When are the stores gonna have stuff again?
When are the stores gonna have stuff again?
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when bernie is president
It's well stocked here you nig.
lol you look like a doofus
bro just turn around
also, are you wearing a reddit shirt?
Trump's America.
Stop shopping for food at drug stores retard. Grocery stores are back to normal, maybe even more so now that people are afraid to go out.
When you move the camera a few feet to the left or right.
Keked and checked
went to the store today and was able to buy hamburger, steak, hot dogs, buns, milk no problem
sucks to be you guess
>he hasn't planted cows in the back yard garden
a-user, I... hate to be the one to tell your cute pansy ass, but you ain't gonna make it.
when you stop living near retards
I'm at a Fry's in Phoenix, AZ. Shit hasn't gone back to normal.
When you fucking assholes stop panic shopping
Same in Scottsdale
can't, it calms me
You look like you could use a little less food anyway.
I went to my local Winco this morning and they literally had everything. There was a line and they only allowed so many people in at a time but I got some fuckin meat, toilet paper, the works. I walked around the store, absolutely no empty shelves or displays.
>grown man wearing graphic tee
oof yikes
santa fe is stocked good
When you take the mark of the beast and stop posting in n/s/g's, not a minute before.
>tfw it's a work shirt for the shitty call center I work at
Stores around me have restocked.
Perfectly stocked at my local grocery store.
When people start working again lol.
They will return when OP stops being a faggot
grocery warehouses are depleted. suppliers cant keep up.
i live in the bronx and the shelves are full here
How's that even possible?
I work and order shit in a large supermarket in a small state on the east coast and we're nowhere near back to normal. Cant even add anything to our orders and they ration what we get from the warehouses. Shits gonna be bad for awhile and we'll never catch up unless you gluttonous fucks dont stay out of the store for a week or so and stop buying shit
mine was only out of ginger root for some reason and i live in nyc
>no digits
because people lie on Yas Forums in an attempt to panic the gullible. remember the repeated attempts to start bank runs two weeks ago?
Lol, what a mask-wearing Reddit beta faggot!
>thinking the stores are going to be restocked
kek... yes... im sure the delivery will be here any minute now.....
>you can see all the shit in the reflection
Yeah because fuck you desert fags
>legitimately wearing a mask in public
Oof. Guess I'll stock up in the morning.
Who's buying all the fucking yogurt and dairy products? That shit has an expiration date measured in weeks. Meanwhile there's plenty of canned fish, cambells canned soup and canned baked beans.
the spics around me are either too poor to stock up or just don't give a fuck about the virus. diets around here are based on dry staple foods anyways, the average apartment has a month's supply of rice and beans normally.
whitey is too scared of the bronx to come here to shop
retarded considering that they've had full stock of toilet paper, lysol and hand sanitizer since this began
i work at a store in manhattan and the shelves are totally empty there. our supply chains are fucked. we didn't get any eggs in our trucks for weeks.
Stores are stocked you glow
Things I haven't seen in 2 weeks:
>toilet paper
>soap/hand sanitizer
>frozen pizza
>frozen vegetables
>ground beef
It's not that they're empty they have dropped SKUs for more TP more products of higher demand. you don't need 10 types of frozen veggies. my local store dropped 13,000 SKUs
We're mostly back to normal in the Rockies. Apart from boomers collectively losing their goddamn minds and tearing shit apart three weeks ago, it hasn't been terrible. Stupid shit was out for a couple days but everything's pretty much back to normal.
go to winco in mesa. fully stocked
Fuck off newfag
cottage cheese is a great source of protein for very cheap
>too poor to stock up or just don't give a fuck about the virus
probably a mix of both
plenty of eggs in brooklyn
People do stupid shit in a panic. Like buying shit like ramen noodles by the case... They forget that that shit goes stale as fuck within weeks. I commented a couple weeks ago to a thread about seeing some lady buying 12 cases of 60 count eggs... Who the fuck has fridge space for 720 eggs? Its all she had in her cart.
When will they learn
When you finally get some TP and this tranny is outside Walmart waiting to prolapse your asshole.
DC metro area the stores still don't have toilet paper, paper towels, or disinfectants, but meat and bread are back in stock now.
My Winco is in Cali, it seems that they have their shit together better than every other store. Fucking Walmart for example is ALWAYS out of everything, even when the doors open in the morning. They haven't yet coordinated with their delivery drivers/other companies to get shit into store when they're closed for the night
>shit goes stale as fuck within weeks
So what if they go a little stale, the important thing is that they don't spoil. You're an idiot if you're not stocking up on ramen right now.
yup...all those things are some of the many random things that are hard to come by. Also eggs, chicken, juices and water will be soon. The trucks for frozen food products only come once a week now when they used to come 4 times a week and management wont give us any reasons as to why. And they wont give us any timeframe as to when we can add to our orders again
>sapporo noodles
>looks spicy and korean style watery red broth
>not what Hokkaido is famous for, miso ramen.
absolutely foreigner pilled and cancerous.
>he's never eaten stale ramen
When they go stale, they aren't edible. They dont even get all the way soft when you cook them. Besides, all ramen is trash and no one should eat it
Checked fucking what?
Tell me.
Tell me exactly what you're checking.
I want to hear the thought process of an autistic faggot.
Eggs are binding. She probably hasn't taken a shit all month...
you americans just never ate decent ramen. Seriously, I have eaten at even your 'fancy' restaurants in big cities that have lines out the back. Its shit compared to a real ramen shop here. Dont get me started on that dehydrated crap you all eat and call 'ramen'
My store didn't have eggs for a while but had had chicken, typically. There were a few days in the start of the panic buy when they didn't, but chicken is at least back now and I've seen eggs the last few times I've gone in. Those are all limited 2 per household, so they're not disappearing
ahahahahahah funny joke.
you ausies crakc me up
Even fresh made ramen is trash, don't front.
There’s like no meat whatsoever in NC. Only ground beef I can find is that nasty 80/20 that I have to wash the fat off.
Prices are going crazy too. I got eggs a couple weeks ago for like $1/18 but now it’s like $5-6/18
Here, you can't even access the supermarket anymore. You have to wait in line, sometime 45 min to enter a supermaket. Some cops overzealously fine you $150 if they estimate that you didn't bought enough thing to justify being out. I don't even go to the bakery anymore, some people have been fined for buying "just bread". A girl has been fined because she went out to give water to her horses, "humans are more important than animals, doesn't matter if they die". It's becoming crazy.
nope, plenty of delicious ramen here. Rich broth with mouth watering savory chashu meat slices. You have no idea how good a bowl of ramen can be. People literally have blood feuds over ramen recipes here.
Is an example of
The food in Japan is fucking orgasmically good. Even something as simple as a sandwich is on another level there.
Kill yourself, faux-nigger.
Yeah, they've been getting more in, but we're still not getting enough or what we'd normally order for busier stores. Its dependent on when you go and where you are I guess. We'll have enough eggs for a day or day, then be out for another day or 2 before our next delivery.
Been doing this shit for almost 20 years and never seen so little on shelves. And its still been crazy busy and the stores are ransacked by the end of the day every day for 3 weeks now
Ive had your "delicious ramen" in Osaka, it was garbage.
Just pretend you only speak English and they’ll give up
>miso ramen
I'll buy the miso ones sometimes but I prefer the hot and spicy.
>When they go stale, they aren't edible
Total nonsense, most people probably wouldn't even notice the noodles are a little stale after they're cooked.
Where are you? Here, I can walk over 2 km to the big grocery and I've only had a line once when I went on a saturday morning. I'm in a town of less than 3k though.