faggot didn't get butthurt when someone defies his almighty baker authority

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I’ve seen him a few times before.


Nice try nigger, I'm so schizo I've worn this since Chernobyl

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Explain to me - why Americans are allowed to dismiss this virus as "just a flu" and not react to it, but at the same time they expect Chinese government to take it super seriously from the very begining when no one had any data on this virus and when Chinese could actually mistake it for a flu. So Americans CAN say "its just the flu" with all the data that they have now, but Chinese were not allowed to dismiss it as "just a flu" without any data on the virus and if Chinese were to make a mistake of dismissing it as just a flu - this somehow means that China did it deliberatelly to infect the whole world? How does this logic work?
Why are Americans allowed to dismiss this as just a flu so late in the timeline, but Chinese were not allowed to dismis it as a flu very early in the timeline? Why with Americans reacting dismissively it can be explained as just a mistake or negligence, but with Chinese it is supposed to be evil intent and nefarious plans?

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Got dish towels? Fold them up and use them as a bandana; the more the better, until it's somewhat hard to breathe through. Then glasses.

Should protect you from all but someone directly coofing into your face.

Boring happening that's going to see me become diabetic from all the fucking rice.

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They cant shut down the world for fake news... not all nations would comply... BUT THEY HAVE... wake up bubbba

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This apocalypse is boring af.
Lockdown sucks and all I have to do is shitty craft stuff, working out, guitar, and drinking.
I hate China so much for this boredom I feel..

Coronavirus hacked my nudes

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>3000th thread tomorrow

The "Swine Flu", 2009–10. An H1N1 virus first detected in Mexico in early 2009, and spread to the United States later that year. This pandemic was estimated to have killed around 284,000 people worldwide. It was estimated to have caused about 12,000 deaths in the United States alone.
Your lieing out your ass faggggot

Ps: flu killed about 80,000 2018 google it fuckin pansys

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azy is really powerful what im scared is like with gonhorrea it will be effective just on the short term before it developes a resistance

Yeah this is old news. Old fags in /cvg/ will remember

funny how it's all the people in government and higher education institutes that are fucking up the world and the people at the bottom are the ones that are trying to fix it.

#deep. #woke. #somethingburger.

-posted from my iPhone12s

You wont be bored soon.... hope you enjoyed your short life

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Who will step up and lead the charge to hold China accountable?

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Them and the uneducated rednecks are the only ones i see outside now and ive actually heard about deaths over facebook from my drinking buddies that happened in their family yet they are still traveling about like its fucking nothing when its highly likely they are the carriers that caused their family members to die.

kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.

especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit

i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop

and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is hahahahaahahahahahahahahahah

fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

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Fucking bots honestly.
I wish mods would clean this shit up.

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i guess ill start memeflagging like a retard then

Anons... The storm is upon us. All I ask of you is simple. Trust the plan

Check'd quads of truth

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Estimated =/= confirmed, you retard. This has been said over and over in these threads.


I've crunched the fresh NYC numbers but need to sleep so can't present them neatly
As of a few hours ago 23,952 people from 21 - 44 had tested positive for covid
Of these 132 have died
Which gives a current cfr of 0.55%
5 times what you say
There debunked
All data from here

Now watch you shift the goalposts
It was never about the death rate in the young, it's about overwhelming services and secondary effects

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Seriously, why the fuck have we gotten rid of capital punishment?

please don't. It's comfy to recognize fellow anons over the threads.

The reason this general still exists is because no country in the world had any sort of plan in the first place.

I hope those guys use a rigorous decontamination process for theirs masks that they incorporate daily into their lives since they are single use and I doubt they have hundreds of masks stacked up for daily use


>dude just turn your fucking house into a lab daily and stack masks
>treat the fucking outside like a full blown biohazard

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>almost one in ten boomers who get it will die

I don't think you appreciate exactly how much a lot of us hate boomers

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Ahh fuck I forgot to take out the Q when I was messing with those Qtards

I enjoy nothing, I'm an ungrateful millenial cunt.

wow now debunk the fact that the death rate for anyone under 50 is a measly .2 percent wait you can’t faggot . ahah haha haha

oh no cvg bro’s we got too cocky the death rate is literally under .1 percent for those that didn’t fight in world war 2

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#for the herd

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nah. oldfags know it was stolen from canada

I’m phone posting with a shit connection so you’ll need to look this up. Science Direct and many science platforms presenting papers will confirm.
Blood pressure meds and virus = death
Ace 2 Inhibitors and beta blockers are deadly
Side effects of Ace 2 inhibitors is identical to severe Covid and Beta Blockers cause cytokine storms!
It explain the peculiar death pattern of obesity and age while explaining why some old people get sick like younger people.

baste and truthpilled

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that's much higher than I've seen reported anywhere else
good work user

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i do respect you doing that dude. nice work.

Anyone have that compiled list of articles of countries stealing/outbidding other countries supplies?

Who says we can’t do a sneaky execution or two while the police are distracted with the quarantining.

Just bought some ciggies, holiday reds.
Gunna chuff and coof cunts who's with me?

sux dosn't it.

>kike vaccine
It is a treatment for the more harsh symptoms. It makes the hospitalization time diminish to 1/3 of usual time.
This creates the possibility to treat 3times more people.
Also is fucking cheap and easy to produce, THUS is literally antiKIKE solution.
BUT retarded monkey with pirateflag,
as a (you)whoreing retard he is, mix all this with "muh nuthingburga" meme, making no one prone to listen about the DRUIDPILLS.
Pic related, an aristocratic nothingburger that died fo apparently NOTHING.

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oh 80,000 in the USA alone worldwide much higher and much unreported unlike these inflated ass numbers

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Well that as well, we know that kike also had a hand in it as he was working in the same lab that the chink who stole it would visit

now take into account what share of the people infected actually get tested and you get even lower rates


Have there been any vids of asymptomatics fainting outside of china? especially europe, usa, iran?

what's going on in previous OP's webm?

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Yeah that chink woman, right?
Does knowing that really make us oldfags, though?

I'm sitting here sharpening broadheads and playing Skyrim.

Can't say I'm bored at all.

The is the most rambling, autistic, hard to read shit I’ve ever seen. Please kill yourself.

Just dont leave your house, No need for masks. You wont find any this late anyway.

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