>Matthew 20:16 King James Version (KJV)
>16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
was Jesus just a jewish incel?
Matthew 20:16 King James Version (KJV)
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Probably idk. He was not that impressive as a god that is for sure.
Jews don't actually exist. They're literal stolen valor of an extinct ancient lineage.
Also, fuck illegitimate Israeli memeflag fags. Fuck the Balfour Declaration. Free Palestine.
Nah, he could have banged all the hoes, but did not.
Because that shit is adultery.
So basically he was a conservative omega chad.
Is he married or why would that be adultery?
>Free Palestine.
settle down Ilhan Omar
don't forget to worship him, give all your money to bankers, and import 3rd world immigrants
Adultery is sleeping with anybody who is not your wife, which obviously includes unmarried people.
That reminds me that I have to leave the church I don't want 10% of my income going to migrants
He should get married then
>give all your money to bankers
Not how charity works.
Incidentally that very same section of the bible talks about rich people definitely going to hell.
>import 3rd world immigrants
Jesus was kinda racist actually.
He was for Christians migrating elsewhere and teaching them (with exceptions for some ethnic groups he really hated, like Samaritans) but there's no indication he encouraged foreign immigrants.
Only exception is Christian nations accepting Christian refugees.
That's pretty much obligatory.
It's amazing how the Spirit didn't let you understand what was written.
After it is explained to you go back and read it again.
It's about people who went through the most difficult trials or found Christ early on not complaining that people who found him later or didn't have to face as difficult trials received the same reward.
>He should get married then
Celibacy is more pure, so sex was out of question for him.
Strictly speaking that's no obstacle to marriage, but God marrying a human does seem kind of wrong - and the child would be the son of the son of god who also is god hisself, so the son of god at the same time as the grandson of god.
It causes too many problems.
I did not mention charity. I am referring to Christian phobia of money, in general. This superstition has allowed the Jews to dominate banking, finance, etc in the West while good goyim go about their lives with no more difference than niggers.
>Christian nations accepting Christian refugees
Good thing Abdullah and Jamal have found Christ and a white gf. Vote CSD and pay for their apartment, child support
He could marry another immortal being.
The Bible alone suggests that he was voluntarily celibate, but apparently a book called The Lost Gospel based on an ancient manuscript claims that he was married to Mary Magdelene.
Charity is the only legitimate way for Christians to get rid of their riches.
Gifting money to someone already rich would add to their burden and so also add to the burdens of the giver by proxy;
Christians are not meant to condemn people to hell.
Jews dominating banking was because of usury.
Christians are not allowed to collect interest whatsoever, while Jews were barred from doing so only with other Jews.
Like who? The Holy Ghost?
Maybe he already is sorta married to it.
Reminder that 3d image was created by Israeli kikes who hate Jesus Christ and have spent two millennium slandering him.
But it is said Jesus was not handsome at all.
He also had a beard - that probably wasn't perfectly maintained for lack of razors (and his abstention from excess property).
Short hair also is most likely, since the bible states long hair is inappropriate for men.
That said, skin, hair and eye colors are debatable, and I don't agree with "Jesus not having a forehead".
God bless user
>married to Mary Magdelene.
typical SIMP
>Christians are not allowed to collect interest
exactly. an underclass of good goyim paying interest to an elite Jewish monopoly. How can we throw off the Jewish yoke with Christianity as a white religion?
>It's amazing how the Spirit didn't let you understand what was written.
Borrow money from Christians only?
It's the exact same deal in Islam.
Modern economic realities are a jewish construct to begin with, jewish from start to finish.
Capitalism is un-Christian. It revolves entirely around greed.
You can still borrow money in an ideal Christian society, but it will be necessary much less oftenly.
>The Lost Gospel based on an ancient manuscript claims that he was married to Mary Magdelene.
Gnostic feminism
>Modern economic realities are a jewish construct to begin with, jewish from start to finish.
>Capitalism is un-Christian.
Capitalism died a 100yrs ago pleb
Every fucking time
>basically he was a conservative omega chad.
Beta Rabbi who was sacrificed as a virgin to Yahweh
Quoting stuff out of context is not a legitimate argument.
That's from the pre-Christian part of the bible - in other words jewish.
It is one of the punishments for apostasy involving famine.
27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me;
28 Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.
29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
if you want to hobble yourself and live like the Amish, ok. to each his own, but if you want advocate pro-white positions (or pro-German, in your case), you can't be a poor farmer.
