How's that "capitalism" working for you?

how's that "capitalism" working for you?

Attached: ohnonono.png (456x170, 10.49K)

Still better off than Venezuela, China, Cuba, Laos, & Vietnam.

***** are getting ****** and all we gotta do is count ******* deaths as virus deaths.

>country that landed men on the moon can't make masks
>has to steal masks from Germans
Diversity is our stre-

>Still better off than Venezuela, China, Cuba, Laos, & Vietnam.

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Actually great! Thanks to the little capitalism we have we are actually doing more accurate testing compared to the world. Wish we had more capitalism tho

Forgot to add Mexico. Enjoy your cartel violence.

>US beating global death% by 2x


And best yet, areas in the US hit the hardest are areas most likely leftist. Win - Win.

>California + Texas + Florida: 89 million combined population
>Combined covid cases: 28,700

>United kingdom: 66.8 million people
>Covid cases: 42,000

>Germany: 82.7 million people
>Covid cases: 96,000

>France: 66.89 million people
>Covid cases: 89,000

Bretty good

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>Forgot to add Mexico. Enjoy your cartel violence.

Attached: 1559319393730.png (1200x1200, 84.11K)

>Mexican posting memes making fun of mexicans
Is this one of the famed "Mexican Intellectuals"?

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>Is this one of the famed "Mexican Intellectuals"?

Attached: 1525997748625.png (659x387, 77.83K)

Americans are going to die on that hill.
I think here in Europe we can still change our ways and take another direction but it's ingrained wayyy deep into the American mind.


>chinese integrity

Remember the * million deaths from coronavirus!

I'm pretty sure the "La Creatura" meme was a diss on beaners. That illustration is unironically you.

Gonna be a lot worse when this is over. American capitalism can't handle an economic depression. 10s of millions of people without healthcare, employers forcing you to work 80 hours a week because you're terrified of losing your job... we might unironically see the revolution.

>Still better off than Venezuela, China, Cuba, Laos, & Vietnam
Boomer detected

Kek. The Amerimutt meme was a diss on spics and beaners. All of those illustrations are unironically /you/.

Amerimutts are so brainwashed that most of our country, even a lot of Democrats, unironically think your country is Communism on par with the USSR.
The only hope is that this collapse hits so hard that people finally revolt. That, and enough Boomers die that they stop infecting our elections and workplaces with their Boomer economics.

>at the beginning of the curve
>really, burgers?

The United States is the direct result of Europe's attempt of "changing our ways". Read a book, faggot. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

Attached: voltaire.jpg (1015x1200, 156.12K)

Now show the rest of the world an adjust China's numbers to something realistic instead of propaganda.

>.00002% of population dead
Fuck off shill

We can't, there's no way to know what China's actual number is.

Why would you of all people post the mutt meme? Dont you know what the word Mestizo means in english?

We're mitigating it way faster than you guys started

That meme also made fun of mulattoes.

>Dont you know what the word Mestizo means in english?
No. I don't speak mutt.

Enjoy your drugs, suicides, and "deaths of despair," white boi.

Attached: ageing population economy.jpg (700x526, 96.48K)

More MONEY for treatment bitches!!!!

21,000,000 shy on the world death count, Chang.

>a diss

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fucking retard. true capitalism would allow private companies to manufacture and develop as many masks and ventilators as the market (in this case, hospitals) needs. however, the government has myriad regulations and entrance fees which make it almost impossible for small businesses to manufacture the masks needed at a low price, leaving the big corporations to create resources and charge hospitals a much higher price for them. true capitalism is not regulated in this way.

the CEO of Dyson developed a new ventilator model in 10 days. Dyson is a relatively big company so they can get over all the regulatory hurdles, but what if it was a small business who was unable to sell the new model, even if it is more efficient? lives would be lost. if the government could just fuck off, i guarantee that this "pandemic" wouldn't even exist.

TL;DR, its not capitalism that caused all those deaths, its corporatism and an inept government.

I really like the whole calling workers "essential" thing going on lately.

You don't know shit about Voltaire don't post his image like it's relevant

I can’t wait until the boomers and their shitty economics die off. Then we can have a workers revolution and purge useless LGBT shits, niggers, and spics, since we all know those fuckers don’t work and don’t add value to any society.

Attached: 1586030992190.png (727x1622, 127.38K)

>massive pandemic panic
>shelves empty for 4 days
>fully restocked continuously since then
Unbelievably fucking well, thank you.

Fuck off with this "data". These graphs end during the Obama administration.

By stating the USA is at the beginning of the curve, in contrast to European countries, you're at the very least admitting that they were far more successful at containing the initial spread out of China.
At worst you'd realise the reason they're NOW getting hit with a delayed second wave is because YOU Europeans allowed it to spread from China to you, then from you to America.

>country that had to steal German scientists to land on the moon now has to steal German masks
Checks out.

Is that you behind mask meximutt? lol

Is Australia usually this perfect?

Americans are absolutely ill prepared to deal with that, structurally, and politically (and you can actually thank Trump for losing you 2 months and causing a lot of people to die in the process)

Trump was the one who instituted a china travel ban when all of the leftist political leaders were calling that "xenophobic" and when his health advisers were telling him it wasn't necessary due to the (((WHO)))'s findings. He saved us from the first wave. If you faggot Europoors had done the smart thing instead of sucking chink cock, we wouldn't have an outbreak here at all

is this the infamous french kike spewing their bullshit again?

we who have actually paid attention to how shit is going on in our country and KNOW how shit works in our country are aware of the corrupt and inept bureaucracy that operates independently and in this case in defiance of trump at times.
How about your president if we want to blame the face for everything that the body does wrong, hmmmmm?
How much trouble are you having enforcing the most BASIC of standards in your muslim infested sectors?
How much did your president cost YOU by not clamping down on the violent niggers lol?
But he can't do that now, can he?
Which is why blaming the president for not controlling everything and doing so competently is retarded.

don't forget the retarded bureaucrat that evacuated a thousand people out of wuhan against trumps declarations and bragged about following policy rather than new instructions.

Where are you getting your sources, retard? Vietnam only has 200 cases and 0 deaths while testing 65000 people as of April 2.

I mean we're not doing good ourselves, but your president literally chose to cut vital pandemic personal because he thought Obama appointed them, and called the virus a hoax for a few weeks

Attached: 1585841293960.jpg (850x861, 77.77K)

Both of those claims are blatant lies, kike. You know you're not doing well when you resort to parroting leftist propaganda on Yas Forums

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I am familiar with how people react to cognitive dissonance. It is not leftist propaganda to point out a bad reaction to a pandemic.

I mean, I’m rich and sitting in my room watching the rain. It’s okay.

>Vietnam only has 200 cases and 0 deaths
Do you believe those numbers are correct?

Attached: lf.jpg (930x522, 82.4K)


Why not?

Now post how many numbers of tests done
or use a per capita stat