The roastie upstairs just went into a psychotic episode again...

The roastie upstairs just went into a psychotic episode again. The floors are paper thin and she seems to be doing her impression of a T-rex. I've never heard a more demonic sound

This virus, it is making people go inside. Animals are not meant to be locked up in cages all day.

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1 million dead when?

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90%+ Americans are legitimately mentally ill. Especially those in authority positions.

The fluoride, the chemtrails, the shit in our food, the plastics. This place really is a barren wasteland

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Heard a roastie having a psychotic episode in the parking lot at 1am last night. The normies cannot handle this.

stop listening to your neighbors through the walls you fucking creeper

stop posting your fetish videos in this thread nigger

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Months ago retard. We’re nearing 30million confirmed dead

Imagine fighting over toilet paper when you could just wash your ass with water. Normies truly are subhuman.

found the roastie whore. Silence vaginanigger

When jews claim it hurt them the most

the only white who have a bigger dick than black

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What the fuck is wrong with these people holy shit

Our walls and floors are paper thin. I can hear everything they do and say. It's McMutt construction, making apartments unlivable to save a few nickels.

I am somehow not surprised that the Black man as saved videos of a White woman with a gigantic ass.

Fuck normies, I had training for years with my neet style jutsu and I am totally OK!

Can you record it?


thousands of roasties became nothing more than prostitutes the second the door shut.

can you vocaroo that shit?

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American sport

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Born and raised in the USA here. Can confirm. Mental illness is rampant. Talking to people is like walking through a minefield...

well, if the bitch upstairs had any sense of the fact that she's loud as fuck and other people had to listen to it even though they don't want to, she might shut the fuck up. but, women can't shut the fuck up, because she has the self awareness of a three year old.

you're a cianigger.

would have been a good time to drop a thermonuclear warhead.

She only does it sporadically between her listening to mumble rap and watching football with her boyfriend.

Boyfriend also has issues and likes to fuck with people's laundry. He's too much of a weasel to dare get caught though

I have so many questions.

record her then play her full blast so she can hear how much of an annoying asshole, also you'll have legally obtained evidence that you can use if she becomes a problem.

my neighbor is schizo, I record him screaming about raping my landlord in his ass and other equally hilarious things I play them sometimes for a laugh

>I’m a piece of shit who loves to spy on my neighbors
Literally made my skin crawl you fucking creep. S

I love you

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No I’m jewish

at least they are trying you nigger

Who had it first? Its hard to tell.

Normie faggots can't handle inside time. It's the autists time to shine.

In China it is quite common for people who are injured to sue(and win) a random citizen who tries to help them so people are have little incentive to help anyone in in need.

Should've dropped a smoke and stink bomb wombo-combo in the crowd and watched the chaos ensue

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Stop stomping on the floor roastosaurus bix

imagine being so fat and motionless for so long that the fat becomes deformed where you have been sat on your fat ass for so long

I'd pay good money for a livestream of lonely women going crazy in their apartments.

Post proof and reveal your secrets

Start smacking he ceiling with a boot or something. If she comes down to start shit just coof on her.

This is a clip from the intro to a BBW porno

She used to get really pissed if she heard anything downstairs but I fixed that by hooking up my pc to a bass and blaring an alarm clock. Then I'd play a laugh track when they finally shut the fuck up.

I had to repeat it a month later with Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe through the tulips", I laughed maniacally while doing it. The only thing these people know is fear so I want to make myself seem even more psychotic than they are

So just leave it on record continuously and then capture the right moment and edit it.

>oh look another tik tok advertisement
>brought to us by the nigger OP

>trips of truth
Fine, what do you want to know. You can ask 3 questions and I will answer them with complete honesty to the best of my knowledge

I feels you, time to move to the country and experience happiness

>letting people take off with ALL of the supplies
should have knocked her ass out and threw the toilet paper over into different aisles for other people to get

source pls what tmz show is this

stop using Chinese bullshit spy apps


Israel and NYC Jews are getting wrecked

I fully expect the US to nuke China because of this

I like your thinking

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You should get something to hit the ceiling when she raging. Tell the cunt to stfu and then record her reaction.

Wife had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. Stress from a fuckup of hers and my reaction to it drove her over the edge.
I've been living a semi-NEET life since childhood, but she's been used to getting out regularly. So, this isn't nearly as stressful for me sitting @ home.
That said, it is stressing. Not looking forward to trying to get normally consumed perishables. Out of frozen pizzas(I fix them up as a 'treat' on Fridays), low on beef patties and milk.
On that note, was furious when I read dairies are being forced to dump milk while grocers are limiting purchases. Lunacy.

Sit down and shut the fuck up.
You will NEVER be a woman

It turned the frogs gay !

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This is what would have happened if Jabba fucked Leia

fake. Jews don't believe in honesty

I want to make a folder of "china hate" but I feel I would run out of storage space

Give her a solid pounding. Tonight. Re-Evaluate after shower and food

50 days

How do I get free sex slaves 1.

where to sign up for Mossad / JIDF shill bux 2

what are the requirements to become legally immune as a Jewish tribe member 3

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you get what you pay for

>implying I wasn’t lying
Uhmm ok. Wow. You seem very troubled. Would you like to talk about it to someone? My brother is a psychiatrist

Tits and timestamp

get dabbed on

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Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Time to stay indoors
No more cock and drugs and booze
To satiate the whores
Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Thinks about her life
Pushing forty, has no kids
And nobody’s wife
Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Stuck inside her head
Daddy issues unresolved
Wishes she was dead
Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Hoists the noose up high
None will miss or mourn her loss
None will fret or cry
Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Does one final dance
Swinging from the ceiling high
Never stood a chance
Roastie Toastie, Day of the Toaster
Locked down in her home
Heed her lesson one and all
Lest ye die alone

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the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

How much


Cool dude

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>free sex slaves
Gotta pay. Don’t worry about it anyways. They only sell to other Jews and close associates. It’s a like a mob.
>where do I sign up
Gotta be of Hebrew descent. The Jewish caste system is broken down into 3 sects. The lowest caste is the Hebrews, these are the 90iq Arab looking Israelis. They make up the bulks of jidi and other shit jobs. Next is the eurojew, or white passing jew, they make up high level positions like Mossad. An example is famous actors and millionaires. The top caste is the elites, usually are so white they are identical to whites in appearance but have 130iq on average. They are an extremely small minority within a minority. They rule from the shadows.
>legally immunity
Gotta be in the upper half of the 2nd caste, and show that the last 2 generations have dedicated their lives for the cause. 1st and 2nd generation are not allowed that privilege, that is reserve for 3rd generation+

I just hope they'll soon start literally eating each other. It's cheaper than paint.

normies are fucking pathetic

$100 - $250 if things can be sexual

i genuinely wonder how these people are still alive... back when i was slightly obese i already had palpitations and sometimes trouble breathing while laying down


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

I’m a man