Explain what's wrong with porn without using emotional language

Explain what's wrong with porn without using emotional language

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It alters your hormone levels and can influence your sexual preferences.

Shrinks your prefrontal cortex. Contributed to anxiety and depression. Decreases sexual virility.

Too much swearing.


It presents a distorted version of reality and mis-aligns expectations to for those who consume it

Exploits young girls, fucking them up for life. Watch interviews from former pornstars about how they got into it, drug use, how they were treated.

Bad camera angles

Fuck off


Stop advertising.

Good post

It shows BBC, but you can't interact with it.

Immature people get an unrealistic expectation of secccx

it makes you feel like shit

sluts will be sluts whether there is a video camera to record it for all incels worldwide or not

It's degrading to women whether or not they believe it is. But the main problem with it that I see, is that it's like drugs. It's addictive and when you stay home watching porn. you never go out and start a family. Honestly think about this, there's one guy who goes out and dates women and lives a fulfilling life (not that you have to date to be fulfilled) and there's another guy who stays at home in his basement whacking it to women on a TV screen. Which would you rather be? you're not being all you can be in life when you stay home and jerk off to porn. Not to mention all of the problems with excessive masturbation. If you meet any alpha-male I guarantee you that guy is not staying at home like a little beta loser and watching the incredible homosexual practice of watching other men do what you wish you could.

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Objectively? Nothing.

Literally just a bunch of junkies, criminals, and batshit insane losers fucking for money.

It weakens a man's impulse control.

Porn grooms you to encourage cuckolding more that one would naturally. Porn gives you unrealistic expectations of how to interact with women. Porn can make you feel uneasy around people because you have shame of how good it felt to jerk off to someone who looks like them. Your fantasies leak into reality creating a feedback loop where you feel more inclined to be more misogynistic and misandristic at the same time.

If you're getting off on watching guy having sex with a woman you want to have sex with, you're a cuck.

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>Explain what's wrong with porn without using emotional language


It is degeneracy. And degeneracy must be purged. Pornstars and their producers should all be crucified. Anyone who disagrees gets nailed to the cross too.

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It rewires your gratification mechanisms.
Ability to delay gratification is linked to high IQ.
End of the story.

>It's addictive and when you stay home watching porn. you never go out and start a family.
Stopped reading there. I'm addicted and have a family.

Explain what emotion language is without using emotional language.

it turns you into a nigger smooth brain that's only concerned with visceral experiences that rots your soul.

Wearing out dopamine receptors is bad for your health. Sex with an actual female is more easily attained when you're driven and motivated instead of complacent. Also you're more likely to satisfy said female going 2-3 times in a row because you rarely masturbate and your refraction time is much less compared to someone who masturbates daily. Porn is actually way worse than fapping by itself, but I've never known anyone to watch porn and NOT fap. So as a rule of thumb if you can't avoid fapping, at least avoid porn and make an honest effort.

It has created a generation of insecure men that need religion for basic impulse control.

I'm pretty sure most people realize that real sex isn't like porn
>guy having sex with a woman
Most porn isn't that though

>Porn (((hub)))
Everything. They routinely post underage content and when they aren't, they're complicit in shilling degeneracy by hosting degenerate content. When I say degenerate, I don't mean "i dont leik it hurr" I mean everything from scat to furry and everything else.
Not much. Two consenting adults fucking and posting the film is fine. Just don't puke, shit, or piss on each other, or dress up in a furry costume and i'm fine with it.
no one is harmed except the viewer and the producer benefits directly with no concerns at all. truly patrician

You're really fucking bad at this. I'm sure the even more draconian SJW brigade you represent is never going to catch on with anyone who doesn't masturbate to Hitler's mustache. You don't even try to persuade anyone. You just say you want to murder people, and it's a LARP, and everyone knows you'll never do shit.

Destroys families and spreads degeneration to children creating crippled adults that are fundamental damaged rather than sexually healthy.

Ludovico technique

You gotta pay the troll toll if you want to get into that boy's hole. You gotta pay the troll toll to get in. If you want the baby boy's hole you gotta pay the troll toll. You gotta pay the troll toll to get in. Troll toll (whatchu say) troll toll (hey hey hey) troll toll.

Gives a massive dopamine hit to the brain activating the same pleasure centers as smoking crack. Causes relationship eroding addiction similar to drugs.

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You just described me perfectly

Porn is harmless and the modern day soccer moms of this forum need to get over it. This is like an argument from the 1970's.

>You don't even try to persuade anyone. You just say you want to murder people,


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Language meant to elicit visceral feelings instead of making a logical argument
nah, porn gets boring after a bit


That isn't really a problem if you watch amateur porn.

based cuckistani hit the nail here, thots will always fucc for cash if the price is right

OP gets btfo first post.
Ignores it.

>Gives a massive dopamine hit to the brain activating the same pleasure centers as smoking crack.
Total hyperbolic non-scientific nonsense.
>Causes relationship eroding addiction similar to drugs.
My girlfriend watches porn and so do I. Our relationship is fine. The reason why you can't get a woman isn't porn.

And you're LARPing and never going to do shit. What year do you think this is that anyone would be impressed by some faggot pretending to be edgy on the internet?

Pffft, who cares if your gf or wife doesn't like it, at least you're not cheating on her with someone irl.

Dopamine flooding will ki your productivity and slowly decrease your sensitivity to dopamine/serotonin and become depressed.

How did he BTFO anyone? Having regular sex can alter hormone levels as well. Are you people retarded? Do know know not cumming is bad for male health?

