
What the fuck happens here?

Are they Eastern Europe or Western?

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>Are they Eastern Europe or Western?

>europe is a race

are they even european?

fuck europe

Rally, vodka, saunas

They belonged to the Soviet Union during the cold war tough.

>Are they Eastern Europe or Western?
not sure, but they are definitely the nut sack of Scandinavian.


The question is are they even more European than you are

I have beat up several German cunts coming here ruin nature

false, they were independent since WWI. they were part of the Russian empire

Northern European. also Sweden II

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Sphere of influence != Belonging to a country

>What the fuck happens here?
None of your business perkele.

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Based finngoloid, g*rman tourists are fucking cancer both here and in aus too.

>Rent campers and drive like shit causing loads of accidents
>Rock up to campsites super late
>Make shitloads of noise, pumping speakers and jabbering in their retard language until 1am
>Leave all their trash and toilet paper in the nearest bush

One group of cunts was running their fucking generator until 2am even though they were fucking sleeping until I went out and poured water into the fuel tank.

Finland is a hoax

>Are they Eastern Europe or Western?
They are Suomi.

Nigger, what the fuck are you on about? No one mentioned race.

Do Suomis feel close to Hungarians due to language similarities ?

calm down ossie

There's literally next to zero similarities.

nice digits, how white is Finland today?

I thought there were, because of Finno-Ugric grouping

>nice digits, how white is Finland today?
No snow in here.

completely nigerized stay out

Finland is Scandinavias retarded broder!!!

They probably have similarities with Estonia and maybe some into Latvia.
I wouldn't think so with Hungarians

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Alcoholism and depression

Some few words are a bit similar in the way they're spelled, but there's absolutely zero mutual intelligibility, neither written nor spoken. If you want to find a language that is closely related to Finnish, it's Estonian. They largely understand each other, and outsiders couldn't tell the difference between the languages.

They should try to get rid of the alcoholism so that they only have one of the two

Why the fuck do you care about our country kraut? It doesn't exist now fuck off.

Finland is Swedish territory or Russian, they cant hold their own ground!

Interesting, thanks

Is this not the place where they have full female governement and a smoking hot Prime Minister or is it Sweden ?


You mean Somali?

Together Sweden and Finland form the greatest bond never witnessed by other nations.

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Hehe no Tage!!!

Faggotry, rampant unrepentant faggotry. They cant help it though, as all the Euros are effeminate weaklings. That is why they can only get on the internet and bitch about being owned by America. We are better than you, fuck off were full.

Nothing happens here, i'm not even sure if Finland exists, or if i exist

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no they dont

Nopp. They are Nordic not Scandi. Also they are genetically distant from Scandis.

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That's why we're retarded, retard.

Swedish and Somali by proxy

I've travelled in both countries, and since I was curious about the similarities between Estonia and Finnish, I asked several people about the mutual intelligibility, and people told me that they understand each other to a certain extent. I doubt they all lied.

Yeah it's there

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no not all just most





whats your game dude?

A linguistic expert like you ought to know that there's only one L in hurtful.

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They are Forest Elves.

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But none of these are hotter than my current girl?

Karjala takaisin, perkele.

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>and poured water into the fuel tank.
shouldve salted it

based meatball

5 or 6 pls

What do you mean by that, idiot? They're Finnish.

I live in a city of 10k people not single black person. There are cities with suburbs filled with people who don't belong here


hellsinki is a jungle, pls purge

What’s the biggest difference between a native Finn and an American Finn? Live in an area with a high concentration of Finn immigrants from the 1900s and they are an odd bunch.