That's at best an opinion arising from ignorance.
And a completely incorrect one.
Betas don't have followers, nevermind 2 billion of them.
How many does Odin have again, or even had at his peak?
>Quoting stuff out of context is not a legitimate argument.
The context doesn't make it any better. You worship a child cannibalism sand demon cow.
He even sacrificed his own son Yeshua
>Betas don't have followers
Yes they do, when Jews promote them. Rabbi Yeshua became "Jezues" and then morphed into a white F2M trans. Look at him.
>That's at best an opinion arising from ignorance.
tits or gtfo!
I consign you to the Inquisition.
In your mind there is no alternative to Capitalism?
The mere mention of "hobble" makes me worry for your soul.
Your horizon is too narrow and I fear the jews did a number on you.
Show me the passage where god is eating people?
>or a sand demon cow
Sacrificing his son, maybe, it's tricky if you consider god hisself also is his son.
Put hisself through the wringer to bring people salvation.
Female angel idk he could just make a wife. Or make mary magdalene immortal like him
On YouTube or Twitch or whatever, sure, but that's an entirely different level than worshipping somebody as a god.
>in most cases
Already established he doesn't look like the iconography.
See >tits or gtfo
no u
>"Jooz" make forensic model of archeological skull.
>"This is in all probability the average Biblical jew".
>Neanderthal mouth breather WAT?
>OY VEY annudah shoah
>L@@K Cattle, here is your Precious Messiah
Do angels even have a gender?
I suppose the father and son do have something approaching wives, though.
Be it angels or the holy spirit or whatever else.
Supposedly there's all those saints up there already, and aren't nuns "married to Jesus" in a sense?
Technically all believers are immmortal
>once they are dead
But god playing favorites with someone specific doesn't seem right.
Maybe it's like with Muhammad and they have an infinite number of wives.
Wait so
>adultery is wrong and forbidden
>god made a child with the Virgin Mary
>that child is hisself in human form
Some might argue god was married to his own mother.
I never heard that nuns are married to jesus but I don't think it's supposed to be taken literally. I think angels can probably shapeshift.
>Duce Volt!
I prefer Southern Republican Jesus anyway
as if Matthew was more important than Mark.
It's a figure of speech, I suppose, or figuratively, but still pretty hot.
Or used to be. Young nuns are rare these days.
Regarding angels, probably, but this only reinforces the idea that they are sexless in themselves.
Like, you know, trannies don't become women either.
It shows in that god created human females only as an afterthought when Adam got bored and horny.
Based believer in the true gospel.
He ended it
Or tried to.
>Show me the passage where god is eating people?
Here is a passage where a virgin daughter is burned alive as a sacrifice to Yahweh
quit shitting up the board
Yes but it's still his father's religion
Is Abrahamic religion the work of an incestuous schizo? Probably not; I think he was faking on the voices in his head. But there is a reason why all major civilizations have had religion: because natural selection ended the civilizations that weren't.
You are biased into believing that a more truthful society is necessarily a better one. That is a dangerous delusion, fren.
I mean sure, the whole eating his body and drinking his blood thing, or transsubstantiation thing, is pretty weird, but it's not necessarily meant to be literal.
Depends on who you ask.
Beyond that
eating a god is pretty badass if you ask me.
God told one guy to kill his own son
and then at the last second went like
>just kidding bru
In that case however.. human sacrifices are a jew thing, not Christian, and consequently that's from the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.
Also just a dude making a crazy vow, not god asking for it, plus there's no indicator whether god was pleased with that shit.
Yeah, its about money and status and money, just not for the jews, for me instead.
>eating a god is pretty badass if you ask me.
Yeah, i hate jews and jesus and anyone that is not believing me about what i say about anyone that is not me and exactly like me. Yeah, now be a vacious shit like me.
He resists all the temptations you could possibly throw at him, goes to hell and comes back, returns leading an army that defeats evil for good. Oh and he sacrificed himself for your sins
It s now a Korean Jesus thread
You will have to get some quotes on the hell part there.
With how much the jews and main stream media hate on Christ and real Christianity obviously not.
So it's based on a stack and not a queue?
Korean Jesus created crossfit for your gains.
>natural selection ended the civilizations that weren't
which natural selection are you talking about?
the ones where the Jews killed millions or
where the Muslims killed millions or
when the Christians killed millions if you didn't convert?
fuck you religion