My mums aunty is 80 years old and a multi-billionaire that was married to a president of a country.
She’s never given me a cent.
You would think if you were a multi-billionaire that you’d give your nieces children a house or something so he doesn’t have to worry about mortgage or rent.
What else are you going to do with that money? If I was a multi-billionaire like her I would make it so nobody in my family had to worry about mortgage or rent.
The thing is she didn’t even make her billions, she inherited them from her father, and she married the president out of pure status chasing. Not going to say which president but he isn’t a president anymore, he was like 25 years ago.
That just means you never tried being friends with her regardless of her wealth and she knows that and it shows by your post here. It's understandable, but you could be more open minded which could lead to surprising results.
Or she could just be a rotten boomer... But I'm not in your shoes and am just throwing darts half blindfolded
Jeremiah Rivera
Poor or middle class relatives > Wealthy relatives
Every single time. My fathers family are wealthy too and they have never given us a cent.
Elijah Taylor
She’s not in Australia, I couldn’t be “friends” with her, she’s in her 80s now and I’m in my 30s and she’s not one to use technology.
She communicates with my mum though, but rarely.
She’s always only ever kept in billionaire and political social circles, hence how she was married a president.
Parker Jackson
Why is that though? I mean, if you have access to literal multiple billions, how can you not buy a house for all of your family members.
If I was a billionaire, I’d buy a house for even people I don’t speak to in my family and have nothing in common with, because they’re family and it would only make sense if I have near bottomless-pit tier wealth to make them all grind and struggle day to day like a normie sucker
Jayden James
That's how you stop being a billionaire quickly.
Jayden Howard
The planet isn't that big. 7,000,000,000 people but only 244 billionaire women. Which one is your great aunt?
I can't imagine being so dumb you notice paying 30% for rent by choice but don't notice paying 30% taxes without consent.
Evan Adams
Stop trying to manipulate people into becoming Communists,leftypol.
Ethan Garcia
why do you feel entitled to someone else's possessions?
Caleb Diaz
What the fuck is wrong with you two? All you want from your family is money? Spend some time with them and get to know them and never expect money in return, love for love.
Zachary Howard
Because any possessions a person owns beyond the contents of the home where they live are only their possessions because other people agree to protect your ownership of them.
Tyler Long
Wealthy people are incapable of being good humans. They arent worth knowing
Sebastian Martinez
Op should write a tell all abour every family secret he knows and then cause as much damage to the family politically, financially and minecraft
Wyatt Diaz
How would buying like 30-40 houses for your family members make you stop being a multi billionaire?
David Lee
I’m not talking about multimillion dollar homes. Just like a $500k normie house.
Nicholas Diaz
the only obvious answer is to sleep with her
Thomas Foster
>What else are you going to do with that money? If I was a multi-billionaire like her I would make it so nobody in my family had to worry about mortgage or rent. This reminds me of a Michael Jordan interview. When he got his first big-boy NBA paycheck, he spent and spent and ended up 50k in the hole with his bank. A lot of that money just went to people he knew, no questions asked, no strings. Gave some "fat stacks" to his homies. Wonder how many of them gave any of it back to help him out, or even offered to. But there he was, at that level of income and still getting collection calls from a bank.
It's hard to build up that little germ of money that grows into its own little rolling ball of wealth, and it's easy to lose it. You can't be a paypig, not even for your extended family. It's gotta be wife and kids, and you have to teach the kids to carry their own weight, or they die with you.
Alexander Morris
The ultra wealthy don't even care about what money can buy. It's an addiction to them. A lifestyle. Literally, making money just for the sake of making more money. I know a guy who makes seven figures a year, and he'll stop to pick a quarter off the street.
You are just as bad as they are for not recording evidence and releasing everything. Coward.
Hunter Ramirez
>1/3 lmao try 1/2. landlords are fucking parasites.
Ethan Butler
This is old money, not just some poor hardworker that made it.
