Why is it such a shitshow in New York?
Why is it such a shitshow in New York?
Densely populated and a lot of the people who aren’t poor and/or ignorant have their heads up their own asses in true New York style
liberal strongholds
they control the hospitals, police, courts, etc. it's very easy to fake numbers there.
jews are plague spreaders
God is punishing the wicked.
Dear Lord,
I’m sorry. I’ve spent most of my life in sloth. I beg of you not to punish me for sloth. I’ve been trying hard to create a legitimate future for myself. I beg of you not to take that away from me.
As a New Yorker (Manhattan) I can confirm this is accurate.
(((worldometer))) sources are news media outlets.
Literally anuddah shoah
Cause it’s home to one of the biggest transportation systems in the world.
That doesn’t include the 3 airports in the area. Some chink could land in Newark airport, NJ Transit to MSG, Subway to Flushing queens. Contaminates 1,000 on his way.
That is literally more cases than Hubei.
if you believe any chink numbers you are a fucking retard or ccp member
They're testing more than any state.
It also gives you a good idea as to how widespread this thing actually is, and likely has been here since December. Can't wait until antibody blood tests become readily available.
Surprised California isn’t doing as awful considering it has twice NY’s population.
>Can't wait until antibody blood tests become readily available.
Why? So civilization can just end?
Please let this pandemic hit the Jewish neighborhoods.
New York has the largest Asian population outside of Asia.
In fact CA has more people than those top 3 states combined, homeless everywhere, and weak, reactive leaderhsip at every level. Multiple shipping ports and int'l airports in metro areas. Why isn't CA the actuall shitshow? That's the real question.
A lot of things lead me to suspect it already ran its course here back in late fall and into late January. They're all anecdotes, but there are a lot of them and they all point in that same direction.
It’s a filthy unhygienic city, filled with filthy unhygienic people. Will take years to disinfect that place.
I’d really, really hate to say that Jewsom’s shelter-in-place order is working in some way. But there doesn’t seem to be any other explanation.
Not to mention, Bill de Blasio is mayor of NYC.
Why do you think that other places not just a week or two from New York numbers? How many people are being tested in Florida?
Population isn't as dense. Better weather may be helping their cause as well. People get their vitamin d year round there, especially in socal. Texas doing very well too.
Consider that three of the biggest memes to come out of NYC in the past year involve rats.
>shitshow in New York
Huge number of international travelers pass through the city - it's one of the world's major business centers.
It’s funny how his hair kind of looks like the JUST hair in that pic.
This is the correct answer.
I think it was just more commonplace in NY prior to the quarantines so now they have more cases but because the rest of the country has gone full blown NEET it shouldnt get so bad (atleast until they come back outside).
>aAaAaA cOrOnA-cHaN
How many people die every month from drunk driving in that shithole?
Dense population
Massive use of public transportation
>the retard mayor telling people to ignore anyone they see on social media telling them to ignore crowds a month ago
>his administration are useless fucksticks in general
>Hasidics are still flagrantly ignoring anyone who tells them to avoid large gatherings
Because you touch yourself at night
It probably helped, and it's also true that people were already hunkering down well before that order. I don;t get the impression that was the case in other states. I also think people here have even less faith in their leaders and less trust in the System than is typical. This state cannot solve problems. It only reacts to them See; homelessness, wildfires, housing, Prop 13, et al.
No, so it becomes painfully obvious that like 50% of the US has it or has had it. Will make the death rate go way the fuck down and drive home how idiotic it was to destroy our economy over this meme virus.
The explanation is that NYC is very unique as far as the US goes. Highest population density and a heavily used public transportation system. Even in California people are spread out and no one uses public transportation, comparatively speaking.
prove it with your skyline
Yeah except it's not. The hospitals are quiet. Ambulances are parked up everywhere.
Vid from someone on the ground there.
I agree with this. I’m hoping we can act least act the way we used to come summer, but the economic damage will take a year of not more.
Massive amount of land, as far as I know the most dense cities(LA, SF) are doing OK. Most of California is farmland
Why the fuck would civilization end? Testing for antibodies would just show how much of the population had Corona-chan without even noticing
>tfw part italian from new york & lungs feel heavy
why are meds so prone to getting this
Minorities don't listen to authority
This also includes semetic people - who believe they are above all people
Too bad an accelerated pre-existing conditions virus doesn't give a shit about their devil worship
Other countries as well
>March 18, Coronavirus cluster in NYC Hasidic community confirmed
>March 23, At least 65 Chabad passengers from New York have coronavirus in Israel
>March 17, Defying Virus Rules, Large Hasidic Jewish Weddings Held in Brooklyn
>UK, Why are so many Jews Covid-19 victims? Community leaders urge followers to 'preserve life' as figures reveal one in 20 Britons killed by coronavirus are from the religion
>UK, 25% of all deaths in UK are Muslim elders as Muslims are not stopping from Mixing with their elderly and each other.
This user gets it. San Francisco and LA don't even come close to NYC's population density.
Stop kissing and huggin everyone in a 5 mile radius
Wash your hands when you poop Luigi
im neet though.
And then everyone would freak out more than they did in February.
I guess in NYC, everyone has a problem with getting to close to one another.
Due to the cloud of asbestos New Yorkers were subjected to on 9/11, many people in New York have comprised respiratory systems. This is why there are much higher death rates. THEY ARE VICTIMS OF 9/11!
Multiculturalism breeds plague rats.
NYC hospitals are 3rd world country toer
Jew York's dirty little secret is that it has really outdated, shitty infrastructure for a supposed alpha-world city. I think they can get away with it because everything is expensive there so everything is automatically assumed to be top-tier
I don't know how NYs public transportation is but if it's anything like BART I'll die before using it
Lots of jews that lie about numbers like they always fucking do.
Because that's where the outbreak started. New jersey will soon be on New York's level, so will be every other states since mutts don't seem to be taking this disease seriously.
Democrat run and CCP paid for.
The mayor told people to go out and get infected
So did the top health official
Factual statement
>Why is it such a shitshow in New York?
Real answer: very, very high population density where social isolation and distancing is pretty much impossible. Even if people stay in their shitty apartments that costs thousands of dollars a month, they are packed in there like fucking sardines and could all still get it just from staying at "home." It is the worst place on Earth for this outside of some places in China that won't ever report the real number and literally welded people into their apartments to control the spread, which the U.S. won't do.
This is glaxy-brain shit but Trump and lots of other Democratic and Republican politicians both were ALL to blame for the U.S. shitshow we're seeing right now, and they don't give a shit in a totally nonpartisian way unless they or a loved one starts to die when they suddenly do.
They were committed to absolute open borders up until a few weeks ago and are now too dumb to shelter in place.
niggers and jews
America was great before the creation of the CIA