@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Give People Hope 3/31/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/4/20
>American Heroes ONLINE! 4/4/20
>LabSec Scalia on F&F 4/4/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Jerry Falwell (Lara) 4/4/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Candace Owens (Lara) 4/4/20
>TrumpTweet: Paycheck Protection Program 4/3/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/3/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Energy Sector CEOs 4/3/20
>Team Trump ONLINE! 4/3/20
>2ndLady Karen on Suicide Prevention 4/3/20
>Lara Trump on DailyCaller 4/3/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on America 1st w/Gorka 4/3/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on FoxNews 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/3/20
>LabSec Scalia on Bloomberg 4/3/20
>SG Adams on Hannity 4/3/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


her name is annie and she's a judgy bitch

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Threadly reminder that I hope my whore ex and her fuckass family get Corona and die.


Isn't water a more precious resource than wood? You can grow more trees. Toilets and showers use a lot of water (especially those Jewish "energy efficient" ones)


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>You have to give your enemy a way to back out and save face if you want to win and convert them to the right side.
Not this time. They can convert openly and of their own volition due to recognizing they were wrong, or they can die. Their idiotic beliefs and voting habits are the primary cause of this current crisis. I have no sympathy for anyone who can't see through it.

Attached: iowa reverse bunny maga.png (1200x1714, 2.52M)

Imagine getting beat up by the Easter bunny

Just how fucked are the Democrats if this hydrochlorquine or whatever it's called actually works in most people?

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Reminder : Complacency is the true enemy, shills are everywhere, even outside Yas Forums /ptg/

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Some nigger on twitter just posted a great idea - for Easter Sunday next week, have mass on the WH lawn and broadcast it live. Have Franklin Graham do it. The reactions would be hilarious.

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Make white babies!

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Extraordinarily fucked.

bee nice

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Do America like schools shooting? Isn't it a bug joke that bullets are free to own instead of policed like good country. I think not so.

there's a +98% chance they'd live though

>dont use toilet paper
What should i use instead

>tfw hate kikes

Attached: kikehatingchampion2020.jpg (800x600, 165.37K)

These two have kids in cannon? I don’t like fanfic. It’s cringe and for young women and angsty teenagers

Attached: 1585065122382.jpg (480x640, 12.42K)

Pneumonia deaths have fallen off the cliff

Gee I wonder why....

Attached: hmmmm.png (799x583, 262.29K)

Then it's a fight to the death. Most people would prefer to retreat. Letting your enemy flee and taking them down through attrition is the surest path to victory. Sometimes a slobberknocker is emotionally healthy though. Don't neglect your sun tsu.

They just won’t talk about it

I know it's a nothingburger but I pray it will disproportionally affect them.

why would you post something so antisemitic

Attached: in minecraft.png (1164x956, 216.53K)

We have had like 8 actual school shootings since columbine. One was an exchange student at Virginia tech.

just wear a diaper bro

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Daily reminder to practice Racial Distancing. Minorities are 300% more likely to be carrying the virus.

why do people still think this shit will hurt them. Anyone with a brain is already not dem. they just make up new realities where they were always right and just collectively engage in the delusion so they can feel smug.


Attached: jew.png (1002x1440, 355.64K)

What fucking language do you speak?
It's not English


Attached: 1453215.png (803x652, 629.38K)

>bee nice

Attached: 1585530503202.png (756x751, 1.16M)

frankly if you aren't wiping your ass with baby wipes you're a barbarian

the Irish don't teach their kids Gaelic as a first language anymore, so the only way you're ESL is if you're a fucking paki
either that or your mom and dad were brother and sister


Did we break him?

>Then it's a fight to the death.
It has been for decades. Our side just wasn't fighting back until 2015.

It's not just about registered dems, it's about independents. If Democrats turn off 80% of independents with this malarkey, as seems likely, they lose pretty much every white-majority district outside Massachusetts.