Buying 30-40 people in your family/extended family a house each is literally like you as an normie wealth shouting some drinks for your family. Infact it’s probably more money for the normie to shout drinks for 30-40 people than it is for a billionaire to buy 30-40 houses for their extended family
Julian Cruz
you don't become a billionaire by having a charitable heart.
That appears to be the choice, either be a horribly stingy cunt or you don't ever see extreme wealth.
Daniel Anderson
>Why don’t people just give me free shit Kill yourself
Ian Anderson
>great nephew lol go fuck yourself, nephew
Connor Wood
If you are given everything, you will lose the drive to live and be useless. People say wealth is lost by third generation.
Grow the fuck up, show that you can gain wealth and know what to do with your money. Take control of your finances, only then approach this woman, tell her this is how you want to grow the family empire, and maybe she will help you invest. You don’t just ask for houses, that’s such a nigger thing to do.
Parker Nelson
She didn’t become a billionaire, her parents did, she inherited it.
Nathaniel Kelly
She inherited the billions and billion dollar company her parents built
Stop with this shit
Oliver Campbell
If I suddenly became rich I wouldn't just drop money on all my relatives because we happened to be related, because then they'd always expect it for the rest of my fucking life. And also I don't like most of them. I'd pay off my parents' house, buy the house I'm renting, and give my little brother the cool 80's sports car he's always wanted because he actually likes me and talks to me on a regular basis. I haven't heard from any of my extended family since Christmas, and those were just postcards that didn't even contain a personalized message. They don't really care that I exist and their lives wouldn't be affected if I dropped dead, why should I reward them for that?
I'd also help my juggalo coworker with his land taxes cause that poor fucker's trying to raise a kid and the state keeps taking all his money since he lives on a commercial road instead of a residential one.
Bentley Watson
It’s not bullshit. It doesn’t matter how she got the money, it matters that you stop thinking like a nigger.
Samuel Brooks
Landlords and Tenants are two sides of the same parasitic coin.
-t. Responsible Homeowner
Thomas Thomas
Having a house paid off makes it a incredibly easier to focus on your actual goals. Since you don’t have to worry about paying a 2-4K mortgage or paying a 1-2K rent
Lincoln Gray
You’re telling I won’t have anything to live for if I have a house paid off and I am not grinding like a slave cuck. But she seems to have no problem being a billionaire born into the billions.
Luke Clark
A you a real responsible home owner? Because if you’re one of those people who have a 500-800k mortgage you’re not one. You helped increase the prices of housing by taking on insane mortgages because Muh low interest rate.
Samuel Jones
If you're renting already why don't you ask for half that and pay the mortgage off? Even a non-interest loan will put you years ahead of everyone else.
Lucas Hall
Because my mum said never to ask for money from her, and that she should be the one to offer if she wanted to give to relatives she would have by now.
She copes that she might leave us something when she dies in her will.
Joseph Kelly
I bought it back when it was 350k back in 2004.
Never speculated, just got what I needed and never felt the compulsion to keep buying more.
Jaxson Peterson
That’s because she’s a woman, and you’re not. Is the great uncle still alive? Better to engage with him for opportunities if that’s the case.
She inherited a lot of money, married a rich guy, that’s what women can do. You can call her all sorts of names, but at the end of the day, you’re not a woman. It’s useless to have that mindset.
Owen Rogers
She’s a toasty roastie who never had kids. Hoarding her money is her “getting back” at you for existing. >women
Ryan Brooks
Seems legit. Also, you are an exceptionally deviant specimen of the human race, even compared to your fellow Australians.
Liam Nguyen
That’s good then. Got in just before the skyrocket in prices.
He is dead.
Lucas Phillips
It’s the darkest red pill Wealth breeds greed She literally thinks you should earn it yourself
Ayden King
Why do millenals thinks they deserve something that they don't own?
Even your auntie is a fucking billionaire, she still don't own you SHIT.
Elijah Stewart
what is your mum's aunty's address. i want to go kiss her ;)
Elijah Jackson
Samuel Mitchell
Live in a fucking tent. Then you won't have to worry about paying. Or go buy a trailer you deadbeat.
