How do you feel about the African migrants who arrived here in 2014 during the world cup (mainly senegalese and Haitian)? Why in the fuck does Brazil allow Senegalese free access without the need for visa? What region are you in, and do you see many of them selling shit in your center areas?
Never seen one of those creatures, live near Curitiba.
Certainly whiter than you my fella
Heard there are tons of them in downtown Curtitiba, they tend to go to the whitest areas, to then complain about racism, you know how that goes...
It's been a long time since i went there, could have mistaken for a regular br nigger, from what i heard downtown ctba is getting worse by the day
We have >60.000 murder cases a year. And people are parroting about identity politics and other leftist talking points all the time on tv.
Do you really think people care about this?
I know the vast majority don't, but I do, and that shit keeps me awake at night.
Have you seen how the population of Africa will increase in the coming decades? Brazil isn't exactly the hardest country to get into and be illegaly in... You know my fear.
I live a fairly good life, mostly germanic town, so I don't feel the effects most do, but I fear I eventually will. Kill niggers.
Quieto macaco judeu.
Nós devemos considerar apenas quando a vítima for branca e o criminoso for branco.
They brought more crime, more unemployment, more shitty genes, more shitty food and more diseases, whats not to love?
I mean, I haven't heard of them comitting crime if I'm gonna be truthful. I just don't like having them around.
Brazil is more of an African country than mine
Never saw a haitian beg in the streets like the venezuelans, they always have a job.
Here in SC there are so many Haitian monkeys that it happened.
low IQ niggers
What do you mean by job?
Actual job or just selling useless crap on the streets, not paying taxes like store owners do?
You have no idea of how bad I wish I could just round them up and do you know what...
feels great, we need more doctors and engineers
They are always selling useless shit on the street. Kick them back to where they came from
I only saw some of them walking around but I don't know anything about them or how they compare to the local niggas.
Must suck being blind
People here got pissed off they said he's from Haiti. Bunch of cucks. I don't really care anymore.
They commit crime in many places, mostly in sao paulo, steal phones in big events then go back to their countries to sell it. Thank Dilma and leftists for letting they living here.
tem que estourar a cabeça desse preto na bala
But holy shit, what do you people love Haitians so much? "My god, they are so hard working", "They came here for a better life, they are so brave, I wouldn't mind them fucking my daughter.". This is the shit I hear all the time.
what is a fart for someone who pooped on pants?
these niggers are more decent than 90% of monkeyzilians
I'm not worried about em. Never heard of them commiting crimes or stuff.
Maybe when Ebola strikes again I'll change my mind
>mostly germanic town,
where do you live, are haitians niggers living there?
they're cancer, like most illegals. they should be deported
No Haitians in the northeast
Only pain and suffering
>How do you feel about the African migrants who arrived here in 2014 during the world cup (mainly senegalese and Haitian)?
I feel bad. We don't need more niggers.
>Why in the fuck does Brazil allow Senegalese free access without the need for visa?
Good question.
>What region are you in, and do you see many of them selling shit in your center areas?
Something I do see them, but somehow, it seems I'm seeing less of them each year. I live in São Paulo, and the old center has a lot of those nignogs.
if you want a nigger, just import a Northeastern bahiano
>these niggers are more decent than 90% of monkeyzilians
this is what you think, you fucking cuck. where the fuck do you think brazilians niggers came from?
I see a lot of them and they are always working selling stuff on the sidewalk, and some even have jobs in stores and restaurants. I'd trade one Senegal dude for 10 lazy Brazilians commies any day of the week.
niggers from africa are unironically more civilized than local niggers
There used to be a bunch of them here a few years back, but I guess they all moved to São Paulo since, because I hardly see any nowadays.
It is the unholy product of communists and liberal businesses ruling a country as always.
By the end of the day, they are the same consumerist ideology where nothing long lasting is worth a damn.
>it seems I'm seeing less of them each year. I live in São Paulo,
That's because they are all coming here live in the south. Every time I travel from sao paulo the bus is full of them.
You can identify them. They are black as night they are hard working people
The native-brown-mulato-brazilian-favela ones is way more dangerous then any of them
> what is a fart for someone who pooped on pants?
is more poop to clean.
it's that typical negligency that brings late self destruction. little by little
Made for PAWG
That's bad... That's really bad.
>Hard working
You mean really dumb, incompetent and lazy. Though I guess they do show up to work.
why the fuck would anyone go to Brazil for a better life, even the rich people hate it there!
My family hosted a foreign exchange student from Brazil, she hates it there, her kid already moved here to get away from that shithole
Nigga, "people" eat dirt cookies with salt and tree barks in Haiti.
The population of Africa won't increase the way it's projected to. It's not possible. They're already extremely reliant on other countries for food/aid, and this virus shit will certainly cut back on that for the foreseeable future. The rest of the planet can't logistically support Africa's insane growth rate.
This is for the middle class. They don't like brazil and instead want to invade first world countries.
we need to see some statistics before reaching that conclusion.
> how many of them live their lives properly?
> how many of them partake in crimes?
in the end, it's all a numbers game.
i spoted the brazilian nigger
Senegalese and Haitians are NEGROS like you Macaco
Suck my germanic cock darkie
Está cheio de nordestino aqui também.
>How do you feel about the African migrants who arrived here in 2014 during the world cup (mainly senegalese and Haitian)?
feel sorry for them brazil is probably more fucked than senegal at this point
>Why in the fuck does Brazil allow Senegalese free access without the need for visa?
why not, they cause less problem than yankees
>What region are you in, and do you see many of them selling shit in your center areas?
são paulo
few actually. can always spot one or other but not many. most street salesmen look like ethnic brazilians
Idk about the haitians but senegaleses are much better than the favela niggers he have here, i know a muslim(showed me a video of of a guy being beaten for being gay) senegalese, he do what everyone do here, sell shit he buy from 25 de março. The guy managed to save some money and now he rents a small box where he sell the same shit, but more stable and he can send money to his family. He speaks french, english, some african language and whith time will also know portuguese, he told me all his friends wants to have an actual job, as shit as it can be, but the government doesn't fucking cares about then and without documents they can't do nothing. I never fell scared of being robed around then. Let they come, unless you live in a small nazi city on the south we are better with then than with the half inbreed niggers we have here
So this is what a huehue thread looks like? Now post cute native girls
We're shit.
And u know it
You are a cuck, or a woman. After carnival in sao paulo many of them were arrested for stealing phones. That's what they do, they are criminal scum, and should go back.
''Let they come'' Vai tomar no cu, arrombado. Adota alguns então, se tu gosta tanto deles assim, pra eles foderem tua mãe
>complaining about niggers
Dude you guys have no idea how bad is here in NE. Last couple of years fucking chinks are flooding our lands. Just wait a bit and you will see.
>there are chinks in 13 de maio as well shut up
Yeah, just imagine those fuckers all over our country. We kinda need a racist xenophobic president right now.