Make this viral. It explains why deaths are so high.

bee smart

Attached: sad lain cat.png (849x1021, 734.84K)

>tfw hate niggers

Attached: approved.png (1887x1078, 2.44M)

>that roger stone build
as if his nappy hair and overall behavior weren't jewy enough

no wander she is not wife to you anymere. Like children here you are full of rioge and hate. You were likely a awful hasbond.

All we wanted to do was play Capture the Flag with him.

no, unless you count lilly.

men should not wear skin tight clothing
it looks faggy

>henlo, baesd depatmint?

Attached: 1568563345500.png (657x525, 24.05K)

Delete Yas Forums and /ptg/

Attached: Racists.png (650x360, 36.55K)


What has happened today? How have threads been?

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I heard public radio got more funding. Why isn't there a far right public radio alternative?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04_17-12-21.png (425x504, 216.07K)

so here's the chart, new and improved so that the curves are aligned better. i only included countries that have reached 15+ days of outbreak so that they are easier to identify and the curves aren't as cluttered (and also canada for some reason, i must have misclicked their row and removing them will fuck up the coloring i selected)

Attached: 1567538125179.png (1127x694, 128.16K)

>pickles are for eating
colour me surprised

Attached: 1584167424217.png (897x1021, 1.13M)

Based and reasonpilled

what are those abominations he's wearing where pants should be?

cool it with the antisemitism

Attached: 1478278574146.jpg (396x385, 34.35K)

Dude wtf is wrong with your cat

He still looks dyel bro.


Attached: anime vs jew media.png (700x777, 366.04K)

Clamping down on gun ownership has skyrocketed violent crime in every country it's been tried. Americas gun problem is primarily a demographic problem. We're safer than Switzerland if you get rid of the 13%.

lol the leaf

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then you find it but you have saved it 3 different times

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When you point this out retards just say hurr durr Corona killed them before they got it

Kek, she left me when I was at my lowest point and then spent 6 months stringing me along and telling me she made a huge mistake. I can imagine a medfuck like you would support her brown ass though lol.

Pray for the biggest victims of the Corona virus

Attached: 1586003781210.png (1159x708, 86.88K)

Thats the one I have and couldnt find lol

White flight has never ended entirely and has picked up since July 2017. After 12 - 19 years of reverse migration of Baby Boomers, Younger white Gen Xers, and White millennials back to cities. All remaining growth among the European American population is occurring in Exurbs. Also the Inner ring of the Suburbs to a lesser extent. Rural America has declined every year with over a 1% numerical drop since 1990.

I am not a fan of the Jewish faith or its people.


/ptg/ is officially cancelled because this guy proved he wasnt chinese

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I know. We haven't even been playing long. The problem is if you corner them too early you have a riskier fight. There is only one winner in this battle, but being impatient may not serve us.

While we have the virtue of seeing through a century of propaganda, other good honest people are still trapped. Give them time to slide to the side, and the blow will land more steadily. Do not neglect your sun tsu.

Much nicer. Also
> Belgium

Do they not teach English in Ireland?

>Thats the one I have and couldnt find lol
yea i have been looking for like 15 minutes

Attached: 1585154775037.jpg (200x210, 5.55K)

One is too money I put it to you my point of firing weapons is harmfull to living. Then why copy more? not like you nned it. Why train groups of ppl with gun? and give thanks and planes with gun? America nneds to better itself. Update the Bill of Rights to this time. Yes.

friendly reminder that white-nigger interracial couples are less than 0.5% of all couples but 100% of the couples represented by the MSM

He’s obviously a chyna with a proxy

i'm looking more at
because if they end up staying pretty low, then there's the data you throw back at the governments telling them this quarantine was a colossal waste of time and money

Wait so is the preferred anti-gommie weapon (other than a helicopter of course) an ice pick?

Attached: 2020-04-04_19-18-08.png (697x719, 315.89K)

Im raking up all the (you)s in /cvg/ general. Nobody suspects a thing hahahahah

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We don't have that kind of cheese here.