Levi Bell
Well fuck. But she is still connected? She’s not like a hermit is she? See if she has any connections you can learn from. At the same time, see if there is anything she needs. I can guarantee an 80 yr old rich woman has predatory scammers circling her everyday like vultures.
How did your parents never engage with her? What a wealth of opportunity this could have been.
Kayden Bailey
I know some people are unwilling to lend out money to friends and family due to trouble it can cause but being a billionaire allows her to basically buy you a house for free anyway so she could be a jerk.
>She’s never given me a cent. you poor thing, the world morns for you
Adam Price
>Then you won't have to worry about paying What is land tax? You think someone will just let you pitch a tent on their land?
You're either homeless or you pay.
Noah Torres
Imagine being a nigger and expecting her to pay for your shit. Just shows what state of mind you're in. She is based and knows the money will be the end of you and wants you to make your own path rather than being a lazy cunt.
Hunter Phillips
She has always spent 99% of her time mingling in billionaire/political circles. Most of her family are everyday normies, not rich or politicians.
I'm lmaoing at the point people are saying its too much to ask for a billionaire to buy houses.
$500k to her is like $5 or $50 to us peasants. Dont even try that "youre a bastard for suggesting she should give you anything"
Evan Murphy
Imagine being this much of a bootlicker that you think a multi-billionaire in your own family shouldn't give you shit.
Nicholas Sullivan
This attitude is why communism will win in the end.
The West needs to return to the feudal ideal of "noblesse oblige" and recognize that having legal title to property doesn't immunize you from financial/social obligations. The nobility held their position due to the support of a network of aristocratic family members and retainers whose loyalty was purchased with the profits of their estate, not by the mere ink on the deed to that estate. An aristocrat who stood alone, hoarding his wealth while supported by nothing but his legal property rights was soon to fall.
Noah Rogers
Australia is the one place I would not want to live outdoors
Caleb Diaz
Its her choice at the end of the day. She thinks its for the best that you don't get any of it. The fact you just expect it from her says a lot.
The Greek Hetairoi (example: Alexander's Companion Calvary) only existed because it was fully funded by the family and its extended family members and friends who they shared their wealth with. All their homes, lands, horses, farm animals, weapons, training, wealth, it was all paid for by the Macedonian kings family wealth. The Herairoi were hammer of the phalanges anvil.
Charles Barnes
Cope. Youre just one of those copers who think theyre just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire and that you dont want to see anyone get easy money from wealthy family because it destroys your cope.
Oliver Ramirez
Also, you're also part of the problem, the individualism bullshit you're brain washed with...hoard everything for yourself, dont help your family at all. Fuck you, you're part of the problem in society. You're just as bad as the extreme left with this extreme individualism shit.
Cooper Ramirez
>the 40 year old COOPER
John Phillips
Explain to me how you get rich by giving shit away OP.
Michael Edwards
>my mom’s aunt
She doesn’t even think about you, dummy. Get a job.
Brayden Jackson
You help your fellow huWhite brethren to install a telegraph line to England and you gain knowledge of the next day so you can invest properly
Cameron Collins
>the CHAD Aunt vs the Virgin user
Robert Anderson
Her net worth is $10,000,000,000+ Her annual income from her company is $50,000,000+ Her companies annual income is in the billions Her companies assets are in the billions
She inherited all of it
Caleb Johnson
You don't get rich, or you're born rich or you toil in vain.
Apparently having this wealth is still not enough to warrant helping your extended family with basic things such as a standard normie 3-4 bedroom home in a normie area.
Nathan Hall
Just look for the 80 year old women.
Jayden Allen
>can I just not pay you? Sure. Can I have my house back? >r U fUkKeN sRs rN?!?
Leo Clark
Cry about it. Why are you entitled to other people's money? Hint: you're not. Maybe you should become a multi-billionaire and give it all away if you think that's the right thing to do. lmao
Austin Foster
>he thinks every single billionaire is on an internet list