1 we have some neurotransmiters that enforce some behaviors.
2 the males use visual stimulus to get aroused.
3 the over use of visual stimulus could get you hooked on one behaviour to cum.
4 once you get hooked and for some reason (like age or comorbity) your testosteron drops (that could happen on 30 for some people depending on lots of factors) not even the ultimate pornstar could make your dick go hard. you will be hooked for life on porn unless you drop it for a few months. Not even masturbation will work without porn.

Impulsivity is the urgent message of God

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>t. coomer

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>imagine thinking a descriptive fact doubles as a prescriptive value! ROFL!!!!!!!

>Shrinks your prefrontal cortex.

great retort, I like that OP asked for logical arguments, and all I see so far is internet tryhards chimping out

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Girls like pron, as long as it's erotic and not gynecological/repulsive. I'd say 100% of women like watching porn as a stimulus to your sex life DESU. Therefore, porn is fine in moderation, as with all things.

promotes degeneracy and adultery. with the blacked and cuckoldry, the pride of the white man is falling into a degeneration without return.

porn should be burn for the sake of humanity.

fuck off you stupid cuck. porn is bad but stop defending these hoes

>Therefore, porn is fine in moderation, as with all things.

No. It is not fine. Porn should be banned. And all pornstars brutally executed by the state.

Muh moderation........shut the fuck up degenerate

>Girls like pron, as long as it's erotic and not gynecological/repulsive. I'd say 100% of women like watching porn as a stimulus to your sex life DESU. Therefore, porn is fine in moderation, as with all things.
This is pretty accurate. This isn't fucking 20 years ago. Everyone watches porn including women.

There's nothing wrong with it but it's way too common and way too easily accessible. The coomer meme took off so well because everyone now has a porn habit if not an outright addiction.

Nobodys reality is the same..me and my girl occasionally watch it together..and no it's nothing as deep as to get in the mood but idk just random..sometimes after sex we relax n watch...its something we didn't do in past relationships

It destroys your imagination. Pre internet teens such as I had to close our eyes and fantasize. Also jerking it used to be very individualistic and self loving. There was a romance to it.

Yes, but only one. Why not two? Have you no ambition?

nothing that can be proven

nebulous buzzword that means nothing
ridiculous argument
>with the blacked and cuckoldry
the only people who like this kind of porn are Yas Forums, it's the only place I ever see it brought up
>porn should be burn for the sake of humanity.
learn to speak English, brownskin foreigner

they have not enough piss porn and gangbangs

I jack off every day. I have a wife, a girlfriend, a six-figured tech job, nice house, cars, and kids, and I can fuck both my wife and girlfriend to cum several times per day.

>My girlfriend watches porn
>Our relationship is fine

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Jews. Always do the opposite of what Jews says. Checkmate, faggot.

gurantee you this guy is a total pussy without a gf in real life, part of this is schizos needing conspiracy theories to explain why they're dateless

It is a weapon designed to control you.

Fucks with the dopamine levels in your brain which should be directed towards physical procreation

>Explain what's wrong with porn without using emotional language

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Fuck porn

>Also jerking it used to be very individualistic and self loving. There was a romance to it.

I think I've been here too long.

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People still do that though, porn just isn't entertaining enough to jerk off to most of the time

Perhaps someone else will give this angry man a gun and a plan to set your whole world aflame.

Wrong. I am 6'2 200lbs 8%bf ripped to the bone of muscle. Anglo Saxon with blue eyes. I am that guy in the gym that all the girls eye fuck and who you wish you looked like.

It is fat coomer slobs like yourself who support porn. RWDS Chads like myself want to ban and execute porn degenerates.

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Young white women watch blacked videos and then start craving the BBC and white boys can never compete with that.

I watch fursuit porn all the time on Pornhub....deal with it normies.

Guys that dont shut the fuck up i dont wanna

that its not on my dick or face

You're right, there's no competition. Women who want to get rammed and pay the consequences later look for nigger dick. The stupid ones look for nigger dick for children. The smart ones look for traditional white men.

Same description he put on tinder

I have erectyle disfunction because of porn
I cant surpass a certain threshold of sexual excitement which is neccessary to get a full erection because its so high from porn

Lizard brain is responsible for reproduction.
Lizard brain doesn't understand abstracts like fiction/reality
Lizard brain overwhelmed with dopamine
Lizard brain numb to normal dopamine causing stimuli
Lizard brain no do anything else, not enough dopamine to motivate

You know its funny when i was dbol i never watched porn didn't even care

WTH? Incel alert!! I still enjoy porn while in a relationship, honestly sometimes it’ll give me ideas of some things to try ;)

HAHAHAHA it never fucking ends

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Read erotica senpai, 10x as creative as video porn

exacerbates sexual insecurities.

You know what else gives dopamine hits? video games tv books news papers and so on. Kill yourself.

Wrong..mabe often the case but not mine. I grew up the token white boy and that always benefited me

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>Most porn isn't that though
Maybe not the porn you watch faggot

I dont FEEL like it

Nobody's ever good enough for Yas Forums man we should be a bit more honest with our self

causes erectile dysfunction and decline in sexual drive.

It desensitizes you to intimacy with a woman, takes away the endorphins of real sex, thus removing the power process. Basically it’s yet another side effect of instant gratification in the modern world.

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I never liked porn with guys in it some people think thats strange not sure why

too many skinny bitches with no tits covered in tattoos

I know prohibition doesnt work but I still think porn should be banned.

>I have erectyle disfunction because of porn
nice LARP, grandpa