I don't even need to say anything.

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Dude do you not speak English?

Is this the last 15 days for New York?

>good honest people are still trapped
By definition they're not good or honest if they refuse to admit the basic truth, and niggers aren't even people.

Attached: Screenshot_20200404-164637__01.jpg (1080x743, 165.13K)

is that supposed to be Obamaleaf aka Chang Goldberg?

MAGA also kek (did pajeets get it right on the first try?)

anyway here's mobility reports released by jewgle (the pdfs have state wise if you need it)

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I have 3300 pictures in my folder. No way my lazy ass will tag/label them all. Maybe ill just do it going forward

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0.6%* of married couples and 0.8%* of those cohabiting but not married

This is not like a wife. you were bad and I will be a fair husbad when future shows me.



What are you saying

No he’s way cuter

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yuo go to prisen

Attached: b&.png (564x1926, 266.24K)

>but boomers who would otherwise just fall asleep watching fox news have awoken to the real extent of fake news and are following alternative media, doing their own independent research, and using social media to spread information.
>how is this a bad thing?
They are still complacent. Posting fake quotes from Mel Gibson and Keanu Reeves on Normiebook all day doesn't actually accomplish anything. They "trust the plan" because "patriots are in control." Absolutely nothing has changed.

And that's the REAL plan.

>Prove it
I already have, repeatedly. You just continue to ignore it like every other (((Q))) believer because you are emotionally invested in it being real:

That's how you can tell they're outsiders.

Attached: spurdo baited.png (651x429, 36.28K)

>I am not a fan of the Jewish faith or its people.
I like the cut of your jib, fren.

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Imagine not being a chinachad

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Pasta leaf?

Remember to report all fleeing new yorkers to your local authorities.
Don't let them spread their disease.

Attached: Exploding Knees.jpg (1280x1813, 499.11K)

What yall doing with the Trumpbux? Buying hookers?

Attached: tejina27.jpg (502x549, 92.6K)

I dont understand your point. Most people with Corona die from pneumonia. Their lungs fill with fluid and they “drown”. Are you suggesting they are missclassifying pneumonia as coronavirus? You would have both.

>when you thought the cancer was gone but it just migrated to a different part of the body

Attached: REEEMOVE LEAF.jpg (280x180, 10.42K)

I see you, tranny jannies.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-04 (0) pol - PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - STOP IT EDITION ptg - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (1877x142, 92.95K)

>No way my lazy ass will tag/label them all.
well just pic a few favorites and organize them. i sure would be upset if i couldnt find just the right frog drinking coffee

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war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

oh you know, how my GF is 33 and fuck /adv/ they give shit advice, and the one about my gf going to a passion party kek

I was expecting someone to call me out but none did
yes, lol

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I do English. I visit America 3 times last summers/ Each time I have joint my friends in protest and good times. I was sent to America.Known your culture.The heart of America is felt in me strongest than you.. I visited steak house like you did. Yes. I even cleaned myself with your flag in protext at collage of boston


>Jewlianna Interviews a Kike Doctore talking about HCQ BTFOING the Wuhflu
>Jewlianna Interviews a Kike Doctor talking about HCQ BTFOING the Wuhflu
How come nobody is talking about this?

lol we got a cranky pirate

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 46.97K)

Lmao I checked you bastard

Kellyanne dumped him.

Boy, I sure do hate kikes.

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Thanks for baking and stuff watch out for birds with flu

Nice, thanks

For some reason, my swedish connection is insisting that in northern Sweden people aren't doing jackshit differently really.

Attached: 1585533592318.png (206x261, 35.97K)

I still dont understand why Sept and not at the very least 1st week of May or last week of April

What mode is this?
Also I thought that I would never see the retarded "high and tight" outside of a military town

Attached: anon time to play.webm (852x480, 2.72M)

You just have to prove one thing to prove the truth of this:

>Is there such a thing as a former leftist?

The answer is yes, especially as they live longer and see more political and media lies. There's a reason leftism is the mindset of the young and naive.

It's almost like someone is mislabeling them as Corona virus deaths or something.

Attached: Dragon Ball Z - S03 E087 - The Ultimate Battle (720p - TRI Audio).mkv_20200404_044313.075.png (1280x720, 970.29K)

haha did he started gaining weight?

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This already was proven to be a lie

My network drive is also slow at loading thumbnails, so that sucks

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Even donald trump that decided to move to florida??

Because NEETs and other leeches need time to die off.

Attached: 1550096009194.jpg (1550x1400, 153.71K)

Are people still gonna shake hands and shiet after this because it's fucking gross

Ban handshakes

Attached: dragonmask.png (910x447, 433.45K)

>you will never shitpost with Blumpf

What the hell lel France miscounting biting them. Netherlands in awful shape to for being big international business center.

I'm just fucking around. I honestly don't know, I'd just like to see the most useless of society die off.

>i sure would be upset if i couldnt find just the right frog drinking coffee
post 1 other one

Attached: https___archive.4plebs.org_pol_search_filename_1560605667765.png_.png (960x5760, 1.93M)

Long islander here. Öyster Bay and Suffolk County have managed to avoid a lot of ethnic change that we experienced during the 1990s and the 2000s that Rich New York City dwellers foisted onto us. They gentrified Northwest Queens and made the rest of the borough too expensive. People from South/Southeastern Queens started flooding out here in the 1990s after massive white flight was basically over. All black and Puerto Ricans. This was on top of El Salvadoran refugees, Caribbean black, and Dominican immigrants coming here and that started in the 1980s. Under Trump Suffolk county, Oyster Bay, The South Shore of Hempstead, Floral Park, Kings point, and Garden City have gotten better and the rapid growth of non white neighborhoods and their expansion into white ones has slowed drastically. I’m very happy

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>"Leon Trotsky"

Did they mean Lev Bronstein?

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it will not be sad when he is shot with bullets used to murder babies in schools.

Attached: handgun-fire-usa-bill-of-rights-2nd-amendment-picture-id659611087.jpg (1024x682, 723.3K)

>Muh virus
Bowing is for slaves, nigger. Wash your hands.

>they're not good or honest if they can't admit the truth.
Well, very few people by that definition are good or honest. The point I'm making is changing your belief structure because you went along with a Fantasy for years is not a quick thing. It's not an easy thing. While they were mislead, those who have faith in truth are still human. They need time to overcome their baser natures.

What is your first language?


Attached: RedStateFlavor.png (1063x1518, 313.54K)

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He needs to put on the mask

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Back in ‘83 I took a shit in the stall next to Trump at an award show

Bows are for civilized people in the age of germ theory. This is known.

Attached: dBRFUGK.jpg (1053x900, 435.41K)

Tranny jannies at it again.

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_azur_lane_drawn_by_kuroduki_pieat__33d72aef9d5352773013aa3bc35e0ed4.jpg (1200x831, 694.2K)

>banks get "repo" loans numbering in the hundreds of billions literally overnight
>wagies can't even get Trumpbux within a month

Attached: luminescent wojack.png (534x640, 375.85K)

>Well, very few people by that definition are good or honest.
>The point I'm making is changing your belief structure because you went along with a Fantasy for years is not a quick thing. I

Why would (((Kushner))) care about filling Christian chur...


It's been five years. I don't give a fuck anymore. They can wake up, or they can die.

>Fedora shift starts
>all of a sudden bans and warnings

Attached: hmmmmm_Kino no Tabi_The Beautiful World.png (601x449, 318.92K)

>You will never shart in a Walmart with Cheeto bento

>he doesnt know about early morning coffee hours

Attached: why not both.png (212x200, 32.28K)

>tfw no butch mma qt gf to choke me out and punch my balls